6 years ago
4 changed files with 243 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ |
; |
EnableExplicit |
Global PBEx_FTP |
#PBEx_FTP_Version$ = "" |
#PBEx_FTP_Protocol_FTP = 1 |
#PBEx_FTP_Protocol_SFTP = 2 |
#PBEx_FTP_Protocol_FTPS_Implicit = 3 |
#PBEx_FTP_Protocol_FTPS_Explicit = 4 |
CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x86 |
PBEx_FTP = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, "PB.Ex_FTP_x86.dll") |
CompilerElseIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x64 |
PBEx_FTP = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, "PB.Ex_FTP_x64.dll") |
CompilerEndIf |
Prototype OpenFTPEx(ID, Protocol, ServerName.p-Unicode, Port, User.p-Unicode, Password.p-Unicode, Charset, ErrorOutput) |
Global OpenFTPEx.OpenFTPEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "OpenFTPEx") |
Prototype CloseFTPEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global CloseFTPEx.CloseFTPEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "CloseFTPEx") |
Prototype CheckFTPConnectionEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global CheckFTPConnectionEx.CheckFTPConnectionEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "CheckFTPConnectionEx") |
Prototype IsFTPEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global IsFTPEx.IsFTPEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "IsFTPEx") |
Prototype ExamineFTPDirectoryEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global ExamineFTPDirectoryEx.ExamineFTPDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "ExamineFTPDirectoryEx") |
Prototype FinishFTPDirectoryEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global FinishFTPDirectoryEx.FinishFTPDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "FinishFTPDirectoryEx") |
Prototype NextFTPDirectoryEntryEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global NextFTPDirectoryEntryEx.NextFTPDirectoryEntryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "NextFTPDirectoryEntryEx") |
Prototype FTPDirectoryEntryNameEx(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global FTPDirectoryEntryNameEx.FTPDirectoryEntryNameEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "FTPDirectoryEntryNameEx") |
Prototype FTPDirectoryEntrySizeEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global FTPDirectoryEntrySizeEx.FTPDirectoryEntrySizeEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "FTPDirectoryEntrySizeEx") |
Prototype FTPDirectoryEntryTypeEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global FTPDirectoryEntryTypeEx.FTPDirectoryEntryTypeEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "FTPDirectoryEntryTypeEx") |
Prototype FTPDirectoryEntryDateEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global FTPDirectoryEntryDateEx.FTPDirectoryEntryDateEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "FTPDirectoryEntryDateEx") |
Prototype FTPDirectoryEntryAttributesEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global FTPDirectoryEntryAttributesEx.FTPDirectoryEntryAttributesEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "FTPDirectoryEntryAttributesEx") |
Prototype GetFTPDirectoryEx(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetFTPDirectoryEx.GetFTPDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "GetFTPDirectoryEx") |
Prototype SetFTPDirectoryEx(ID, DirectoryName.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetFTPDirectoryEx.SetFTPDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "SetFTPDirectoryEx") |
Prototype CreateFTPDirectoryEx(ID, DirectoryName.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global CreateFTPDirectoryEx.CreateFTPDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "CreateFTPDirectoryEx") |
Prototype DeleteFTPDirectoryEx(ID, DirectoryName.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global DeleteFTPDirectoryEx.DeleteFTPDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "DeleteFTPDirectoryEx") |
Prototype DeleteFTPFileEx(ID, FileName.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global DeleteFTPFileEx.DeleteFTPFileEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "DeleteFTPFileEx") |
Prototype RenameFTPFileEx(ID, FileName.p-Unicode, NewFileName.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global RenameFTPFileEx.RenameFTPFileEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "RenameFTPFileEx") |
Prototype ReceiveFTPFileEx(ID, RemoteFileName.p-Unicode, FileName.p-Unicode,IsAsynchron, ErrorOutput) |
Global ReceiveFTPFileEx.ReceiveFTPFileEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "ReceiveFTPFileEx") |
Prototype SendFTPFileEx(ID, FileName.p-Unicode, RemoteFileName.p-Unicode, IsAsynchron, ErrorOutput) |
Global SendFTPFileEx.SendFTPFileEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "SendFTPFileEx") |
Prototype FTPProgressEx(ID, PercentValue, TransferRate, EstimatedTime, ErrorOutput) |
Global FTPProgressEx.FTPProgressEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "FTPProgressEx") |
EndIf |
Define ErrorOutput$ = Space(128) |
Define FileName$ = Space(#MAX_PATH) |
Debug "SFTP..." |
If OpenFTPEx(1, #PBEx_FTP_Protocol_SFTP, "", 22, "demo", "password", #PB_UTF8, @ErrorOutput$) |
;If OpenFTPEx(1, #PBEx_FTP_Protocol_SFTP, "", 2222, "demo-user", "demo-user", #PB_UTF8, @ErrorOutput$) |
SetFTPDirectoryEx(1, "pub", @ErrorOutput$) |
SetFTPDirectoryEx(1, "example", @ErrorOutput$) |
;SetFTPDirectoryEx(1, "download", @ErrorOutput$) |
;SetFTPDirectoryEx(1, "upload", @ErrorOutput$) |
If ExamineFTPDirectoryEx(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
While NextFTPDirectoryEntryEx(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
FTPDirectoryEntryNameEx(1, @FileName$, @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug FileName$ |
Wend |
EndIf |
; Define a |
; Define PercentValue = 0 |
; Define TransferRate = 0 |
; Define EstimatedTime = 0 |
; |
; ReceiveFTPFileEx(1, "wftpserver-linux-64bit.tar.gz", "D:\wftpserver-linux-64bit.tar.gz", 1, @ErrorOutput$) |
; |
; For a=1 To 100 |
; FTPProgressEx(1, @PercentValue, @TransferRate, @EstimatedTime, @ErrorOutput$) |
; Debug PercentValue |
; Debug TransferRate |
; Debug EstimatedTime |
; Debug "--------" |
; Delay(100) |
; Next |
; |
; Delay(10000) |
CloseFTPEx(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
Else |
Debug ErrorOutput$ |
EndIf |
Debug "" |
Debug "FTP..." |
If OpenFTPEx(1, #PBEx_FTP_Protocol_FTP, "", 21, "webika3rg_qch3ai", "PureBasic!2016", #PB_UTF8, @ErrorOutput$) |
If ExamineFTPDirectoryEx(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
While NextFTPDirectoryEntryEx(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
FTPDirectoryEntryNameEx(1, @FileName$, @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug FileName$ |
Wend |
EndIf |
CloseFTPEx(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
Else |
Debug ErrorOutput$ |
EndIf |
Debug "" |
Debug "FTPS explicit..." |
If OpenFTPEx(1, #PBEx_FTP_Protocol_FTPS_Explicit, "", 21, "demo", "password", #PB_UTF8, @ErrorOutput$) |
If ExamineFTPDirectoryEx(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
While NextFTPDirectoryEntryEx(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
FTPDirectoryEntryNameEx(1, @FileName$, @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug FileName$ |
Wend |
EndIf |
CloseFTPEx(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
Else |
Debug ErrorOutput$ |
EndIf |
Debug "" |
Debug "FTPS implicit..." |
If OpenFTPEx(1, #PBEx_FTP_Protocol_FTPS_Implicit, "", 990, "demo", "password", #PB_UTF8, @ErrorOutput$) |
If ExamineFTPDirectoryEx(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
While NextFTPDirectoryEntryEx(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
FTPDirectoryEntryNameEx(1, @FileName$, @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug FileName$ |
Wend |
EndIf |
CloseFTPEx(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
Else |
Debug ErrorOutput$ |
EndIf |
CloseLibrary(PBEx_FTP) |
; IDE Options = PureBasic 5.60 (Windows - x64) |
; CursorPosition = 74 |
; FirstLine = 57 |
; EnableXP |
; EnableUser |
; Executable = PB.Ex_MSSQL_x86.exe |
; CompileSourceDirectory |
; EnableCompileCount = 770 |
; EnableBuildCount = 6 |
; EnableUnicode |
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ |
; |
EnableExplicit |
Global PBEx_FTP |
#PBEx_FTP_Version$ = "" |
#PBEx_FTP_Protocol_FTP = 1 |
#PBEx_FTP_Protocol_SFTP = 2 |
#PBEx_FTP_Protocol_FTPS_Implicit = 3 |
#PBEx_FTP_Protocol_FTPS_Explicit = 4 |
CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x86 |
PBEx_FTP = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, "PB.Ex_FTP_x86.dll") |
CompilerElseIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x64 |
PBEx_FTP = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, "PB.Ex_FTP_x64.dll") |
CompilerEndIf |
Prototype OpenFTPEx(ID, Protocol, ServerName.p-Unicode, Port, User.p-Unicode, Password.p-Unicode, Charset, ErrorOutput) |
Global OpenFTPEx.OpenFTPEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "OpenFTPEx") |
Prototype CloseFTPEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global CloseFTPEx.CloseFTPEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "CloseFTPEx") |
Prototype CheckFTPConnectionEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global CheckFTPConnectionEx.CheckFTPConnectionEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "CheckFTPConnectionEx") |
Prototype IsFTPEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global IsFTPEx.IsFTPEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "IsFTPEx") |
Prototype ExamineFTPDirectoryEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global ExamineFTPDirectoryEx.ExamineFTPDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "ExamineFTPDirectoryEx") |
Prototype FinishFTPDirectoryEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global FinishFTPDirectoryEx.FinishFTPDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "FinishFTPDirectoryEx") |
Prototype NextFTPDirectoryEntryEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global NextFTPDirectoryEntryEx.NextFTPDirectoryEntryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "NextFTPDirectoryEntryEx") |
Prototype FTPDirectoryEntryNameEx(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global FTPDirectoryEntryNameEx.FTPDirectoryEntryNameEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "FTPDirectoryEntryNameEx") |
Prototype FTPDirectoryEntrySizeEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global FTPDirectoryEntrySizeEx.FTPDirectoryEntrySizeEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "FTPDirectoryEntrySizeEx") |
Prototype FTPDirectoryEntryTypeEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global FTPDirectoryEntryTypeEx.FTPDirectoryEntryTypeEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "FTPDirectoryEntryTypeEx") |
Prototype FTPDirectoryEntryDateEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global FTPDirectoryEntryDateEx.FTPDirectoryEntryDateEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "FTPDirectoryEntryDateEx") |
Prototype FTPDirectoryEntryAttributesEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global FTPDirectoryEntryAttributesEx.FTPDirectoryEntryAttributesEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "FTPDirectoryEntryAttributesEx") |
Prototype GetFTPDirectoryEx(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetFTPDirectoryEx.GetFTPDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "GetFTPDirectoryEx") |
Prototype SetFTPDirectoryEx(ID, DirectoryName.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetFTPDirectoryEx.SetFTPDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "SetFTPDirectoryEx") |
Prototype CreateFTPDirectoryEx(ID, DirectoryName.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global CreateFTPDirectoryEx.CreateFTPDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "CreateFTPDirectoryEx") |
Prototype DeleteFTPDirectoryEx(ID, DirectoryName.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global DeleteFTPDirectoryEx.DeleteFTPDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "DeleteFTPDirectoryEx") |
Prototype DeleteFTPFileEx(ID, FileName.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global DeleteFTPFileEx.DeleteFTPFileEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "DeleteFTPFileEx") |
Prototype RenameFTPFileEx(ID, FileName.p-Unicode, NewFileName.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global RenameFTPFileEx.RenameFTPFileEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "RenameFTPFileEx") |
Prototype ReceiveFTPFileEx(ID, RemoteFileName.p-Unicode, FileName.p-Unicode,IsAsynchron, ErrorOutput) |
Global ReceiveFTPFileEx.ReceiveFTPFileEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "ReceiveFTPFileEx") |
Prototype SendFTPFileEx(ID, FileName.p-Unicode, RemoteFileName.p-Unicode, IsAsynchron, ErrorOutput) |
Global SendFTPFileEx.SendFTPFileEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "SendFTPFileEx") |
Prototype FTPProgressEx(ID, PercentValue, TransferRate, EstimatedTime, ErrorOutput) |
Global FTPProgressEx.FTPProgressEx = GetFunction(PBEx_FTP, "FTPProgressEx") |
EndIf |
; IDE Options = PureBasic 5.60 (Windows - x64) |
; CursorPosition = 17 |
; FirstLine = 2 |
; EnableXP |
; EnableUser |
; Executable = PB.Ex_MSSQL_x86.exe |
; CompileSourceDirectory |
; EnableCompileCount = 583 |
; EnableBuildCount = 6 |
; EnableUnicode |
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Reference in new issue