6 years ago
5 changed files with 556 additions and 2 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
<project xmlns="" version="1.0" creator="PureBasic 5.62 (Windows - x86)"> |
<section name="config"> |
<options closefiles="1" openmode="2" name="ConnectionTest"/> |
</section> |
<section name="data"> |
<explorer view="" pattern="0"/> |
<log show="1"/> |
<lastopen date="2018-11-18 18:10" user="Andy" host="MINAS"/> |
</section> |
<section name="files"> |
<file name="Main.pb"> |
<config load="1" scan="1" panel="1" warn="1" lastopen="1" panelstate="+"/> |
<fingerprint md5="06a219f523b6bff8eeb67c4ed729c9a7"/> |
</file> |
<file name="Wnd.pbf"> |
<config load="1" scan="1" panel="1" warn="1" lastopen="1" panelstate="+"/> |
<fingerprint md5="5faa0a245f63229d47e81d1568979e4b"/> |
</file> |
</section> |
<section name="targets"> |
<target name="32-Bit Executable" enabled="1" default="1"> |
<inputfile value="Main.pb"/> |
<outputfile value="..\ConnTest.exe"/> |
<options thread="1" xpskin="1" debug="1"/> |
<temporaryexe value="source"/> |
<compilecount enable="1" value="60"/> |
<buildcount enable="1" value="15"/> |
<execonstant enable="1"/> |
<versioninfo enable="1"> |
<field0 value="1.%yy%mm.%dd%BUILDCOUNT.%COMPILECOUNT"/> |
<field1 value="1.%yy%mm.%dd%BUILDCOUNT.%COMPILECOUNT"/> |
<field2 value="Imhotheb"/> |
<field3 value="Connection Test"/> |
<field4 value="1.%yy%mm.%dd%BUILDCOUNT.%COMPILECOUNT"/> |
<field5 value="1.%yy%mm.%dd%BUILDCOUNT.%COMPILECOUNT"/> |
<field6 value="Connection Test"/> |
<field7 value="iConnTest"/> |
<field8 value="%EXECUTABLE"/> |
<field9 value="© Imhotheb"/> |
<field13 value=""/> |
<field14 value=""/> |
<field15 value="VOS_NT"/> |
<field16 value="VFT_APP"/> |
</versioninfo> |
</target> |
<target name="64-Bit Executable" enabled="1" default="0"> |
<inputfile value="Main.pb"/> |
<outputfile value="..\ConnTest_x64.exe"/> |
<options thread="1" xpskin="1" debug="1"/> |
<temporaryexe value="source"/> |
<compilecount enable="1" value="54"/> |
<buildcount enable="1" value="15"/> |
<execonstant enable="1"/> |
<versioninfo enable="1"> |
<field0 value="1.%yy%mm.%dd%BUILDCOUNT.%COMPILECOUNT"/> |
<field1 value="1.%yy%mm.%dd%BUILDCOUNT.%COMPILECOUNT"/> |
<field2 value="Imhotheb"/> |
<field3 value="Connection Test"/> |
<field4 value="1.%yy%mm.%dd%BUILDCOUNT.%COMPILECOUNT"/> |
<field5 value="1.%yy%mm.%dd%BUILDCOUNT.%COMPILECOUNT"/> |
<field6 value="Connection Test"/> |
<field7 value="iConnTest"/> |
<field8 value="%EXECUTABLE"/> |
<field9 value="© Imhotheb"/> |
<field13 value=""/> |
<field14 value=""/> |
<field15 value="VOS_NT"/> |
<field16 value="VFT_APP"/> |
</versioninfo> |
</target> |
</section> |
</project> |
@ -0,0 +1,408 @@ |
EnableExplicit |
XIncludeFile "Wnd.pbf" |
If Not InitNetwork() |
MessageRequester("Fehler", "Netzwerkfehler") |
End |
EndIf |
Macro Version() |
"V" + Str(1) + "." + FormatDate("%yy%mm.%dd", Date()) + Str(#PB_Editor_BuildCount) + "." + Str(#PB_editor_CompileCount) |
EndMacro |
Enumeration Events #PB_Event_FirstCustomValue |
#EVENT_ThreadFinished |
EndEnumeration |
Enumeration Menu |
#MENU_PopUp |
EndEnumeration |
Enumeration MenuItem |
#MENUITEM_SelectAll |
EndEnumeration |
Structure ThreadData |
ID.i |
Exit.i |
Url.s |
Query.s |
Format.i |
Modus.i |
GetRaw.i |
Timeout.i |
Interval.i |
EndStructure |
Global ThreadData.ThreadData |
Global PopupMenuGadget |
Procedure WriteLog(String.s, TimeStamp = #True) |
If TimeStamp |
AddGadgetItem(#EDIT_Log, -1, FormatDate("%yy-%mm-%dd %hh:%ii:%ss -> ", Date()) + String) |
Else |
AddGadgetItem(#EDIT_Log, -1, String) |
EndIf |
CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_OS = #PB_OS_Windows |
; NICHT in der DEMO-Version |
SendMessage_(GadgetID(#EDIT_Log), #EM_SETSEL, -1, -1) ; Automatisch weiter scrollen |
CompilerEndIf |
; While WindowEvent() : Wend ; Quick'n Dirty |
EndProcedure |
Procedure.s CheckUrl(Url.s) |
If FindString(Url, "://", 1, #PB_String_NoCase) < 1 |
Url = "none://" + Url |
EndIf |
ProcedureReturn Url |
EndProcedure |
Procedure.s GetQuery() |
Protected Ret.s |
Ret = GetGadgetText(#EDIT_Own) |
Ret = RemoveString(Ret, #CR$) |
Ret = RemoveString(Ret, #LF$) |
Ret = UnescapeString(Ret) |
ProcedureReturn Ret |
EndProcedure |
Procedure.s ReceiveHTTP(Url.s, Format = #PB_UTF8) |
Protected Ret.s, *RecData, Size |
WriteLog("Anfrage " + Url + " senden ...") |
*RecData = ReceiveHTTPMemory(Url) |
If *RecData |
Size = MemorySize(*RecData) |
Ret = PeekS(*RecData, Size, Format) |
WriteLog(Str(Size) + " Bytes empfangen") |
Else |
WriteLog("Verbindungsfehler") |
EndIf |
ProcedureReturn Ret |
EndProcedure |
Procedure.s ReceiveRaw(Url.s, Query.s, Format = #PB_UTF8, Modus = #PB_Network_TCP|#PB_Network_IPv4, TimeOut = 5000) |
Protected Server.s, Port, *Query, QueryBytes |
Protected NetID, Bytes, *Buff, StartTime, Ret.s |
Url=CheckUrl(Url) |
Server.s = GetURLPart(Url, #PB_URL_Site) |
Port = Val(GetURLPart(Url, #PB_URL_Port)) |
If Port = 0 |
Port = 80 |
EndIf |
QueryBytes = StringByteLength(Query, Format) |
*Query = AllocateMemory(QueryBytes + 2) |
If *Query |
PokeS(*Query, Query, -1, Format) |
*Buff = AllocateMemory(100000) ; 100 KB Puffer |
If *Buff |
WriteLog("Verbinde mit " + Server + ":" + Str(Port) + " ...") |
NetID = OpenNetworkConnection(Server, Port, Modus, TimeOut) |
If NetID |
WriteLog("Verbindung erfolgreich") |
WriteLog("Sende Anfrage ...") |
Bytes = SendNetworkData(NetID, *Query, QueryBytes) |
WriteLog(Str(Bytes) + " Bytes gesendet") |
WriteLog("Warte " + Str(TimeOut) + " ms auf Antwort ...") |
Bytes = 0 |
StartTime = ElapsedMilliseconds() |
Repeat |
Select NetworkClientEvent(NetID) |
Case #PB_NetworkEvent_Data |
WriteLog("Empfange Daten ...") |
Bytes = ReceiveNetworkData(NetID, *Buff, MemorySize(*Buff)) |
If Bytes |
WriteLog(Str(Bytes) + " Bytes empfangen") |
Ret = PeekS(*Buff, Bytes, Format|#PB_ByteLength) |
Break |
EndIf |
Case #PB_NetworkEvent_Disconnect |
WriteLog("Verbindung wurde getrennt") |
Break |
Default |
If (ElapsedMilliseconds() - StartTime) > TimeOut |
WriteLog("Timeout erreicht") |
Break |
Else |
Delay(5) |
EndIf |
EndSelect |
ForEver |
CloseNetworkConnection(NetID) |
Else |
WriteLog("Verbindung fehlgeschlagen") |
EndIf |
FreeMemory(*Buff) |
Else |
WriteLog("Nicht genug freier Speicher") |
Debug "ReceiveRaw: Nicht genug freier Speicher" |
EndIf |
FreeMemory(*Query) |
Else |
WriteLog("Nicht genug freier Speicher") |
Debug "ReceiveRaw: Nicht genug freier Speicher" |
EndIf |
ProcedureReturn Ret |
EndProcedure |
Procedure THREAD_Receive(*TData.ThreadData) |
Protected Ret.s, StartTime = ElapsedMilliseconds(), Run = #True, Loop |
With *TData |
Repeat |
; Abrufen |
If Run |
WriteLog(RSet(#Empty$, 20, "=") + " AbfrageNr.: " + Str(Loop) + " " + RSet(#Empty$, 20, "="), #False) |
If \GetRaw |
Ret = ReceiveRaw(\Url, \Query, \Format, \Modus, \Timeout) |
Else |
Ret = ReceiveHTTP(\Url, \Format) |
EndIf |
If Ret <> #Empty$ |
WriteLog("Antwort vom Server: ") |
WriteLog(RSet(#Empty$, 25, "-"), #False) |
WriteLog(Ret, #False) |
WriteLog(RSet(#Empty$, 25, "-"), #False) |
EndIf |
Run = #False |
EndIf |
; Intervallrechnung |
If \Interval > 0 |
If (ElapsedMilliseconds() - StartTime) > \Interval |
Loop + 1 |
Run = #True |
StartTime = ElapsedMilliseconds() |
EndIf |
Else ; kein Interval, keine Wiederholung |
Break |
EndIf |
; Beenden-Anforderung, Resourcen freigeben |
If \Exit |
Break |
Else |
Delay(10) |
EndIf |
ForEver |
EndWith |
PostEvent(#EVENT_ThreadFinished, #WND, #Null) |
EndProcedure |
Procedure ThreadCleanUp() |
DisableGadget(#BTN_Start, #True) |
If ThreadData\ID |
ThreadData\Exit = #True |
If IsThread(ThreadData\ID) |
WriteLog("Warte auf Thread ...") |
If WaitThread(ThreadData\ID, ThreadData\Timeout) = 0 |
WriteLog("Kill Thread ...") |
KillThread(ThreadData\ID) |
EndIf |
EndIf |
WriteLog(">>>>>>>>>> Thread beendet <<<<<<<<<<") |
EndIf |
ResetStructure(@ThreadData, ThreadData) |
DisableGadget(#BTN_Start, #False) |
EndProcedure |
Procedure CALLBACK_Gadgets() |
Protected EventType = EventType() |
Protected EventGadget = EventGadget() |
Select EventGadget |
Case #BTN_Start |
If GetGadgetState(#BTN_Start) |
If GetGadgetState(#CHK_Repeat) |
ThreadData\Interval = GetGadgetState(#SPIN_ms) |
SetGadgetText(#BTN_Start, "STOP") |
Else |
ThreadData\Interval = 0 |
SetGadgetState(#BTN_Start, #False) |
EndIf |
ThreadData\Exit = #False |
ThreadData\Url = GetGadgetText(#STR_Url) |
ThreadData\Format = #PB_UTF8 |
ThreadData\GetRaw = GetGadgetState(#OPT_Own) |
ThreadData\Modus = #PB_Network_TCP|#PB_Network_IPv4 |
ThreadData\Query = GetQuery() |
ThreadData\Timeout = 10000 |
ThreadData\ID = CreateThread(@THREAD_Receive(), @ThreadData) |
WriteLog(">>>>>>>>>> Starte Thread ... <<<<<<<<<<") |
Else |
ThreadData\Exit = #True ;ThreadCleanUp() |
SetGadgetText(#BTN_Start, "START") |
EndIf |
Case #BTN_DelLog |
SetGadgetText(#EDIT_Log, #Empty$) |
Case #EDIT_Info |
If EventType = #PB_EventType_RightClick |
PopupMenuGadget = EventGadget |
DisableMenuItem(#MENU_PopUp, #MENUITEM_Cut, #True) |
DisableMenuItem(#MENU_PopUp, #MENUITEM_Paste, #True) |
DisableMenuItem(#MENU_PopUp, #MENUITEM_Undo, #True) |
DisplayPopupMenu(#MENU_PopUp, WindowID(#WND)) |
EndIf |
Case #EDIT_Log |
If EventType = #PB_EventType_RightClick |
PopupMenuGadget = EventGadget |
DisableMenuItem(#MENU_PopUp, #MENUITEM_Cut, #True) |
DisableMenuItem(#MENU_PopUp, #MENUITEM_Paste, #True) |
DisableMenuItem(#MENU_PopUp, #MENUITEM_Undo, #True) |
DisplayPopupMenu(#MENU_PopUp, WindowID(#WND)) |
EndIf |
Case #EDIT_Own |
If EventType = #PB_EventType_RightClick |
PopupMenuGadget = EventGadget |
DisableMenuItem(#MENU_PopUp, #MENUITEM_Cut, #False) |
DisableMenuItem(#MENU_PopUp, #MENUITEM_Paste, #False) |
DisableMenuItem(#MENU_PopUp, #MENUITEM_Undo, #False) |
DisplayPopupMenu(#MENU_PopUp, WindowID(#WND)) |
EndIf |
Default |
If GetGadgetState(#CHK_Repeat) |
DisableGadget(#SPIN_ms, #False) |
Else |
DisableGadget(#SPIN_ms, #True) |
EndIf |
If GetGadgetState(#OPT_Own) |
DisableGadget(#EDIT_Own, #False) |
Else |
DisableGadget(#EDIT_Own, #True) |
EndIf |
EndSelect |
EndProcedure |
Procedure CALLBACK_Menu() |
Select EventMenu() |
Case #MENUITEM_Undo |
SendMessage_(GadgetID(PopupMenuGadget), #WM_UNDO, 0, 0) |
Case #MENUITEM_Cut |
SendMessage_(GadgetID(PopupMenuGadget), #WM_CUT, 0, 0) |
Case #MENUITEM_Copy |
SendMessage_(GadgetID(PopupMenuGadget), #WM_COPY, 0, 0) |
Case #MENUITEM_Paste |
SendMessage_(GadgetID(PopupMenuGadget), #WM_PASTE, 0, 0) |
Case #MENUITEM_SelectAll |
;lang = Len(GetGadgetText(EventGadget)) |
SendMessage_(GadgetID(PopupMenuGadget), #EM_SETSEL, 0, -1) |
EndSelect |
EndProcedure |
Procedure CALLBACK_Wnd(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam) |
Select wParam |
Case GadgetID(#EDIT_Info) |
PostEvent(#PB_Event_Gadget, #WND, #EDIT_Info, #PB_EventType_RightClick) |
Case GadgetID(#EDIT_Own) |
PostEvent(#PB_Event_Gadget, #WND, #EDIT_Own, #PB_EventType_RightClick) |
Case GadgetID(#EDIT_Log) |
PostEvent(#PB_Event_Gadget, #WND, #EDIT_Log, #PB_EventType_RightClick) |
EndSelect |
EndIf |
ProcedureReturn #PB_ProcessPureBasicEvents |
EndProcedure |
Procedure Create_WND() |
; Fenster öffnen und Standartwerte setzen |
OpenWND() |
SetWindowTitle(#WND, "Connection Test " + Version()) |
WindowBounds(#WND, WindowWidth(#WND), WindowHeight(#WND), #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore) |
BindEvent(#PB_Event_SizeWindow, @ResizeGadgetsWND(), #WND) |
BindEvent(#PB_Event_Gadget, @CALLBACK_Gadgets(), #WND) |
BindEvent(#PB_Event_Menu, @CALLBACK_Menu(), #WND) |
BindEvent(#EVENT_ThreadFinished, @ThreadCleanUp(), #WND) |
SetWindowCallback(@CALLBACK_Wnd(), #WND) |
CALLBACK_Gadgets() |
SetGadgetText(#EDIT_Own,"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n" + #LF$ + |
"Host: server\r\n" + #LF$ + |
"Connection: close\r\n" + #LF$ + |
;"User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0" + #LF$ + |
"\r\n\r\n") |
SetGadgetState(#OPT_Internal, #True) |
SetGadgetState(#CHK_Repeat, #False) |
SetGadgetState(#SPIN_ms, 5000) |
If CreatePopupMenu(#MENU_PopUp) |
MenuItem(#MENUITEM_Undo, "Rückgängig") |
MenuBar() |
MenuItem(#MENUITEM_Copy, "Kopieren") |
MenuItem(#MENUITEM_Cut, "Ausschneiden") |
MenuItem(#MENUITEM_Paste, "Einfügen") |
MenuBar() |
MenuItem(#MENUITEM_SelectAll, "Alles Auswählen") |
EndIf |
; Info hinzufügen |
AddGadgetItem(#EDIT_Info, -1, "Escape-Sequenzen:") |
AddGadgetItem(#EDIT_Info, -1, ~"\\a\tAscii: 7\tBeep") |
AddGadgetItem(#EDIT_Info, -1, ~"\\b\tAscii: 8\tBackSpace") |
AddGadgetItem(#EDIT_Info, -1, ~"\\t\tAscii: 9\tH-Tab") |
AddGadgetItem(#EDIT_Info, -1, ~"\\n\tAscii: 10\tLineFeed") |
AddGadgetItem(#EDIT_Info, -1, ~"\\v\tAscii: 11\tV-Tab") |
AddGadgetItem(#EDIT_Info, -1, ~"\\f\tAscii: 12\tFormFeed") |
AddGadgetItem(#EDIT_Info, -1, ~"\\r\tAscii: 13\tCarriageReturn") |
AddGadgetItem(#EDIT_Info, -1, ~"\\\"\tAscii: 34\tDoubleQuote") |
AddGadgetItem(#EDIT_Info, -1, ~"\\\\\tAscii: 92\tBackSlash") |
EndProcedure |
;_ INIT |
Create_WND() |
HideWindow(#WND, #False) |
;_ MAIN |
Repeat |
Until WaitWindowEvent() = #PB_Event_CloseWindow |
;Aufräumen |
HideWindow(#WND, #True) |
ThreadCleanUp() |
; IDE Options = PureBasic 5.62 (Windows - x86) |
; CursorPosition = 9 |
; Folding = LA9 |
; EnableXP |
; CompileSourceDirectory |
; EnableCompileCount = 0 |
; EnableBuildCount = 0 |
; EnableExeConstant |
@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ |
# ConnectionTest |
# ConnectionTest / iConnTest |
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ |
; Form Designer for Purebasic - 5.62 |
; Warning: this file uses a strict syntax, if you edit it, make sure to respect the Form Designer limitation or it won't be opened again. |
; |
; This code is automatically generated by the FormDesigner. |
; Manual modification is possible to adjust existing commands, but anything else will be dropped when the code is compiled. |
; Event procedures needs to be put in another source file. |
; |
Enumeration FormWindow |
#WND |
EndEnumeration |
Enumeration FormGadget |
#FRM_Url |
#STR_Url |
#FRM_Connect |
#TXT_ms |
#SPIN_ms |
#CHK_Repeat |
#OPT_Internal |
#OPT_Own |
#FRM_Log |
#EDIT_Log |
#BTN_Start |
#EDIT_Own |
#EDIT_Info |
#Splitter_0 |
#BTN_DelLog |
EndEnumeration |
Declare ResizeGadgetsWND() |
Procedure OpenWND(x = 0, y = 0, width = 490, height = 370) |
OpenWindow(#WND, x, y, width, height, "", #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_MinimizeGadget | #PB_Window_MaximizeGadget | #PB_Window_SizeGadget | #PB_Window_Invisible | #PB_Window_TitleBar | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered) |
FrameGadget(#FRM_Url, 10, 0, 470, 50, "Url") |
StringGadget(#STR_Url, 20, 20, 450, 20, "Server/IP[:Port][/]") |
FrameGadget(#FRM_Connect, 10, 50, 470, 180, "Abfrage") |
TextGadget(#TXT_ms, 420, 100, 30, 20, "ms") |
SpinGadget(#SPIN_ms, 330, 100, 80, 20, 1, 99999, #PB_Spin_Numeric) |
CheckBoxGadget(#CHK_Repeat, 310, 70, 160, 25, "Automatisch Wiederholen") |
OptionGadget(#OPT_Internal, 20, 70, 250, 25, "Interne/cUrl Funktionen verwenden (HTTP)") |
OptionGadget(#OPT_Own, 20, 100, 110, 25, "Eigene Abfrage:") |
FrameGadget(#FRM_Log, 10, 230, 380, 130, "Log") |
EditorGadget(#EDIT_Log, 20, 250, 360, 100, #PB_Editor_ReadOnly) |
ButtonGadget(#BTN_Start, 400, 240, 80, 40, "Start", #PB_Button_Toggle) |
EditorGadget(#EDIT_Own, 20, 130, 250, 90) |
EditorGadget(#EDIT_Info, 279, 130, 191, 90, #PB_Editor_ReadOnly) |
SplitterGadget(#Splitter_0, 20, 130, 450, 90, #EDIT_Own, #EDIT_Info, #PB_Splitter_Vertical) |
SetGadgetState(#Splitter_0, 250) |
ButtonGadget(#BTN_DelLog, 400, 290, 80, 30, "Log löschen") |
EndProcedure |
Procedure ResizeGadgetsWND() |
Protected FormWindowWidth, FormWindowHeight |
FormWindowWidth = WindowWidth(#WND) |
FormWindowHeight = WindowHeight(#WND) |
ResizeGadget(#FRM_Url, 10, 0, FormWindowWidth - 20, 50) |
ResizeGadget(#STR_Url, 20, 20, FormWindowWidth - 40, 20) |
ResizeGadget(#FRM_Connect, 10, 50, FormWindowWidth - 20, 180) |
ResizeGadget(#TXT_ms, FormWindowWidth - 70, 100, 30, 20) |
ResizeGadget(#SPIN_ms, FormWindowWidth - 160, 100, 80, 20) |
ResizeGadget(#CHK_Repeat, FormWindowWidth - 180, 70, 160, 25) |
ResizeGadget(#FRM_Log, 10, 230, FormWindowWidth - 110, FormWindowHeight - 240) |
ResizeGadget(#EDIT_Log, 20, 250, FormWindowWidth - 130, FormWindowHeight - 270) |
ResizeGadget(#BTN_Start, FormWindowWidth - 90, 240, 80, 40) |
ResizeGadget(#Splitter_0, 20, 130, FormWindowWidth - 40, 90) |
ResizeGadget(#BTN_DelLog, GadgetWidth(#Splitter_0) - 50, 290, 80, 30) |
EndProcedure |
Reference in new issue