216 changed files with 26213 additions and 1 deletions
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ |
EnableExplicit |
Global PBEx_Mail |
#PBEx_Mail_Protocol_IMAP = 0 |
#PBEx_Mail_Protocol_POP3 = 1 |
#PBEx_Mail_Priority_Normal = 0 |
#PBEx_Mail_Priority_Low = 1 |
#PBEx_Mail_Priority_High = 2 |
#PBEx_Mail_Event_NewMail = 0 |
CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x86 |
PBEx_Mail = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, "PB.Ex_Mail_x86.dll") |
CompilerElseIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x64 |
PBEx_Mail = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, "PB.Ex_Mail_x64.dll") |
CompilerEndIf |
If PBEx_Mail |
Prototype OpenMailEx(ID, Protocol, MailServer.p-Unicode, Port, UserName.p-Unicode, Password.p-Unicode, SSL, ErrorOutput) |
Global OpenMailEx.OpenMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "OpenMailEx") |
Prototype CloseMailEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global CloseMailEx.CloseMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "CloseMailEx") |
Prototype ExamineMailDirectoryEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global ExamineMailDirectoryEx.ExamineMailDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "ExamineMailDirectoryEx") |
Prototype MailDirectoryEntryNameEx(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailDirectoryEntryNameEx.MailDirectoryEntryNameEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailDirectoryEntryNameEx") |
Prototype ExamineMailEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global ExamineMailEx.ExamineMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "ExamineMailEx") |
Prototype MailEntrySubjectEx(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailEntrySubjectEx.MailEntrySubjectEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailEntrySubjectEx") |
Prototype MailEntryBodyEx(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailEntryBodyEx.MailEntryBodyEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailEntryBodyEx") |
Prototype MailEntryFromEx(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailEntryFromEx.MailEntryFromEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailEntryFromEx") |
Prototype MailEntryToEx(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailEntryToEx.MailEntryToEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailEntryToEx") |
Prototype MailEntryCCEx(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailEntryCCEx.MailEntryCCEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailEntryCCEx") |
Prototype MailEntryBCCEx(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailEntryBCCEx.MailEntryBCCEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailEntryBCCEx") |
Prototype MailEntryDateEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailEntryDateEx.MailEntryDateEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailEntryDateEx") |
Prototype MailEntryPriorityEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailEntryPriorityEx.MailEntryPriorityEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailEntryPriorityEx") |
Prototype FinishMailDirectoryEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global FinishMailDirectoryEx.FinishMailDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "FinishMailDirectoryEx") |
Prototype FinishMailEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global FinishMailEx.FinishMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "FinishMailEx") |
Prototype IsMailEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global IsMailEx.IsMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "IsMailEx") |
Prototype NextMailDirectoryEntryEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global NextMailDirectoryEntryEx.NextMailDirectoryEntryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "NextMailDirectoryEntryEx") |
Prototype NextMailEntryEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global NextMailEntryEx.NextMailEntryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "NextMailEntryEx") |
Prototype SetMailDirectoryEx(ID, DirectoryPath.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetMailDirectoryEx.SetMailDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SetMailDirectoryEx") |
Prototype CreateMailDirectoryEx(ID, DirectoryName.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global CreateMailDirectoryEx.CreateMailDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "CreateMailDirectoryEx") |
Prototype RenameMailDirectoryEx(ID, OldDirectoryName.p-Unicode, NewDirectoryName.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global RenameMailDirectoryEx.RenameMailDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "RenameMailDirectoryEx") |
Prototype DeleteMailDirectoryEx(ID, DirectoryPath.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global DeleteMailDirectoryEx.DeleteMailDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "DeleteMailDirectoryEx") |
Prototype CreateMailEx(ID, Directory.p-Unicode, Subject.p-Unicode, Body.p-Unicode, Priority, From.p-Unicode, ToAddress.p-Unicode, CC.p-Unicode, BCC.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global CreateMailEx.CreateMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "CreateMailEx") |
Prototype BindMailEventEx(ID, Event, PBProcedureHandle, PID, ErrorOutput) |
Global BindMailEventEx.BindMailEventEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "BindMailEventEx") |
Prototype GetMailSubjectEx(ID, MailID, DirectoryPath.p-Unicode, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetMailSubjectEx.GetMailSubjectEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "GetMailSubjectEx") |
Prototype GetMailBodyEx(ID, MailID, DirectoryPath.p-Unicode, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetMailBodyEx.GetMailBodyEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "GetMailBodyEx") |
Prototype GetMailFromEx(ID, MailID, DirectoryPath.p-Unicode, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetMailFromEx.GetMailFromEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "GetMailFromEx") |
Prototype GetMailToEx(ID, MailID, DirectoryPath.p-Unicode, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetMailToEx.GetMailToEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "GetMailToEx") |
Prototype GetMailCCEx(ID, MailID, DirectoryPath.p-Unicode, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetMailCCEx.GetMailCCEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "GetMailCCEx") |
Prototype GetMailBCCEx(ID, MailID, DirectoryPath.p-Unicode, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetMailBCCEx.GetMailBCCEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "GetMailBCCEx") |
Prototype GetMailDateEx(ID, MailID, DirectoryPath.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetMailDateEx.GetMailDateEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "GetMailDateEx") |
Prototype GetMailPriorityEx(ID, MailID, DirectoryPath.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetMailPriorityEx.GetMailPriorityEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "GetMailPriorityEx") |
Prototype MailEntryBodySizeEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailEntryBodySizeEx.MailEntryBodySizeEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailEntryBodySizeEx") |
Prototype MailIDEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailIDEx.MailIDEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailIDEx") |
Prototype SetMailSubjectEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, Text.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetMailSubjectEx.SetMailSubjectEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SetMailSubjectEx") |
Prototype SetMailBodyEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, Text.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetMailBodyEx.SetMailBodyEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SetMailBodyEx") |
Prototype SetMailFromEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, Text.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetMailFromEx.SetMailFromEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SetMailFromEx") |
Prototype SetMailToEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, Text.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetMailToEx.SetMailToEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SetMailToEx") |
Prototype SetMailCCEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, Text.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetMailCCEx.SetMailCCEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SetMailCCEx") |
Prototype SetMailBCCEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, Text.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetMailBCCEx.SetMailBCCEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SetMailBCCEx") |
Prototype SetMailPriorityEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, Priority, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetMailPriorityEx.SetMailPriorityEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SetMailPriorityEx") |
Prototype DeleteMailEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global DeleteMailEx.DeleteMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "DeleteMailEx") |
Prototype MoveMailEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, TargetDirectory.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global MoveMailEx.MoveMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MoveMailEx") |
Prototype CountMailEx(ID, Directory.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global CountMailEx.CountMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "CountMailEx") |
Prototype CountMailDirectoryEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global CountMailDirectoryEx.CountMailDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "CountMailDirectoryEx") |
Prototype SendMailEx(ID, MailServer.p-Unicode, Port, UserName.p-Unicode, Password.p-Unicode, SSL, Subject.p-Unicode, Body.p-Unicode, Priority, From.p-Unicode, ToAddress.p-Unicode, CC.p-Unicode, BCC.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SendMailEx.SendMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SendMailEx") |
Prototype SaveMailEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, Path.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SaveMailEx.SaveMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SaveMailEx") |
Prototype GetMailHeaderEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetMailHeaderEx.GetMailHeaderEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "GetMailHeaderEx") |
Prototype MailEntryHeaderEx(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailEntryHeaderEx.MailEntryHeaderEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailEntryHeaderEx") |
Prototype LoadMailEx(ID, Path.p-Unicode, Directory.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global LoadMailEx.LoadMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "LoadMailEx") |
Prototype SendMailFileEx(ID, MailServer.p-Unicode, Port, UserName.p-Unicode, Password.p-Unicode, SSL, Path.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SendMailFileEx.SendMailFileEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SendMailFileEx") |
EndIf |
Global Output$ = Space(1000000) |
Global ErrorOutput$ = "" |
Procedure NewMail(MailID$) |
Protected MailID = Val(MailID$) |
GetMailSubjectEx(1, MailID, "", @Output$, @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug "Subject: " + Output$ |
GetMailFromEx(1, MailID, "", @Output$, @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug "From: " + Output$ |
GetMailToEx(1, MailID, "", @Output$, @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug "To: " + Output$ |
Debug "Date: " + FormatDate("%dd.%mm.%yyyy %hh:%ii:%ss", GetMailDateEx(1, MailID, "", @ErrorOutput$)) |
EndProcedure |
If OpenMailEx(1, #PBEx_Mail_Protocol_IMAP, "imap.gmail.com", 993, "yourmailaddress@gmail.com", "YourPassword", 1, @ErrorOutput$) |
; ;Notify automatically when new emails arrive. |
; If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 500, 400, "Window", #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered) |
; |
; BindMailEventEx(1, #PBEx_Mail_Event_NewMail, @NewMail(), GetCurrentProcessId_(), @ErrorOutput$) |
; |
; Repeat |
; Select WaitWindowEvent() |
; Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow |
; End |
; EndSelect |
; ForEver |
; EndIf |
; ;Determine all directories (only for IMAP) |
; If ExamineMailDirectoryEx(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
; While NextMailDirectoryEntryEx(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
; MailDirectoryEntryNameEx(1, @Output$, @ErrorOutput$) |
; Debug Output$ |
; Wend |
; |
; EndIf |
;Determine all mail from inbox |
;Or from any directory |
;SetMailDirectoryEx(1, "Downloadportale/Chip", @ErrorOutput$) |
; If ExamineMailEx(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
; While NextMailEntryEx(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
; MailEntrySubjectEx(1, @Output$, @ErrorOutput$) |
; Debug "Subject: " + Output$ |
; MailEntryFromEx(1, @Output$, @ErrorOutput$) |
; Debug "From: " + Output$ |
; MailEntryToEx(1, @Output$, @ErrorOutput$) |
; Debug "To: " + Output$ |
; Debug "Date: " + FormatDate("%dd.%mm.%yyyy %hh:%ii:%ss", MailEntryDateEx(1, @ErrorOutput$)) |
; Debug MailIDEx(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
; Debug "--------------------------------------------------" |
; Wend |
; |
; EndIf |
CloseMailEx(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
Else |
Debug ErrorOutput$ |
EndIf |
CloseLibrary(PBEx_Mail) |
; IDE Options = PureBasic 5.60 (Windows - x64) |
; CursorPosition = 145 |
; FirstLine = 117 |
; Folding = - |
; EnableXP |
; EnableUser |
; Executable = PB.Ex_MSSQL.exe |
; CompileSourceDirectory |
; EnableCompileCount = 650 |
; EnableBuildCount = 7 |
; EnableUnicode |
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ |
EnableExplicit |
Global PBEx_Mail |
#PBEx_Mail_Protocol_IMAP = 0 |
#PBEx_Mail_Protocol_POP3 = 1 |
#PBEx_Mail_Priority_Normal = 0 |
#PBEx_Mail_Priority_Low = 1 |
#PBEx_Mail_Priority_High = 2 |
#PBEx_Mail_Event_NewMail = 0 |
CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x86 |
PBEx_Mail = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, "PB.Ex_Mail_x86.dll") |
CompilerElseIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x64 |
PBEx_Mail = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, "PB.Ex_Mail_x64.dll") |
CompilerEndIf |
If PBEx_Mail |
Prototype OpenMailEx(ID, Protocol, MailServer.p-Unicode, Port, UserName.p-Unicode, Password.p-Unicode, SSL, ErrorOutput) |
Global OpenMailEx.OpenMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "OpenMailEx") |
Prototype CloseMailEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global CloseMailEx.CloseMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "CloseMailEx") |
Prototype ExamineMailDirectoryEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global ExamineMailDirectoryEx.ExamineMailDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "ExamineMailDirectoryEx") |
Prototype MailDirectoryEntryNameEx(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailDirectoryEntryNameEx.MailDirectoryEntryNameEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailDirectoryEntryNameEx") |
Prototype ExamineMailEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global ExamineMailEx.ExamineMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "ExamineMailEx") |
Prototype MailEntrySubjectEx(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailEntrySubjectEx.MailEntrySubjectEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailEntrySubjectEx") |
Prototype MailEntryBodyEx(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailEntryBodyEx.MailEntryBodyEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailEntryBodyEx") |
Prototype MailEntryFromEx(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailEntryFromEx.MailEntryFromEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailEntryFromEx") |
Prototype MailEntryToEx(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailEntryToEx.MailEntryToEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailEntryToEx") |
Prototype MailEntryCCEx(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailEntryCCEx.MailEntryCCEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailEntryCCEx") |
Prototype MailEntryBCCEx(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailEntryBCCEx.MailEntryBCCEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailEntryBCCEx") |
Prototype MailEntryDateEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailEntryDateEx.MailEntryDateEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailEntryDateEx") |
Prototype MailEntryPriorityEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailEntryPriorityEx.MailEntryPriorityEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailEntryPriorityEx") |
Prototype FinishMailDirectoryEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global FinishMailDirectoryEx.FinishMailDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "FinishMailDirectoryEx") |
Prototype FinishMailEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global FinishMailEx.FinishMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "FinishMailEx") |
Prototype IsMailEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global IsMailEx.IsMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "IsMailEx") |
Prototype NextMailDirectoryEntryEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global NextMailDirectoryEntryEx.NextMailDirectoryEntryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "NextMailDirectoryEntryEx") |
Prototype NextMailEntryEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global NextMailEntryEx.NextMailEntryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "NextMailEntryEx") |
Prototype SetMailDirectoryEx(ID, DirectoryPath.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetMailDirectoryEx.SetMailDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SetMailDirectoryEx") |
Prototype CreateMailDirectoryEx(ID, DirectoryName.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global CreateMailDirectoryEx.CreateMailDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "CreateMailDirectoryEx") |
Prototype RenameMailDirectoryEx(ID, OldDirectoryName.p-Unicode, NewDirectoryName.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global RenameMailDirectoryEx.RenameMailDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "RenameMailDirectoryEx") |
Prototype DeleteMailDirectoryEx(ID, DirectoryPath.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global DeleteMailDirectoryEx.DeleteMailDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "DeleteMailDirectoryEx") |
Prototype CreateMailEx(ID, Directory.p-Unicode, Subject.p-Unicode, Body.p-Unicode, Priority, From.p-Unicode, ToAddress.p-Unicode, CC.p-Unicode, BCC.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global CreateMailEx.CreateMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "CreateMailEx") |
Prototype BindMailEventEx(ID, Event, PBProcedureHandle, PID, ErrorOutput) |
Global BindMailEventEx.BindMailEventEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "BindMailEventEx") |
Prototype GetMailSubjectEx(ID, MailID, DirectoryPath.p-Unicode, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetMailSubjectEx.GetMailSubjectEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "GetMailSubjectEx") |
Prototype GetMailBodyEx(ID, MailID, DirectoryPath.p-Unicode, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetMailBodyEx.GetMailBodyEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "GetMailBodyEx") |
Prototype GetMailFromEx(ID, MailID, DirectoryPath.p-Unicode, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetMailFromEx.GetMailFromEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "GetMailFromEx") |
Prototype GetMailToEx(ID, MailID, DirectoryPath.p-Unicode, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetMailToEx.GetMailToEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "GetMailToEx") |
Prototype GetMailCCEx(ID, MailID, DirectoryPath.p-Unicode, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetMailCCEx.GetMailCCEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "GetMailCCEx") |
Prototype GetMailBCCEx(ID, MailID, DirectoryPath.p-Unicode, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetMailBCCEx.GetMailBCCEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "GetMailBCCEx") |
Prototype GetMailDateEx(ID, MailID, DirectoryPath.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetMailDateEx.GetMailDateEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "GetMailDateEx") |
Prototype GetMailPriorityEx(ID, MailID, DirectoryPath.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetMailPriorityEx.GetMailPriorityEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "GetMailPriorityEx") |
Prototype MailEntryBodySizeEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailEntryBodySizeEx.MailEntryBodySizeEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailEntryBodySizeEx") |
Prototype MailIDEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailIDEx.MailIDEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailIDEx") |
Prototype SetMailSubjectEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, Text.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetMailSubjectEx.SetMailSubjectEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SetMailSubjectEx") |
Prototype SetMailBodyEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, Text.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetMailBodyEx.SetMailBodyEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SetMailBodyEx") |
Prototype SetMailFromEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, Text.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetMailFromEx.SetMailFromEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SetMailFromEx") |
Prototype SetMailToEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, Text.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetMailToEx.SetMailToEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SetMailToEx") |
Prototype SetMailCCEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, Text.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetMailCCEx.SetMailCCEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SetMailCCEx") |
Prototype SetMailBCCEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, Text.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetMailBCCEx.SetMailBCCEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SetMailBCCEx") |
Prototype SetMailPriorityEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, Priority, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetMailPriorityEx.SetMailPriorityEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SetMailPriorityEx") |
Prototype DeleteMailEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global DeleteMailEx.DeleteMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "DeleteMailEx") |
Prototype MoveMailEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, TargetDirectory.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global MoveMailEx.MoveMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MoveMailEx") |
Prototype CountMailEx(ID, Directory.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global CountMailEx.CountMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "CountMailEx") |
Prototype CountMailDirectoryEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global CountMailDirectoryEx.CountMailDirectoryEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "CountMailDirectoryEx") |
Prototype SendMailEx(ID, MailServer.p-Unicode, Port, UserName.p-Unicode, Password.p-Unicode, SSL, Subject.p-Unicode, Body.p-Unicode, Priority, From.p-Unicode, ToAddress.p-Unicode, CC.p-Unicode, BCC.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SendMailEx.SendMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SendMailEx") |
Prototype SaveMailEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, Path.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SaveMailEx.SaveMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SaveMailEx") |
Prototype GetMailHeaderEx(ID, MailID, Directory.p-Unicode, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetMailHeaderEx.GetMailHeaderEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "GetMailHeaderEx") |
Prototype MailEntryHeaderEx(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global MailEntryHeaderEx.MailEntryHeaderEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "MailEntryHeaderEx") |
Prototype LoadMailEx(ID, Path.p-Unicode, Directory.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global LoadMailEx.LoadMailEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "LoadMailEx") |
Prototype SendMailFileEx(ID, MailServer.p-Unicode, Port, UserName.p-Unicode, Password.p-Unicode, SSL, Path.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SendMailFileEx.SendMailFileEx = GetFunction(PBEx_Mail, "SendMailFileEx") |
EndIf |
; IDE Options = PureBasic 5.60 (Windows - x64) |
; CursorPosition = 122 |
; FirstLine = 63 |
; EnableXP |
; EnableUser |
; Executable = PB.Ex_MSSQL.exe |
; CompileSourceDirectory |
; EnableCompileCount = 450 |
; EnableBuildCount = 7 |
; EnableUnicode |
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ |
EnableExplicit |
Global PBEx_Math |
CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x86 |
PBEx_Math = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, "PB.Ex_Math_x86.dll") |
CompilerElseIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x64 |
PBEx_Math = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, "PB.Ex_Math_x64.dll") |
CompilerEndIf |
If PBEx_Math |
Prototype.d Calculate(Calculation.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global Calculate.Calculate = GetFunction(PBEx_Math, "Calculate") |
EndIf |
Define ErrorOutput$ = "" |
Debug "1 + 2 - 1 = " + Calculate("1 + 2 - 1", @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug "2^32 = " + Calculate("2^32", @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug "5 + 2 * 2 = " + Calculate("5 + 2 * 2", @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug "(10 + 20) * 10 = " + Calculate("(10 + 20) * 10", @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug "pi * 4 = " + Calculate("pi * 4", @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug "2.5 + 10 = " + Calculate("2.5 + 10", @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug "Modulo = " + Calculate("2 % 1 == 0", @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug "AND condition = " + Calculate("1 == 1", @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug "sqrt(64) = " + Calculate("sqrt(64)", @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug "round(5.4) = " + Calculate("round(5.4)", @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug "is 5 ot 10 greater? = " + Calculate("max(5, 10)", @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug "15 > 10? = " + Calculate("15 > 10", @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug "sin(1.5708) = " + Calculate("sin(1.5708)", @ErrorOutput$) |
CloseLibrary(PBEx_Math) |
; IDE Options = PureBasic 5.60 (Windows - x64) |
; CursorPosition = 19 |
; EnableXP |
; EnableUser |
; Executable = PB.Ex_MSSQL_x86.exe |
; CompileSourceDirectory |
; EnableCompileCount = 152 |
; EnableBuildCount = 6 |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
EnableExplicit |
Global PBEx_Math |
CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x86 |
PBEx_Math = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, "PB.Ex_Math_x86.dll") |
CompilerElseIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x64 |
PBEx_Math = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, "PB.Ex_Math_x64.dll") |
CompilerEndIf |
If PBEx_Math |
Prototype.d Calculate(Calculation.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global Calculate.Calculate = GetFunction(PBEx_Math, "Calculate") |
EndIf |
; IDE Options = PureBasic 5.60 (Windows - x64) |
; CursorPosition = 15 |
; EnableXP |
; EnableUser |
; Executable = PB.Ex_MSSQL_x86.exe |
; CompileSourceDirectory |
; EnableCompileCount = 50 |
; EnableBuildCount = 6 |
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ |
EnableExplicit |
Define PBEx_PDF |
#PBEx_PDF_PageOrientation_Portrait = 0 |
#PBEx_PDF_PageOrientation_Landscape = 1 |
#PBEx_PDF_PageSize_A0 = 1 |
#PBEx_PDF_PageSize_A1 = 2 |
#PBEx_PDF_PageSize_A2 = 3 |
#PBEx_PDF_PageSize_A3 = 4 |
#PBEx_PDF_PageSize_A4 = 5 |
#PBEx_PDF_PageSize_A5 = 6 |
#PBEx_PDF_PageSize_B0 = 7 |
#PBEx_PDF_PageSize_B1 = 8 |
#PBEx_PDF_PageSize_B2 = 9 |
#PBEx_PDF_PageSize_B3 = 10 |
#PBEx_PDF_PageSize_B4 = 11 |
#PBEx_PDF_PageSize_B5 = 12 |
#PBEx_PDF_PageSize_RA0 = 13 |
#PBEx_PDF_PageSize_RA1 = 14 |
#PBEx_PDF_PageSize_RA2 = 15 |
#PBEx_PDF_PageSize_RA3 = 16 |
#PBEx_PDF_PageSize_RA4 = 17 |
#PBEx_PDF_PageSize_RA5 = 18 |
CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x86 |
PBEx_PDF = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, "PB.Ex_PDF_x86.dll") |
CompilerElseIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x64 |
PBEx_PDF = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, "PB.Ex_PDF_x64.dll") |
CompilerEndIf |
Prototype CreatePDF(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Define CreatePDF.CreatePDF = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "CreatePDF") |
Prototype SetPDFTitle(ID, Title.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Define SetPDFTitle.SetPDFTitle = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "SetPDFTitle") |
Prototype SetPDFAuthor(ID, Author.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Define SetPDFAuthor.SetPDFAuthor = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "SetPDFAuthor") |
Prototype SetPDFSubject(ID, Subject.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Define SetPDFSubject.SetPDFSubject = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "SetPDFSubject") |
Prototype SetPDFKeywords(ID, Keywords.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Define SetPDFKeywords.SetPDFKeywords = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "SetPDFKeywords") |
Prototype SetPDFCreator(ID, Creator.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Define SetPDFCreator.SetPDFCreator = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "SetPDFCreator") |
Prototype GetPDFTitle(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Define GetPDFTitle.GetPDFTitle = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "GetPDFTitle") |
Prototype GetPDFAuthor(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Define GetPDFAuthor.GetPDFAuthor = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "GetPDFAuthor") |
Prototype GetPDFSubject(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Define GetPDFSubject.GetPDFSubject = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "GetPDFSubject") |
Prototype GetPDFKeywords(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Define GetPDFKeywords.GetPDFKeywords = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "GetPDFKeywords") |
Prototype GetPDFCreator(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Define GetPDFCreator.GetPDFCreator = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "GetPDFCreator") |
Prototype AddPDFText(ID, Text.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Define AddPDFText.AddPDFText = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "AddPDFText") |
Prototype SavePDF(ID, Path.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Define SavePDF.SavePDF = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "SavePDF") |
Prototype AddPDFPage(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Define AddPDFPage.AddPDFPage = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "AddPDFPage") |
Prototype ClosePDF(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Define ClosePDF.ClosePDF = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "ClosePDF") |
Prototype IsPDF(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Define IsPDF.IsPDF = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "IsPDF") |
Prototype SetPDFFont(ID, FontName.p-Unicode, FontSize, FontStyle, ErrorOutput) |
Define SetPDFFont.SetPDFFont = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "SetPDFFont") |
Prototype ProtectPDF(ID, UserPassword.p-Unicode, OwnerPassword.p-Unicode, PermissionForExtract, PermissionForModification, PermissionForFormFill, PermissionForAnnotation, PermissionForPrint, PermissionForPrintFullQuality, ErrorOutput) |
Define ProtectPDF.ProtectPDF = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "ProtectPDF") |
Prototype OpenPDF(ID, Path.p-Unicode, Password.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Define OpenPDF.OpenPDF = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "OpenPDF") |
Prototype GetPDFPageTotal(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Define GetPDFPageTotal.GetPDFPageTotal = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "GetPDFPageTotal") |
Prototype SetPDFPageSize(ID, Size, Orientation, ErrorOutput) |
Define SetPDFPageSize.SetPDFPageSize = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "SetPDFPageSize") |
Prototype GetPDFPageSize(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Define GetPDFPageSize.GetPDFPageSize = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "GetPDFPageSize") |
Prototype GetPDFPageOrientation(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Define GetPDFPageOrientation.GetPDFPageOrientation = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "GetPDFPageOrientation") |
Prototype SetPDFPageMargin(ID, Top, Right, Bottom, Left, ErrorOutput) |
Define SetPDFPageMargin.SetPDFPageMargin = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "SetPDFPageMargin") |
Prototype SetPDFTextColor(ID, Color, ErrorOutput) |
Define SetPDFTextColor.SetPDFTextColor = GetFunction(PBEx_PDF, "SetPDFTextColor") |
EndIf |
Define Output$ = Space(1000000) |
Define ErrorOutput$ = "" |
Define MyText$ = "" |
MyText$ + "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor." + Chr(13) |
MyText$ + "Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus." + Chr(13) |
MyText$ + "Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem." + Chr(13) |
MyText$ + Chr(13) |
MyText$ + "Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus." + Chr(13) |
MyText$ + Chr(13) |
MyText$ + "Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue." |
If CreatePDF(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
SetPDFTitle(1, "My title", @ErrorOutput$) |
SetPDFAuthor(1, "RSBasic", @ErrorOutput$) |
SetPDFSubject(1, "My title", @ErrorOutput$) |
SetPDFTitle(1, "My title", @ErrorOutput$) |
SetPDFKeywords(1, "pb, html, cpp, js, asm, vb", @ErrorOutput$) |
SetPDFCreator(1, "RSBasic", @ErrorOutput$) |
SetPDFPageSize(1, #PBEx_PDF_PageSize_A4, #PBEx_PDF_PageOrientation_Portrait, @ErrorOutput$) |
SetPDFPageMargin(1, 50, 50, 50, 50, @ErrorOutput$) |
SetPDFFont(1, "Arial", 16, 0, @ErrorOutput$) |
SetPDFTextColor(1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 255), @ErrorOutput$) |
AddPDFText(1, MyText$, @ErrorOutput$) |
AddPDFPage(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
SetPDFPageSize(1, #PBEx_PDF_PageSize_A3, #PBEx_PDF_PageOrientation_Landscape, @ErrorOutput$) |
SetPDFFont(1, "Courier", 20, #PB_Font_Underline | #PB_Font_Italic, @ErrorOutput$) |
SetPDFTextColor(1, RGBA(255, 0, 0, 150), @ErrorOutput$) |
AddPDFText(1, "Hello PureBasic Friends. How are you?", @ErrorOutput$) |
SavePDF(1, GetCurrentDirectory() + "MyPDF.pdf", @ErrorOutput$) |
ClosePDF(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
RunProgram(GetCurrentDirectory() + "MyPDF.pdf") |
EndIf |
CloseLibrary(PBEx_PDF) |
; IDE Options = PureBasic 5.70 LTS (Windows - x64) |
; CursorPosition = 66 |
; FirstLine = 42 |
; EnableXP |
; EnableUser |
; CompileSourceDirectory |
; EnableCompileCount = 136 |
; EnableBuildCount = 0 |
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@ -0,0 +1,742 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0"?> |
<doc> |
<assembly> |
<name>CefSharp.WinForms</name> |
</assembly> |
<members> |
<member name="T:CefSharp.WinForms.CefSettings"> |
<summary> |
Initialization settings. Many of these and other settings can also configured |
using command-line switches. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowserDesigner"> |
<summary> |
ChromiumWebBrowser Control Designer |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowserDesigner.OnPaintAdornments(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)"> |
<summary> |
Receives a call when the control that the designer is managing has painted its surface so the designer can paint any additional adornments on top of the control. |
</summary> |
<param name="pe">args</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowserDesigner.PreFilterProperties(System.Collections.IDictionary)"> |
<summary> |
Adjusts the set of properties the component exposes through a TypeDescriptor. |
</summary> |
<param name="properties">properties</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.DefaultFocusHandler"> |
<summary> |
Default implementation of <see cref="T:CefSharp.IFocusHandler" /> |
for the WinForms implementation |
</summary> |
<seealso cref="T:CefSharp.IFocusHandler" /> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.DefaultFocusHandler.OnGotFocus(CefSharp.IWebBrowser,CefSharp.IBrowser)"> |
<summary> |
Called when the browser component has received focus. |
</summary> |
<param name="chromiumWebBrowser">the ChromiumWebBrowser control</param> |
<param name="browser">the browser object</param> |
<remarks>Try to avoid needing to override this logic in a subclass. The implementation in |
DefaultFocusHandler relies on very detailed behavior of how WinForms and |
Windows interact during window activation.</remarks> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.DefaultFocusHandler.OnSetFocus(CefSharp.IWebBrowser,CefSharp.IBrowser,CefSharp.CefFocusSource)"> |
<summary> |
Called when the browser component is requesting focus. |
</summary> |
<param name="chromiumWebBrowser">the ChromiumWebBrowser control</param> |
<param name="browser">the browser object</param> |
<param name="source">Indicates where the focus request is originating from.</param> |
<returns>Return false to allow the focus to be set or true to cancel setting the focus.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.DefaultFocusHandler.OnTakeFocus(CefSharp.IWebBrowser,CefSharp.IBrowser,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Called when the browser component is about to lose focus. |
For instance, if focus was on the last HTML element and the user pressed the TAB key. |
</summary> |
<param name="chromiumWebBrowser">the ChromiumWebBrowser control</param> |
<param name="browser">the browser object</param> |
<param name="next">Will be true if the browser is giving focus to the next component |
and false if the browser is giving focus to the previous component.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.ControlExtensions"> |
<summary> |
ControlExtensions. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.ControlExtensions.InvokeOnUiThreadIfRequired(System.Windows.Forms.Control,System.Action)"> |
<summary> |
Executes the Action asynchronously on the UI thread, does not block execution on the calling thread. |
</summary> |
<param name="control">the control for which the update is required</param> |
<param name="action">action to be performed on the control</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.ControlExtensions.Activate(System.Windows.Forms.Control)"> |
<summary> |
Activates the specified control. |
</summary> |
<param name="control">The control.</param> |
<returns><c>true</c> if XXXX, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.ControlExtensions.IsActiveControl(System.Windows.Forms.Control)"> |
<summary> |
Returns whether the supplied control is the currently |
active control. |
</summary> |
<param name="control">the control to check</param> |
<returns>true if the control is the currently active control</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.ControlExtensions.SelectNextControl(System.Windows.Forms.Control,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Selects the next control. |
</summary> |
<param name="control">The control.</param> |
<param name="next">if set to <c>true</c> [next].</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.ParentFormMessageInterceptor"> |
<summary> |
ParentFormMessageInterceptor - hooks into the parent forms |
message loop to incercept messages like WM_MOVE |
</summary> |
<seealso cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow" /> |
<seealso cref="T:System.IDisposable" /> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.ParentFormMessageInterceptor.isMoving"> |
<summary> |
Keep track of whether a move is in progress. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.ParentFormMessageInterceptor.movingRectangle"> |
<summary> |
Used to determine the coordinates involved in the move |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.ParentFormMessageInterceptor.Browser"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the browser. |
</summary> |
<value>The browser.</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.ParentFormMessageInterceptor.ParentForm"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the parent form. |
</summary> |
<value>The parent form.</value> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.ParentFormMessageInterceptor.#ctor(CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.ParentFormMessageInterceptor"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="browser">The browser.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.ParentFormMessageInterceptor.RefindParentForm"> |
<summary> |
Call to force refinding of the parent Form. |
(i.e. top level window that owns the ChromiumWebBrowserControl) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.ParentFormMessageInterceptor.ParentParentChanged(System.Object,System.EventArgs)"> |
<summary> |
Adjust the form to listen to if the ChromiumWebBrowserControl's parent changes. |
</summary> |
<param name="sender">The ChromiumWebBrowser whose parent has changed.</param> |
<param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.EventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.ParentFormMessageInterceptor.OnHandleCreated(System.Object,System.EventArgs)"> |
<summary> |
Handles the <see cref="E:HandleCreated" /> event. |
</summary> |
<param name="sender">The sender.</param> |
<param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.ParentFormMessageInterceptor.OnHandleDestroyed(System.Object,System.EventArgs)"> |
<summary> |
Handles the <see cref="E:HandleDestroyed" /> event. |
</summary> |
<param name="sender">The sender.</param> |
<param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.ParentFormMessageInterceptor.WndProc(System.Windows.Forms.Message@)"> |
<summary> |
Invokes the default window procedure associated with this window. |
</summary> |
<param name="m">A <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.Message" /> that is associated with the current Windows message.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.ParentFormMessageInterceptor.OnMoving"> |
<summary> |
Called when [moving]. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.ParentFormMessageInterceptor.Dispose"> |
<summary> |
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.ParentFormMessageInterceptor.Dispose(System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources. |
</summary> |
<param name="disposing"><c>true</c> to release both managed and unmanaged resources; <c>false</c> to release only unmanaged resources.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.ParentFormMessageInterceptor.OnThreadException(System.Exception)"> |
<summary> |
When overridden in a derived class, manages an unhandled thread exception. |
</summary> |
<param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.Exception" /> that specifies the unhandled thread exception.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.NativeMethods"> |
<summary> |
Class NativeMethods. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.NativeMethods.WM_MOVE"> |
<summary> |
The w m_ move |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.NativeMethods.WM_MOVING"> |
<summary> |
The w m_ moving |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CefSharp.WinForms.Internals.NativeMethods.WM_ACTIVATE"> |
<summary> |
The w m_ activate |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:CefSharp.WinForms.IWinFormsWebBrowser"> |
<summary> |
WinForms specific implementation, has events the |
<see cref="T:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser" /> implementation exposes. |
</summary> |
<seealso cref="T:CefSharp.IWebBrowser" /> |
</member> |
<member name="E:CefSharp.WinForms.IWinFormsWebBrowser.TitleChanged"> |
<summary> |
Occurs when the browser title changed. |
It's important to note this event is fired on a CEF UI thread, which by default is not the same as your application UI |
thread. It is unwise to block on this thread for any length of time as your browser will become unresponsive and/or hang.. |
To access UI elements you'll need to Invoke/Dispatch onto the UI Thread. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="E:CefSharp.WinForms.IWinFormsWebBrowser.AddressChanged"> |
<summary> |
Occurs when the browser address changed. |
It's important to note this event is fired on a CEF UI thread, which by default is not the same as your application UI |
thread. It is unwise to block on this thread for any length of time as your browser will become unresponsive and/or hang.. |
To access UI elements you'll need to Invoke/Dispatch onto the UI Thread. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser"> |
<summary> |
ChromiumWebBrowser is the WinForms web browser control |
</summary> |
<seealso cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.Control" /> |
<seealso cref="T:CefSharp.Internals.IWebBrowserInternal" /> |
<seealso cref="T:CefSharp.WinForms.IWinFormsWebBrowser" /> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.managedCefBrowserAdapter"> |
<summary> |
The managed cef browser adapter |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.parentFormMessageInterceptor"> |
<summary> |
The parent form message interceptor |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.browser"> |
<summary> |
The browser |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.designMode"> |
<summary> |
A flag that indicates whether or not the designer is active |
NOTE: DesignMode becomes false by the time we get to the destructor/dispose so it gets stored here |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.initialized"> |
<summary> |
A flag that indicates whether or not <see cref="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.InitializeFieldsAndCefIfRequired"/> has been called. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.browserCreated"> |
<summary> |
Has the underlying Cef Browser been created (slightly different to initliazed in that |
the browser is initialized in an async fashion) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.browserSettings"> |
<summary> |
Browser initialization settings |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.requestContext"> |
<summary> |
The request context (we deliberately use a private variable so we can throw an exception if |
user attempts to set after browser created) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.IsActivating"> |
<summary> |
Set to true while handing an activating WM_ACTIVATE message. |
MUST ONLY be cleared by DefaultFocusHandler. |
</summary> |
<value><c>true</c> if this instance is activating; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.BrowserSettings"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the browser settings. |
</summary> |
<value>The browser settings.</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.RequestContext"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the request context. |
</summary> |
<value>The request context.</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.IsLoading"> |
<summary> |
A flag that indicates whether the control is currently loading one or more web pages (true) or not (false). |
</summary> |
<value><c>true</c> if this instance is loading; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> |
<remarks>In the WPF control, this property is implemented as a Dependency Property and fully supports data |
binding.</remarks> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.TooltipText"> |
<summary> |
The text that will be displayed as a ToolTip |
</summary> |
<value>The tooltip text.</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.Address"> |
<summary> |
The address (URL) which the browser control is currently displaying. |
Will automatically be updated as the user navigates to another page (e.g. by clicking on a link). |
</summary> |
<value>The address.</value> |
<remarks>In the WPF control, this property is implemented as a Dependency Property and fully supports data |
binding.</remarks> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.DialogHandler"> |
<summary> |
Implement <see cref="T:CefSharp.IDialogHandler" /> and assign to handle dialog events. |
</summary> |
<value>The dialog handler.</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.JsDialogHandler"> |
<summary> |
Implement <see cref="T:CefSharp.IJsDialogHandler" /> and assign to handle events related to JavaScript Dialogs. |
</summary> |
<value>The js dialog handler.</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.KeyboardHandler"> |
<summary> |
Implement <see cref="T:CefSharp.IKeyboardHandler" /> and assign to handle events related to key press. |
</summary> |
<value>The keyboard handler.</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.RequestHandler"> |
<summary> |
Implement <see cref="T:CefSharp.IRequestHandler" /> and assign to handle events related to browser requests. |
</summary> |
<value>The request handler.</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.DownloadHandler"> |
<summary> |
Implement <see cref="T:CefSharp.IDownloadHandler" /> and assign to handle events related to downloading files. |
</summary> |
<value>The download handler.</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.LoadHandler"> |
<summary> |
Implement <see cref="T:CefSharp.ILoadHandler" /> and assign to handle events related to browser load status. |
</summary> |
<value>The load handler.</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.LifeSpanHandler"> |
<summary> |
Implement <see cref="T:CefSharp.ILifeSpanHandler" /> and assign to handle events related to popups. |
</summary> |
<value>The life span handler.</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.DisplayHandler"> |
<summary> |
Implement <see cref="T:CefSharp.IDisplayHandler" /> and assign to handle events related to browser display state. |
</summary> |
<value>The display handler.</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.MenuHandler"> |
<summary> |
Implement <see cref="T:CefSharp.IContextMenuHandler" /> and assign to handle events related to the browser context menu |
</summary> |
<value>The menu handler.</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.RenderProcessMessageHandler"> |
<summary> |
Implement <see cref="T:CefSharp.IRenderProcessMessageHandler" /> and assign to handle messages from the render process. |
</summary> |
<value>The render process message handler.</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.FindHandler"> |
<summary> |
Implement <see cref="T:CefSharp.IFindHandler" /> to handle events related to find results. |
</summary> |
<value>The find handler.</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.FocusHandler"> |
<summary> |
The <see cref="T:CefSharp.IFocusHandler" /> for this ChromiumWebBrowser. |
</summary> |
<value>The focus handler.</value> |
<remarks>If you need customized focus handling behavior for WinForms, the suggested |
best practice would be to inherit from DefaultFocusHandler and try to avoid |
needing to override the logic in OnGotFocus. The implementation in |
DefaultFocusHandler relies on very detailed behavior of how WinForms and |
Windows interact during window activation.</remarks> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.DragHandler"> |
<summary> |
Implement <see cref="T:CefSharp.IDragHandler" /> and assign to handle events related to dragging. |
</summary> |
<value>The drag handler.</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.ResourceHandlerFactory"> |
<summary> |
Implement <see cref="T:CefSharp.IResourceHandlerFactory" /> and control the loading of resources |
</summary> |
<value>The resource handler factory.</value> |
</member> |
<member name="E:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.LoadError"> |
<summary> |
Event handler that will get called when the resource load for a navigation fails or is canceled. |
It's important to note this event is fired on a CEF UI thread, which by default is not the same as your application UI |
thread. It is unwise to block on this thread for any length of time as your browser will become unresponsive and/or hang.. |
To access UI elements you'll need to Invoke/Dispatch onto the UI Thread. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="E:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.FrameLoadStart"> |
<summary> |
Event handler that will get called when the browser begins loading a frame. Multiple frames may be loading at the same |
time. Sub-frames may start or continue loading after the main frame load has ended. This method may not be called for a |
particular frame if the load request for that frame fails. For notification of overall browser load status use |
OnLoadingStateChange instead. |
It's important to note this event is fired on a CEF UI thread, which by default is not the same as your application UI |
thread. It is unwise to block on this thread for any length of time as your browser will become unresponsive and/or hang.. |
To access UI elements you'll need to Invoke/Dispatch onto the UI Thread. |
</summary> |
<remarks>Whilst this may seem like a logical place to execute js, it's called before the DOM has been loaded, implement |
<see cref="M:CefSharp.IRenderProcessMessageHandler.OnContextCreated(CefSharp.IWebBrowser,CefSharp.IBrowser,CefSharp.IFrame)" /> as it's called when the underlying V8Context is created |
</remarks> |
</member> |
<member name="E:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.FrameLoadEnd"> |
<summary> |
Event handler that will get called when the browser is done loading a frame. Multiple frames may be loading at the same |
time. Sub-frames may start or continue loading after the main frame load has ended. This method will always be called |
for all frames irrespective of whether the request completes successfully. |
It's important to note this event is fired on a CEF UI thread, which by default is not the same as your application UI |
thread. It is unwise to block on this thread for any length of time as your browser will become unresponsive and/or hang.. |
To access UI elements you'll need to Invoke/Dispatch onto the UI Thread. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="E:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.LoadingStateChanged"> |
<summary> |
Event handler that will get called when the Loading state has changed. |
This event will be fired twice. Once when loading is initiated either programmatically or |
by user action, and once when loading is terminated due to completion, cancellation of failure. |
It's important to note this event is fired on a CEF UI thread, which by default is not the same as your application UI |
thread. It is unwise to block on this thread for any length of time as your browser will become unresponsive and/or hang.. |
To access UI elements you'll need to Invoke/Dispatch onto the UI Thread. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="E:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.ConsoleMessage"> |
<summary> |
Event handler for receiving Javascript console messages being sent from web pages. |
It's important to note this event is fired on a CEF UI thread, which by default is not the same as your application UI |
thread. It is unwise to block on this thread for any length of time as your browser will become unresponsive and/or hang.. |
To access UI elements you'll need to Invoke/Dispatch onto the UI Thread. |
(The exception to this is when your running with settings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop = false, then they'll be the same thread). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="E:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.StatusMessage"> |
<summary> |
Event handler for changes to the status message. |
It's important to note this event is fired on a CEF UI thread, which by default is not the same as your application UI |
thread. It is unwise to block on this thread for any length of time as your browser will become unresponsive and/or hang. |
To access UI elements you'll need to Invoke/Dispatch onto the UI Thread. |
(The exception to this is when your running with settings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop = false, then they'll be the same thread). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="E:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.AddressChanged"> |
<summary> |
Occurs when the browser address changed. |
It's important to note this event is fired on a CEF UI thread, which by default is not the same as your application UI |
thread. It is unwise to block on this thread for any length of time as your browser will become unresponsive and/or hang.. |
To access UI elements you'll need to Invoke/Dispatch onto the UI Thread. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="E:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.TitleChanged"> |
<summary> |
Occurs when the browser title changed. |
It's important to note this event is fired on a CEF UI thread, which by default is not the same as your application UI |
thread. It is unwise to block on this thread for any length of time as your browser will become unresponsive and/or hang.. |
To access UI elements you'll need to Invoke/Dispatch onto the UI Thread. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="E:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.IsBrowserInitializedChanged"> |
<summary> |
Event called after the underlying CEF browser instance has been created. |
It's important to note this event is fired on a CEF UI thread, which by default is not the same as your application UI |
thread. It is unwise to block on this thread for any length of time as your browser will become unresponsive and/or hang.. |
To access UI elements you'll need to Invoke/Dispatch onto the UI Thread. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.CanGoForward"> |
<summary> |
A flag that indicates whether the state of the control currently supports the GoForward action (true) or not (false). |
</summary> |
<value><c>true</c> if this instance can go forward; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> |
<remarks>In the WPF control, this property is implemented as a Dependency Property and fully supports data |
binding.</remarks> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.CanGoBack"> |
<summary> |
A flag that indicates whether the state of the control current supports the GoBack action (true) or not (false). |
</summary> |
<value><c>true</c> if this instance can go back; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> |
<remarks>In the WPF control, this property is implemented as a Dependency Property and fully supports data |
binding.</remarks> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.IsBrowserInitialized"> |
<summary> |
A flag that indicates whether the WebBrowser is initialized (true) or not (false). |
</summary> |
<value><c>true</c> if this instance is browser initialized; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> |
<remarks>In the WPF control, this property is implemented as a Dependency Property and fully supports data |
binding.</remarks> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.CanExecuteJavascriptInMainFrame"> |
<summary> |
A flag that indicates if you can execute javascript in the main frame. |
Flag is set to true in IRenderProcessMessageHandler.OnContextCreated. |
and false in IRenderProcessMessageHandler.OnContextReleased |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.UseParentFormMessageInterceptor"> |
<summary> |
ParentFormMessageInterceptor hooks the Form handle and forwards |
the move/active messages to the browser, the default is true |
and should only be required when using <see cref="!:CefSettings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop"/> |
set to true. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.#cctor"> |
<summary> |
Initializes static members of the <see cref="T:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser"/> class. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.OnApplicationExit(System.Object,System.EventArgs)"> |
<summary> |
Handles the <see cref="E:ApplicationExit" /> event. |
</summary> |
<param name="sender">The sender.</param> |
<param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.#ctor"> |
<summary> |
This constructor exists as the WinForms designer requires a parameterless constructor, if you are instantiating |
an instance of this class in code then use the <see cref="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.#ctor(System.String,CefSharp.IRequestContext)"/> |
constructor overload instead. Using this constructor in code is unsupported and you may experience <see cref="T:System.NullReferenceException"/>'s |
when attempting to access some of the properties immediately after instantiation. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.#ctor(System.String,CefSharp.IRequestContext)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="address">The address.</param> |
<param name="requestContext">Request context that will be used for this browser instance, |
if null the Global Request Context will be used</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.InitializeFieldsAndCefIfRequired"> |
<summary> |
Required for designer support - this method cannot be inlined as the designer |
will attempt to load libcef.dll and will subsiquently throw an exception. |
TODO: Still not happy with this method name, need something better |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.Dispose(System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.Control" /> and its child controls and optionally releases the managed resources. |
</summary> |
<param name="disposing">true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.RemoveFromListOfCefBrowsers"> |
<summary> |
Required for designer support - this method cannot be inlined as the designer |
will attempt to load libcef.dll and will subsiquently throw an exception. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.FreeUnmanagedResources"> |
<summary> |
Required for designer support - this method cannot be inlined as the designer |
will attempt to load libcef.dll and will subsiquently throw an exception. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.Load(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Loads the specified URL. |
</summary> |
<param name="url">The URL to be loaded.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.RegisterJsObject(System.String,System.Object,CefSharp.BindingOptions)"> |
<summary> |
Registers a Javascript object in this specific browser instance. |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name of the object. (e.g. "foo", if you want the object to be accessible as window.foo).</param> |
<param name="objectToBind">The object to be made accessible to Javascript.</param> |
<param name="options">binding options - camelCaseJavascriptNames default to true </param> |
<exception cref="T:System.Exception">Browser is already initialized. RegisterJsObject must be + |
called before the underlying CEF browser is created.</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.RegisterAsyncJsObject(System.String,System.Object,CefSharp.BindingOptions)"> |
<summary> |
<para>Asynchronously registers a Javascript object in this specific browser instance.</para> |
<para>Only methods of the object will be availabe.</para> |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name of the object. (e.g. "foo", if you want the object to be accessible as window.foo).</param> |
<param name="objectToBind">The object to be made accessible to Javascript.</param> |
<param name="options">binding options - camelCaseJavascriptNames default to true </param> |
<exception cref="T:System.Exception">Browser is already initialized. RegisterJsObject must be + |
called before the underlying CEF browser is created.</exception> |
<remarks>The registered methods can only be called in an async way, they will all return immeditaly and the resulting |
object will be a standard javascript Promise object which is usable to wait for completion or failure.</remarks> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.JavascriptObjectRepository"> |
<summary> |
The javascript object repository, one repository per ChromiumWebBrowser instance. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.OnHandleCreated(System.EventArgs)"> |
<summary> |
Raises the <see cref="E:System.Windows.Forms.Control.HandleCreated" /> event. |
</summary> |
<param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.EventArgs" /> that contains the event data.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.CefSharp#Internals#IWebBrowserInternal#OnAfterBrowserCreated(CefSharp.IBrowser)"> |
<summary> |
Called after browser created. |
</summary> |
<param name="browser">The browser.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.CefSharp#Internals#IWebBrowserInternal#SetAddress(CefSharp.AddressChangedEventArgs)"> |
<summary> |
Sets the address. |
</summary> |
<param name="args">The <see cref="T:CefSharp.AddressChangedEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.CefSharp#Internals#IWebBrowserInternal#SetLoadingStateChange(CefSharp.LoadingStateChangedEventArgs)"> |
<summary> |
Sets the loading state change. |
</summary> |
<param name="args">The <see cref="T:CefSharp.LoadingStateChangedEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.CefSharp#Internals#IWebBrowserInternal#SetTitle(CefSharp.TitleChangedEventArgs)"> |
<summary> |
Sets the title. |
</summary> |
<param name="args">The <see cref="T:CefSharp.TitleChangedEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.CefSharp#Internals#IWebBrowserInternal#SetTooltipText(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Sets the tooltip text. |
</summary> |
<param name="tooltipText">The tooltip text.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.CefSharp#Internals#IWebBrowserInternal#OnFrameLoadStart(CefSharp.FrameLoadStartEventArgs)"> |
<summary> |
Handles the <see cref="E:FrameLoadStart" /> event. |
</summary> |
<param name="args">The <see cref="T:CefSharp.FrameLoadStartEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.CefSharp#Internals#IWebBrowserInternal#OnFrameLoadEnd(CefSharp.FrameLoadEndEventArgs)"> |
<summary> |
Handles the <see cref="E:FrameLoadEnd" /> event. |
</summary> |
<param name="args">The <see cref="T:CefSharp.FrameLoadEndEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.CefSharp#Internals#IWebBrowserInternal#OnConsoleMessage(CefSharp.ConsoleMessageEventArgs)"> |
<summary> |
Handles the <see cref="E:ConsoleMessage" /> event. |
</summary> |
<param name="args">The <see cref="T:CefSharp.ConsoleMessageEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.CefSharp#Internals#IWebBrowserInternal#OnStatusMessage(CefSharp.StatusMessageEventArgs)"> |
<summary> |
Handles the <see cref="E:StatusMessage" /> event. |
</summary> |
<param name="args">The <see cref="T:CefSharp.StatusMessageEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.CefSharp#Internals#IWebBrowserInternal#OnLoadError(CefSharp.LoadErrorEventArgs)"> |
<summary> |
Handles the <see cref="E:LoadError" /> event. |
</summary> |
<param name="args">The <see cref="T:CefSharp.LoadErrorEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.CefSharp#Internals#IWebBrowserInternal#BrowserAdapter"> |
<summary> |
Gets the browser adapter. |
</summary> |
<value>The browser adapter.</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.CefSharp#Internals#IWebBrowserInternal#HasParent"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance has parent. |
</summary> |
<value><c>true</c> if this instance has parent; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.Focused"> |
<summary> |
Manually implement Focused because cef does not implement it. |
</summary> |
<value><c>true</c> if focused; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> |
<remarks>This is also how the Microsoft's WebBrowserControl implements the Focused property.</remarks> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.OnSizeChanged(System.EventArgs)"> |
<summary> |
Raises the <see cref="E:System.Windows.Forms.Control.SizeChanged" /> event. |
</summary> |
<param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.EventArgs" /> that contains the event data.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.ResizeBrowser"> |
<summary> |
Resizes the browser. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.OnGotFocus(System.EventArgs)"> |
<summary> |
Raises the <see cref="E:System.Windows.Forms.Control.GotFocus" /> event. |
</summary> |
<param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.EventArgs" /> that contains the event data.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.GetBrowser"> |
<summary> |
Returns the current IBrowser Instance |
</summary> |
<returns>browser instance or null</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:CefSharp.WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser.IsInputKey(System.Windows.Forms.Keys)"> |
<summary> |
Makes certain keys as Input keys when CefSettings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop = false |
</summary> |
<param name="keyData">key data</param> |
<returns>true for a select list of keys otherwise defers to base.IsInputKey</returns> |
</member> |
</members> |
</doc> |
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
// Copyright © The CefSharp Authors. All rights reserved. |
// |
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are |
// met: |
// |
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
// |
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above |
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer |
// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the |
// distribution. |
// |
// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the name Chromium Embedded |
// Framework nor the name CefSharp nor the names of its contributors |
// may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software |
// without specific prior written permission. |
// |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
// |
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are |
// met: |
// |
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above |
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer |
// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the |
// distribution. |
// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its |
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from |
// this software without specific prior written permission. |
// |
@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ |
EnableExplicit |
Global PBEx_WebGadget |
CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x86 |
PBEx_WebGadget = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, "PB.Ex_WebGadget_x86.dll") |
CompilerElseIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x64 |
PBEx_WebGadget = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, "PB.Ex_WebGadget_x64.dll") |
CompilerEndIf |
If PBEx_WebGadget |
Prototype WebGadgetEx(ID, X, Y, Width, Height, URL.p-Unicode, ParentWindowID, ErrorOutput) |
Global WebGadgetEx.WebGadgetEx = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "WebGadgetEx") |
Prototype SetWebGadgetExText(ID, URL.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetWebGadgetExText.SetWebGadgetExText = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "SetWebGadgetExText") |
Prototype GetWebGadgetExText(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetWebGadgetExText.GetWebGadgetExText = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "GetWebGadgetExText") |
Prototype SetWebGadgetExState(ID, State, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetWebGadgetExState.SetWebGadgetExState = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "SetWebGadgetExState") |
Prototype SetWebGadgetExItemText(ID, Entry, Text.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetWebGadgetExItemText.SetWebGadgetExItemText = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "SetWebGadgetExItemText") |
Prototype GetWebGadgetExItemText(ID, Entry, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetWebGadgetExItemText.GetWebGadgetExItemText = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "GetWebGadgetExItemText") |
Prototype FreeWebGadgetEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global FreeWebGadgetEx.FreeWebGadgetEx = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "FreeWebGadgetEx") |
Prototype IsWebGadgetEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global IsWebGadgetEx.IsWebGadgetEx = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "IsWebGadgetEx") |
Prototype WebGadgetExWidth(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global WebGadgetExWidth.WebGadgetExWidth = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "WebGadgetExWidth") |
Prototype WebGadgetExHeight(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global WebGadgetExHeight.WebGadgetExHeight = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "WebGadgetExHeight") |
Prototype WebGadgetExX(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global WebGadgetExX.WebGadgetExX = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "WebGadgetExX") |
Prototype WebGadgetExY(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global WebGadgetExY.WebGadgetExY = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "WebGadgetExY") |
Prototype WebGadgetExID(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global WebGadgetExID.WebGadgetExID = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "WebGadgetExID") |
Prototype HideWebGadgetEx(ID, State, ErrorOutput) |
Global HideWebGadgetEx.HideWebGadgetEx = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "HideWebGadgetEx") |
Prototype ResizeWebGadgetEx(ID, X, Y, Width, Height, ErrorOutput) |
Global ResizeWebGadgetEx.ResizeWebGadgetEx = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "ResizeWebGadgetEx") |
Prototype HideWebGadgetExDevTools(ID, State, ErrorOutput) |
Global HideWebGadgetExDevTools.HideWebGadgetExDevTools = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "HideWebGadgetExDevTools") |
Prototype ExecuteWebGadgetExJavaScript(ID, Code.p-Unicode, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global ExecuteWebGadgetExJavaScript.ExecuteWebGadgetExJavaScript = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "ExecuteWebGadgetExJavaScript") |
Prototype BindWebGadgetExJavaScript(ID, PBProcedureName.p-Unicode, PBProcedureHandle, PID, ErrorOutput) |
Global BindWebGadgetExJavaScript.BindWebGadgetExJavaScript = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "BindWebGadgetExJavaScript") |
Prototype GetWebGadgetExAttribute(ID, Attribute, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetWebGadgetExAttribute.GetWebGadgetExAttribute = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "GetWebGadgetExAttribute") |
Prototype EnableRemoteDebugger(Port, ErrorOutput) |
Global EnableRemoteDebugger.EnableRemoteDebugger = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "EnableRemoteDebugger") |
EndIf |
Define Output$ = Space(1000000) |
Define ErrorOutput$ = "" |
Define IsDevTools = #True |
Procedure MyJSCallback(aaa) |
Debug "This procedure was executed from Javascript: " + PeekS(aaa) |
EndProcedure |
If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 1100, 768, "Window", #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered) |
WebGadgetEx(1, 0, 20, 1100, 748, "http://www.rsbasic.de", WindowID(0), @ErrorOutput$) |
ButtonGadget(2, 0, 0, 50, 20, "Back", 0) |
ButtonGadget(3, 50, 0, 50, 20, "Forward", 0) |
ButtonGadget(4, 100, 0, 50, 20, "Reload", 0) |
ButtonGadget(5, 150, 0, 50, 20, "Stop", 0) |
ButtonGadget(6, 200, 0, 50, 20, "Google", 0) |
ButtonGadget(7, 250, 0, 70, 20, "Own HTML", 0) |
ButtonGadget(8, 320, 0, 70, 20, "Get HTML", 0) |
ButtonGadget(10, 390, 0, 70, 20, "Get URL", 0) |
ButtonGadget(11, 460, 0, 100, 20, "Get size && position", 0) |
ButtonGadget(12, 560, 0, 50, 20, "Get ID", 0) |
ButtonGadget(13, 610, 0, 50, 20, "Hide", 0) |
ButtonGadget(14, 660, 0, 50, 20, "Show", 0) |
ButtonGadget(15, 710, 0, 50, 20, "Size", 0) |
ButtonGadget(16, 760, 0, 100, 20, "Show/Hide DevT.", 0) |
ButtonGadget(17, 860, 0, 70, 20, "Execute JS", 0) |
ButtonGadget(18, 930, 0, 50, 20, "BindProc", 0) |
ButtonGadget(19, 980, 0, 50, 20, "CallProc", 0) |
ButtonGadget(20, 1030, 0, 50, 20, "IsBusy?", 0) |
Repeat |
Select WaitWindowEvent() |
Case #PB_Event_Gadget |
Select EventGadget() |
Case 2 |
SetWebGadgetExState(1, #PB_Web_Back, @ErrorOutput$) |
Case 3 |
SetWebGadgetExState(1, #PB_Web_Forward, @ErrorOutput$) |
Case 4 |
SetWebGadgetExState(1, #PB_Web_Refresh, @ErrorOutput$) |
Case 5 |
SetWebGadgetExState(1, #PB_Web_Stop, @ErrorOutput$) |
Case 6 |
SetWebGadgetExText(1, "http://www.google.de", @ErrorOutput$) |
Case 7 |
SetWebGadgetExItemText(1, #PB_Web_HtmlCode, "<html><head></head><body><h1>Hello PureBasic Friends!</h1></body></html>", @ErrorOutput$) |
Case 8 |
GetWebGadgetExItemText(1, #PB_Web_HtmlCode, @Output$, @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug Output$ |
Case 10 |
GetWebGadgetExText(1, @Output$, @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug Output$ |
Case 11 |
Debug WebGadgetExWidth(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug WebGadgetExHeight(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug WebGadgetExX(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug WebGadgetExY(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
Case 12 |
Debug WebGadgetExID(1, @ErrorOutput$) |
Case 13 |
HideWebGadgetEx(1, 1, @ErrorOutput$) |
Case 14 |
HideWebGadgetEx(1, 0, @ErrorOutput$) |
Case 15 |
ResizeWebGadgetEx(1, 100, 50, 200, 400, @ErrorOutput$) |
Case 16 |
IsDevTools ! #True |
HideWebGadgetExDevTools(1, IsDevTools, @ErrorOutput$) |
Case 17 |
ExecuteWebGadgetExJavaScript(1, "document.body.style.backgroundColor = " + Chr(34) + "#ff0000" + Chr(34), @Output$, @ErrorOutput$) |
ExecuteWebGadgetExJavaScript(1, "document.body.offsetHeight;", @Output$, @ErrorOutput$) |
Debug Output$ |
;If you want to run modal dialogs like Alert(), please set the parameter "Output" to 0. |
ExecuteWebGadgetExJavaScript(1, "alert('Hello');", 0, @ErrorOutput$) |
Case 18 |
BindWebGadgetExJavaScript(1, "MyJSCallback", @MyJSCallback(), GetCurrentProcessId_(), @ErrorOutput$) |
Case 19 |
ExecuteWebGadgetExJavaScript(1, "(async function() { await CefSharp.BindObjectAsync('PBProcedure'); PBProcedure.call('MyJSCallback', 'Hello PureBasic'); })();", @Output$, @ErrorOutput$) |
Case 20 |
Debug GetWebGadgetExAttribute(1, #PB_Web_Busy, @ErrorOutput$) |
EndSelect |
Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow |
CloseLibrary(PBEx_WebGadget) |
End |
EndSelect |
ForEver |
EndIf |
; IDE Options = PureBasic 5.60 (Windows - x64) |
; CursorPosition = 66 |
; FirstLine = 33 |
; Folding = - |
; EnableXP |
; EnableUser |
; Executable = PB.Ex_MSSQL.exe |
; CompileSourceDirectory |
; EnableCompileCount = 420 |
; EnableBuildCount = 7 |
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ |
EnableExplicit |
Global PBEx_WebGadget |
CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x86 |
PBEx_WebGadget = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, "PB.Ex_WebGadget_x86.dll") |
CompilerElseIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x64 |
PBEx_WebGadget = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, "PB.Ex_WebGadget_x64.dll") |
CompilerEndIf |
If PBEx_WebGadget |
Prototype WebGadgetEx(ID, X, Y, Width, Height, URL.p-Unicode, ParentWindowID, ErrorOutput) |
Global WebGadgetEx.WebGadgetEx = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "WebGadgetEx") |
Prototype SetWebGadgetExText(ID, URL.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetWebGadgetExText.SetWebGadgetExText = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "SetWebGadgetExText") |
Prototype GetWebGadgetExText(ID, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetWebGadgetExText.GetWebGadgetExText = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "GetWebGadgetExText") |
Prototype SetWebGadgetExState(ID, State, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetWebGadgetExState.SetWebGadgetExState = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "SetWebGadgetExState") |
Prototype SetWebGadgetExItemText(ID, Entry, Text.p-Unicode, ErrorOutput) |
Global SetWebGadgetExItemText.SetWebGadgetExItemText = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "SetWebGadgetExItemText") |
Prototype GetWebGadgetExItemText(ID, Entry, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetWebGadgetExItemText.GetWebGadgetExItemText = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "GetWebGadgetExItemText") |
Prototype FreeWebGadgetEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global FreeWebGadgetEx.FreeWebGadgetEx = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "FreeWebGadgetEx") |
Prototype IsWebGadgetEx(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global IsWebGadgetEx.IsWebGadgetEx = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "IsWebGadgetEx") |
Prototype WebGadgetExWidth(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global WebGadgetExWidth.WebGadgetExWidth = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "WebGadgetExWidth") |
Prototype WebGadgetExHeight(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global WebGadgetExHeight.WebGadgetExHeight = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "WebGadgetExHeight") |
Prototype WebGadgetExX(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global WebGadgetExX.WebGadgetExX = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "WebGadgetExX") |
Prototype WebGadgetExY(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global WebGadgetExY.WebGadgetExY = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "WebGadgetExY") |
Prototype WebGadgetExID(ID, ErrorOutput) |
Global WebGadgetExID.WebGadgetExID = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "WebGadgetExID") |
Prototype HideWebGadgetEx(ID, State, ErrorOutput) |
Global HideWebGadgetEx.HideWebGadgetEx = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "HideWebGadgetEx") |
Prototype ResizeWebGadgetEx(ID, X, Y, Width, Height, ErrorOutput) |
Global ResizeWebGadgetEx.ResizeWebGadgetEx = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "ResizeWebGadgetEx") |
Prototype HideWebGadgetExDevTools(ID, State, ErrorOutput) |
Global HideWebGadgetExDevTools.HideWebGadgetExDevTools = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "HideWebGadgetExDevTools") |
Prototype ExecuteWebGadgetExJavaScript(ID, Code.p-Unicode, Output, ErrorOutput) |
Global ExecuteWebGadgetExJavaScript.ExecuteWebGadgetExJavaScript = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "ExecuteWebGadgetExJavaScript") |
Prototype BindWebGadgetExJavaScript(ID, PBProcedureName.p-Unicode, PBProcedureHandle, PID, ErrorOutput) |
Global BindWebGadgetExJavaScript.BindWebGadgetExJavaScript = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "BindWebGadgetExJavaScript") |
Prototype GetWebGadgetExAttribute(ID, Attribute, ErrorOutput) |
Global GetWebGadgetExAttribute.GetWebGadgetExAttribute = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "GetWebGadgetExAttribute") |
Prototype EnableRemoteDebugger(Port, ErrorOutput) |
Global EnableRemoteDebugger.EnableRemoteDebugger = GetFunction(PBEx_WebGadget, "EnableRemoteDebugger") |
EndIf |
; IDE Options = PureBasic 5.60 (Windows - x64) |
; CursorPosition = 53 |
; EnableXP |
; EnableUser |
; Executable = PB.Ex_MSSQL.exe |
; CompileSourceDirectory |
; EnableCompileCount = 417 |
; EnableBuildCount = 7 |
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ |
Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) Standard Binary Distribution for Windows |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Date: March 08, 2019 |
CEF Version: 3.3578.1870.gc974488 |
CEF URL: https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef.git |
@c974488bae67171e814b9666de3000867ff7bd76 |
Chromium Version: 71.0.3578.98 |
Chromium URL: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git |
@c2bec8045f7ad3ece1c5d80236183a21c1fac3f5 |
This distribution contains all components necessary to build and distribute an |
application using CEF on the Windows platform. Please see the LICENSING |
section of this document for licensing terms and conditions. |
-------- |
cmake Contains CMake configuration files shared by all targets. |
Debug Contains libcef.dll, libcef.lib and other components required to |
build and run the debug version of CEF-based applications. By |
default these files should be placed in the same directory as the |
executable and will be copied there as part of the build process. |
include Contains all required CEF header files. |
libcef_dll Contains the source code for the libcef_dll_wrapper static library |
that all applications using the CEF C++ API must link against. |
Release Contains libcef.dll, libcef.lib and other components required to |
build and run the release version of CEF-based applications. By |
default these files should be placed in the same directory as the |
executable and will be copied there as part of the build process. |
Resources Contains resources required by libcef.dll. By default these files |
should be placed in the same directory as libcef.dll and will be |
copied there as part of the build process. |
tests/ Directory of tests that demonstrate CEF usage. |
cefclient Contains the cefclient sample application configured to build |
using the files in this distribution. This application demonstrates |
a wide range of CEF functionalities. |
cefsimple Contains the cefsimple sample application configured to build |
using the files in this distribution. This application demonstrates |
the minimal functionality required to create a browser window. |
ceftests Contains unit tests that exercise the CEF APIs. |
gtest Contains the Google C++ Testing Framework used by the ceftests |
target. |
shared Contains source code shared by the cefclient and ceftests targets. |
----- |
Building using CMake: |
CMake can be used to generate project files in many different formats. See |
usage instructions at the top of the CMakeLists.txt file. |
Please visit the CEF Website for additional usage information. |
https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/ |
-------------- |
This binary distribution contains the below components. |
Required components: |
The following components are required. CEF will not function without them. |
* CEF core library. |
* libcef.dll |
* Crash reporting library. |
* chrome_elf.dll |
* Unicode support data. |
* icudtl.dat |
* V8 snapshot data. |
* natives_blob.bin |
* snapshot_blob.bin |
* v8_context_snapshot.bin |
Optional components: |
The following components are optional. If they are missing CEF will continue to |
run but any related functionality may become broken or disabled. |
* Localized resources. |
Locale file loading can be disabled completely using |
CefSettings.pack_loading_disabled. The locales directory path can be |
customized using CefSettings.locales_dir_path. |
* locales/ |
Directory containing localized resources used by CEF, Chromium and Blink. A |
.pak file is loaded from this directory based on the CefSettings.locale |
value. Only configured locales need to be distributed. If no locale is |
configured the default locale of "en-US" will be used. Without these files |
arbitrary Web components may display incorrectly. |
* Other resources. |
Pack file loading can be disabled completely using |
CefSettings.pack_loading_disabled. The resources directory path can be |
customized using CefSettings.resources_dir_path. |
* cef.pak |
* cef_100_percent.pak |
* cef_200_percent.pak |
These files contain non-localized resources used by CEF, Chromium and Blink. |
Without these files arbitrary Web components may display incorrectly. |
* cef_extensions.pak |
This file contains non-localized resources required for extension loading. |
Pass the `--disable-extensions` command-line flag to disable use of this |
file. Without this file components that depend on the extension system, |
such as the PDF viewer, will not function. |
* devtools_resources.pak |
This file contains non-localized resources required for Chrome Developer |
Tools. Without this file Chrome Developer Tools will not function. |
* Angle and Direct3D support. |
* d3dcompiler_43.dll (required for Windows XP) |
* d3dcompiler_47.dll (required for Windows Vista and newer) |
* libEGL.dll |
* libGLESv2.dll |
Without these files HTML5 accelerated content like 2D canvas, 3D CSS and WebGL |
will not function. |
* SwiftShader support. |
* swiftshader/libEGL.dll |
* swiftshader/libGLESv2.dll |
Without these files WebGL will not function in software-only mode when the GPU |
is not available or disabled. |
--------- |
The CEF project is BSD licensed. Please read the LICENSE.txt file included with |
this binary distribution for licensing terms and conditions. Other software |
included in this distribution is provided under other licenses. Please visit |
"about:credits" in a CEF-based application for complete Chromium and third-party |
licensing information. |
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,689 @@ |
[0426/090916.631:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/090918.548:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/090918.756:WARNING:angle_platform_impl.cc(52)] compileToBinary(232): |
C:\fakepath(73,10-42): warning X3571: pow(f, e) will not work for negative f, use abs(f) or conditionally handle negative values if you expect them |
C:\fakepath(95,10-42): warning X3571: pow(f, e) will not work for negative f, use abs(f) or conditionally handle negative values if you expect them |
[0426/093320.507:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/093323.029:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/093323.240:WARNING:angle_platform_impl.cc(52)] compileToBinary(232): |
C:\fakepath(73,10-42): warning X3571: pow(f, e) will not work for negative f, use abs(f) or conditionally handle negative values if you expect them |
C:\fakepath(95,10-42): warning X3571: pow(f, e) will not work for negative f, use abs(f) or conditionally handle negative values if you expect them |
[0426/093324.727:WARNING:CONSOLE(3124)] "document.registerElement is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use window.customElements.define instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4642138092470272 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3124) |
[0426/093324.769:WARNING:CONSOLE(3082)] "Element.createShadowRoot is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use Element.attachShadow instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4507242028072960 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3082) |
[0426/093325.509:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/093330.510:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/093335.514:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/093340.517:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/093345.520:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/093350.523:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/093424.148:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/093513.318:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/093515.172:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/093519.400:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/093521.186:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/093521.272:ERROR:broker_win.cc(137)] Error sending sync broker message: Die Pipe wird gerade geschlossen. (0xE8) |
[0426/093521.273:ERROR:broker_win.cc(137)] Error sending sync broker message: Die Pipe wird gerade geschlossen. (0xE8) |
[0426/093525.016:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/093526.773:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/093530.018:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/093620.017:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/093621.899:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/093636.769:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/093638.574:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/093647.486:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/093649.229:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/093650.433:WARNING:CONSOLE(3124)] "document.registerElement is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use window.customElements.define instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4642138092470272 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3124) |
[0426/093650.473:WARNING:CONSOLE(3082)] "Element.createShadowRoot is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use Element.attachShadow instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4507242028072960 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3082) |
[0426/093652.505:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/093705.811:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/093707.574:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/093709.266:WARNING:CONSOLE(3124)] "document.registerElement is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use window.customElements.define instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4642138092470272 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3124) |
[0426/093709.306:WARNING:CONSOLE(3082)] "Element.createShadowRoot is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use Element.attachShadow instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4507242028072960 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3082) |
[0426/093710.814:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/093711.244:WARNING:CONSOLE(3124)] "document.registerElement is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use window.customElements.define instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4642138092470272 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3124) |
[0426/093711.284:WARNING:CONSOLE(3082)] "Element.createShadowRoot is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use Element.attachShadow instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4507242028072960 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3082) |
[0426/094859.010:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/094901.050:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/094902.750:WARNING:CONSOLE(3124)] "document.registerElement is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use window.customElements.define instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4642138092470272 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3124) |
[0426/094902.794:WARNING:CONSOLE(3082)] "Element.createShadowRoot is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use Element.attachShadow instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4507242028072960 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3082) |
[0426/094904.012:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/121658.425:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/121701.661:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/121703.129:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/121703.428:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/121710.409:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/121712.466:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/121715.411:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/121716.832:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/121826.980:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/121829.060:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/121831.981:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/121901.397:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/121903.300:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/121904.032:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/121912.692:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/121914.436:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/121915.085:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/121917.695:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/121935.560:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/121937.536:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/121940.563:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/121945.972:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/121947.935:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/122040.757:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/122042.790:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/122045.760:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/122050.762:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/122059.620:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/122102.306:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/122104.623:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/122817.939:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/122819.910:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/122822.941:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/123023.337:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/123025.671:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/123028.339:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/123449.486:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/123451.499:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/123519.385:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/123521.131:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/123524.388:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/125158.766:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/125200.976:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/125203.770:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/125244.061:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/125245.873:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/125249.064:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/131613.620:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/131615.437:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/131618.622:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/141436.750:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/141439.831:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/141441.752:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/141456.737:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/141458.723:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/141501.739:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/141513.811:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/141515.800:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/141541.527:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/141543.525:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/144244.805:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/144246.744:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/144250.054:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/144436.727:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/144438.878:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/144441.728:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/144446.731:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/144451.733:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/144456.736:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/144501.739:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/144506.740:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/144511.743:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/144516.745:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/144521.747:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/144526.750:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/144531.751:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/144537.336:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/144539.112:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/144542.337:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/152051.176:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/152053.619:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/152056.178:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/152210.597:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/152212.373:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/152213.582:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught SyntaxError: Illegal return statement", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/ (1) |
[0426/152215.599:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/152220.601:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/152221.729:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/152223.591:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/152224.545:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught SyntaxError: Illegal return statement", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/ (1) |
[0426/152226.732:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/152253.161:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/152254.915:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/152258.162:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/152350.255:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/152352.089:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/152355.257:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/152400.260:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/152405.263:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/153150.215:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/153153.621:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/153155.216:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/153201.428:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/153203.162:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/153204.314:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected string", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/ (1) |
[0426/153206.431:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/153208.608:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected string", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/ (1) |
[0426/153210.595:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/153212.323:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/153212.962:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected string", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/ (1) |
[0426/153215.598:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/153308.173:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/153310.030:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/153313.175:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/155411.791:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/155413.745:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/155416.793:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/155430.871:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/155432.641:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/155633.314:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/155635.101:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/155641.993:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/155643.786:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/155717.544:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/155719.340:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/155722.545:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/155727.548:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/155732.551:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/190909.435:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/190914.550:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/190919.553:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/190922.762:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/190924.555:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/190929.557:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/190959.658:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/191001.510:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/191031.142:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/191032.982:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/204834.879:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/204840.162:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/204845.165:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/204848.781:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/204850.210:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/204855.214:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/204859.522:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/ (1) |
[0426/204900.217:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/204905.220:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/204950.837:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/204958.709:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205000.539:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/205003.712:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205012.544:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205014.391:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/205017.546:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205024.890:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205026.689:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/205029.506:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205031.344:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/205033.186:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205034.964:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/205038.189:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205043.567:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205045.368:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/205051.120:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205052.946:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/205056.123:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205102.438:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205104.304:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/205118.420:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205120.184:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/205125.908:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205127.699:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/205132.874:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205134.640:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/205138.086:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205139.906:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/205150.173:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205151.962:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/205247.871:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205249.679:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/205256.758:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205258.556:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/205301.760:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205304.286:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/ (1) |
[0426/205316.229:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205318.056:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/205321.232:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205737.904:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205739.748:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/205742.907:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/205745.890:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/ (1) |
[0426/205747.909:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/210535.681:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/210537.523:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/210540.684:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/210542.113:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/ (1) |
[0426/210739.947:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/210741.785:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/210743.326:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/210744.950:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/210953.776:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/210955.625:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/210958.779:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/210959.003:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/211000.230:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/211000.741:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/211000.909:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/211001.053:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/211003.782:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/211518.198:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/211520.019:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/211523.006:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/211523.200:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/211639.137:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/211640.907:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/211644.140:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/211644.286:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/211721.059:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/211722.918:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/211723.720:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/211726.061:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/211726.179:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/211934.914:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/211936.722:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/211939.917:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/211944.919:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212030.370:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212032.173:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/212035.373:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212035.848:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/212126.716:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212128.532:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/212254.946:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212256.748:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/212259.447:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/212259.948:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212304.951:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212309.954:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212424.211:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212427.949:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/212455.164:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212456.967:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/212500.166:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212503.990:WARNING:CONSOLE(3124)] "document.registerElement is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use window.customElements.define instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4642138092470272 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3124) |
[0426/212504.166:WARNING:CONSOLE(3082)] "Element.createShadowRoot is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use Element.attachShadow instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4507242028072960 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3082) |
[0426/212505.169:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212510.172:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212511.842:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/212515.175:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212520.179:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212525.182:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212530.185:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212535.188:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212535.754:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/212536.641:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/212540.191:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212545.194:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212550.197:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212555.200:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/212557.789:ERROR:shader_disk_cache.cc(257)] Failed to create shader cache entry: -2 |
[0426/212600.203:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213131.349:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213133.203:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/213136.350:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213139.190:WARNING:CONSOLE(3124)] "document.registerElement is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use window.customElements.define instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4642138092470272 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3124) |
[0426/213139.231:WARNING:CONSOLE(3082)] "Element.createShadowRoot is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use Element.attachShadow instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4507242028072960 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3082) |
[0426/213140.362:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/213141.353:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213146.355:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213151.358:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213156.361:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213201.364:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213206.367:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213211.370:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213216.373:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213221.376:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213226.379:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213231.382:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213236.385:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213241.388:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213246.389:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213251.390:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213256.393:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213301.394:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213306.397:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213311.399:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213316.400:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213321.402:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213326.405:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213331.406:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213336.407:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213341.409:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213346.410:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213351.413:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213356.414:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213455.101:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213456.943:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/213458.948:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/213500.104:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213500.924:WARNING:CONSOLE(3124)] "document.registerElement is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use window.customElements.define instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4642138092470272 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3124) |
[0426/213500.964:WARNING:CONSOLE(3082)] "Element.createShadowRoot is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use Element.attachShadow instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4507242028072960 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3082) |
[0426/213505.107:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213510.111:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213515.112:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213520.115:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213525.118:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213530.121:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213535.124:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213540.127:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213545.130:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213550.133:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213555.136:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213600.137:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213605.138:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213610.141:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213615.144:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213620.145:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213625.146:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213630.148:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213635.149:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213640.151:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213645.153:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213650.154:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213655.157:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213700.158:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213705.159:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213710.162:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213715.163:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213720.166:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213725.169:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213730.170:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213735.171:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213740.174:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213745.177:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213750.178:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213755.180:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213800.181:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213805.182:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213810.183:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213815.184:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213820.185:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213826.823:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/213828.639:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/213830.602:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/213831.825:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214101.400:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214103.221:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/214106.402:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214110.025:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/214111.405:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214534.524:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214536.348:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/214536.890:WARNING:CONSOLE(3124)] "document.registerElement is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use window.customElements.define instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4642138092470272 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3124) |
[0426/214536.935:WARNING:CONSOLE(3082)] "Element.createShadowRoot is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use Element.attachShadow instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4507242028072960 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3082) |
[0426/214539.527:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214544.530:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214547.133:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/214549.533:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214554.536:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214559.539:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214604.542:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214609.545:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214614.548:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214619.551:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214624.554:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214629.557:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214634.560:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214639.563:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214644.563:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214649.565:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214654.567:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214659.569:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214704.571:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214709.572:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214714.574:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214719.577:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214724.578:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214729.582:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214734.583:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214739.584:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214744.585:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214749.587:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214754.589:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214759.592:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214804.594:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214809.595:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214814.597:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214819.598:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214824.599:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214829.602:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214834.603:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214839.605:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214843.783:INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Uncaught (in promise) System.InvalidOperationException: Could not execute method: call(System.Reflection.Missing, System.Reflection.Missing) - Missing Parameters: 2 ---> System.ArgumentException: Der fehlende Parameter hat keinen Standardwert. |
Parametername: parameters |
bei System.Reflection.MethodBase.CheckArguments(Object[] parameters, Binder binder, BindingFlags invokeAttr, CultureInfo culture, Signature sig) |
bei System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.InvokeArgumentsCheck(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) |
bei System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) |
bei System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(Object obj, Object[] parameters) |
bei CefSharp.Internals.JavascriptObjectRepository.TryCallMethod(Int64 objectId, String name, Object[] parameters, Object& result, String& exception) in C:\projects\cefsharp\CefSharp\Internals\JavascriptObjectRepository.cs:Zeile 295. |
--- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung --- |
bei CefSharp.Internals.JavascriptObjectRepository.TryCallMethod(Int64 objectId, String name, Object[] parameters, Object& result, String& exception) in C:\projects\cefsharp\CefSharp\Internals\JavascriptObjectRepository.cs:Zeile 304.", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/ (0) |
[0426/214844.606:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214849.607:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214852.063:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: (1) |
[0426/214854.608:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214859.610:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214904.613:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214909.614:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214914.617:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214919.619:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214924.621:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214929.622:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214932.589:INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Uncaught (in promise) System.InvalidOperationException: Could not execute method: call(System.Reflection.Missing, System.Reflection.Missing) - Missing Parameters: 2 ---> System.ArgumentException: Der fehlende Parameter hat keinen Standardwert. |
Parametername: parameters |
bei System.Reflection.MethodBase.CheckArguments(Object[] parameters, Binder binder, BindingFlags invokeAttr, CultureInfo culture, Signature sig) |
bei System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.InvokeArgumentsCheck(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) |
bei System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) |
bei System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(Object obj, Object[] parameters) |
bei CefSharp.Internals.JavascriptObjectRepository.TryCallMethod(Int64 objectId, String name, Object[] parameters, Object& result, String& exception) in C:\projects\cefsharp\CefSharp\Internals\JavascriptObjectRepository.cs:Zeile 295. |
--- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung --- |
bei CefSharp.Internals.JavascriptObjectRepository.TryCallMethod(Int64 objectId, String name, Object[] parameters, Object& result, String& exception) in C:\projects\cefsharp\CefSharp\Internals\JavascriptObjectRepository.cs:Zeile 304.", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/ (0) |
[0426/214934.624:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214939.626:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214944.627:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214949.628:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214954.630:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/214959.633:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215004.636:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215009.637:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215014.638:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215019.641:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215024.642:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215029.645:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215034.646:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215039.647:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215044.650:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215049.651:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215054.653:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215059.654:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215104.655:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215109.658:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215114.661:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215115.265:INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Uncaught (in promise) System.InvalidOperationException: Could not execute method: call(aa, System.Reflection.Missing) - Missing Parameters: 1 ---> System.ArgumentException: Der fehlende Parameter hat keinen Standardwert. |
Parametername: parameters |
bei System.Reflection.MethodBase.CheckArguments(Object[] parameters, Binder binder, BindingFlags invokeAttr, CultureInfo culture, Signature sig) |
bei System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.InvokeArgumentsCheck(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) |
bei System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) |
bei System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(Object obj, Object[] parameters) |
bei CefSharp.Internals.JavascriptObjectRepository.TryCallMethod(Int64 objectId, String name, Object[] parameters, Object& result, String& exception) in C:\projects\cefsharp\CefSharp\Internals\JavascriptObjectRepository.cs:Zeile 295. |
--- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung --- |
bei CefSharp.Internals.JavascriptObjectRepository.TryCallMethod(Int64 objectId, String name, Object[] parameters, Object& result, String& exception) in C:\projects\cefsharp\CefSharp\Internals\JavascriptObjectRepository.cs:Zeile 304.", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/ (0) |
[0426/215119.663:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215222.503:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215224.375:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/215226.228:INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Uncaught (in promise) System.InvalidOperationException: Could not execute method: call(MyJSCallback, System.Reflection.Missing) - Missing Parameters: 1 ---> System.ArgumentException: Der fehlende Parameter hat keinen Standardwert. |
Parametername: parameters |
bei System.Reflection.MethodBase.CheckArguments(Object[] parameters, Binder binder, BindingFlags invokeAttr, CultureInfo culture, Signature sig) |
bei System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.InvokeArgumentsCheck(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) |
bei System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) |
bei System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(Object obj, Object[] parameters) |
bei CefSharp.Internals.JavascriptObjectRepository.TryCallMethod(Int64 objectId, String name, Object[] parameters, Object& result, String& exception) in C:\projects\cefsharp\CefSharp\Internals\JavascriptObjectRepository.cs:Zeile 295. |
--- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung --- |
bei CefSharp.Internals.JavascriptObjectRepository.TryCallMethod(Int64 objectId, String name, Object[] parameters, Object& result, String& exception) in C:\projects\cefsharp\CefSharp\Internals\JavascriptObjectRepository.cs:Zeile 304.", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/ (0) |
[0426/215227.505:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215229.129:WARNING:CONSOLE(3124)] "document.registerElement is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use window.customElements.define instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4642138092470272 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3124) |
[0426/215229.169:WARNING:CONSOLE(3082)] "Element.createShadowRoot is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use Element.attachShadow instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4507242028072960 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3082) |
[0426/215232.508:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215237.510:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215242.513:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215247.516:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215252.517:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215321.869:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215323.678:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/215326.873:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215423.292:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215425.131:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/215426.718:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: PBProcedure.Call is not a function", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/215528.885:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215530.694:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/215533.887:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215554.190:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215555.992:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/215557.764:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: PBProcedure is not defined", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/215605.791:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215607.573:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/215609.537:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught SyntaxError: Illegal return statement", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/215610.793:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215611.149:WARNING:CONSOLE(3124)] "document.registerElement is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use window.customElements.define instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4642138092470272 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3124) |
[0426/215611.191:WARNING:CONSOLE(3082)] "Element.createShadowRoot is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use Element.attachShadow instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4507242028072960 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3082) |
[0426/215615.795:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215620.796:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215625.799:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215630.802:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215635.805:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215645.817:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215647.622:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/215650.126:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: PBProcedure is not defined", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/215650.820:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215655.823:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215700.826:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215705.829:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215710.832:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215727.753:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215729.560:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/215731.224:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: PBProcedure is not defined", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/215732.406:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: PBProcedure is not defined", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/215732.756:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215744.183:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215745.981:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/215747.447:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: PBProcedure is not defined", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/215749.186:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215756.816:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215758.617:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/215800.671:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: PBProcedure is not defined", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/215801.818:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215814.461:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215816.430:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/215817.446:WARNING:CONSOLE(3124)] "document.registerElement is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use window.customElements.define instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4642138092470272 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3124) |
[0426/215817.487:WARNING:CONSOLE(3082)] "Element.createShadowRoot is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use Element.attachShadow instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4507242028072960 for more details.", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/shell.js (3082) |
[0426/215819.464:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215822.189:INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: PBProcedure is not defined", source: about:blank (1) |
[0426/215824.467:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215829.470:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215834.474:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215846.398:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215848.237:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/215900.909:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215902.701:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/215905.911:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215956.886:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/215958.709:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/220001.889:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/220029.358:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/220031.175:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/220034.360:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/220250.433:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/220252.288:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/220255.436:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/220302.345:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/220304.140:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/220505.500:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/220507.321:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/220510.503:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/220515.505:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/220520.508:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/220610.347:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/220612.167:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/220615.349:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/220620.352:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/220625.355:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/220630.358:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/220711.028:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/220712.943:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/220716.030:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/220721.033:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/221509.636:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/221511.513:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0426/221514.639:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0426/221519.642:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/083411.952:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/083417.060:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/083422.063:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/083427.066:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/083432.069:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/083436.878:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0427/083437.071:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/083437.737:ERROR:broker_win.cc(137)] Error sending sync broker message: Die Pipe wird gerade geschlossen. (0xE8) |
[0427/083437.738:ERROR:broker_win.cc(137)] Error sending sync broker message: Die Pipe wird gerade geschlossen. (0xE8) |
[0427/083438.760:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/083440.591:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0427/083443.762:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/142128.670:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/142133.745:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/142138.748:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/142142.222:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0427/142143.749:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/142148.752:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/142204.702:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/142206.519:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0427/142209.705:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/142315.253:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/142317.136:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0427/142320.256:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/142830.561:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/142832.424:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0427/142835.564:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/143232.740:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/143234.599:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0427/143237.743:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/143241.261:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/143243.082:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0427/143246.262:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/143352.955:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/143354.736:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0427/143357.957:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/143402.960:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/143407.963:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/143412.966:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/143417.969:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/153955.492:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/153957.396:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0427/154000.494:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0427/154005.497:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0429/201240.255:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0429/201245.345:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0429/201250.347:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0429/201255.350:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0430/190957.599:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0430/191002.680:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0430/191007.681:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0430/191012.684:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0430/191017.686:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0430/191022.688:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0430/191027.690:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0430/191032.693:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0505/213132.427:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0505/213137.510:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0505/213142.513:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0505/213145.796:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0505/213147.514:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0505/213152.516:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0505/213156.646:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0505/213158.451:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0505/213201.647:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0505/213206.650:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0505/213237.264:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0505/213239.136:INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1", source: https://www.rsbasic.de/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1 (2) |
[0505/213242.267:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0505/213242.951:INFO:CONSOLE(3124)] "document.registerElement is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use window.customElements.define instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4642138092470272 for more details.", source: http://localhost:8088/devtools/shell.js (3124) |
[0505/213243.107:INFO:CONSOLE(3082)] "Element.createShadowRoot is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use Element.attachShadow instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4507242028072960 for more details.", source: http://localhost:8088/devtools/shell.js (3082) |
[0505/213243.132:INFO:CONSOLE(7930)] "Main._createAppUI: 53.10888671875ms", source: http://localhost:8088/devtools/shell.js (7930) |
[0505/213243.176:INFO:CONSOLE(7930)] "Main._showAppUI: 43.01416015625ms", source: http://localhost:8088/devtools/shell.js (7930) |
[0505/213243.374:INFO:CONSOLE(7930)] "Main._initializeTarget: 93.994873046875ms", source: http://localhost:8088/devtools/shell.js (7930) |
[0505/213243.537:INFO:CONSOLE(7930)] "Main._lateInitialization: 1.024169921875ms", source: http://localhost:8088/devtools/shell.js (7930) |
[0505/213247.268:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0505/213252.270:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0505/213257.273:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
[0505/213302.276:WARNING:dns_config_service_win.cc(669)] Failed to read DnsConfig. |
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