CompilerIf Defined(INCLUDE_COMATE, #PB_Constant)=0 #INCLUDE_COMATE=1 ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;***COMate*** COM automation through iDispatch. ;*=========== ;* ;*COMatePLUS. Version 1.2 released 09th July 2010. ;* ;*©nxSoftWare ( 2009. ;*====================================== ;* With thanks to ts-soft, kiffi, mk-soft. ;* The EventSink code is based on that produced by Freak : ;* Created with Purebasic 4.3 for Windows. ;* ;* Platforms: Windows. ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;*NOTES. ; i) This code has arisen from my study of COM automation; the mechanism through which applications can ; connect to COM servers through what is termed 'late binding'. ; ; ii) At present this can only be used for servers on the local machine. ; iii) This code is based upon the DispHelper sourcecode : ; ; iv) Define the constant #COMATE_NOINCLUDEATL = 1 before including this source to remove all ActiveX code from this library. ; Useful for NT in which the ATL library may not be present. ; ; v) Define the constant #COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING = 1 before including this source to remove all error reporting. Might be useful if ; looking to squeeze a little more speed out of your code! ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// XIncludeFile "COMatePLUS_Residents.pbi" ;-IMPORTS. CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOINCLUDEATL, #PB_Constant)=0 Import "atl.lib" AtlAxCreateControl(lpszName,hWnd.i,*pStream.IStream,*ppUnkContainer.IUnknown) AtlAxGetControl(hWnd.i,*pp.IUnknown) AtlAxGetHost(hWnd, *pp.IUnknown) AtlAxWinInit() EndImport CompilerEndIf ;-PROTOTYPES. ;The following prototype caters for Ansi / Unicode when creating BSTR's. Prototype.i COMate_ProtoMakeBSTR(value.p-unicode) ;The following is for any automation servers opting to defer filling in EXCEPINFO2 structures in the case of a dispinterface ;function yielding an error etc. In these cases a callback is provided by the server which we call manually. Prototype.i COMate_ProtoDeferredFillIn(*EXCEPINFO2) ;The following prototypes allow for various return types from event handlers. Prototype COMate_EventCallback_NORETURN(COMateObject.COMateObject, EventName$, ParameterCount) Prototype.q COMate_EventCallback_INTEGERRETURN(COMateObject.COMateObject, EventName$, ParameterCount) Prototype.d COMate_EventCallback_REALRETURN(COMateObject.COMateObject, EventName$, ParameterCount) Prototype.s COMate_EventCallback_STRINGRETURN(COMateObject.COMateObject, EventName$, ParameterCount) Prototype COMate_EventCallback_UNKNOWNRETURN(COMateObject.COMateObject, EventName$, ParameterCount, *returnValue.VARIANT) ;-CONSTANTS (private) #COMate_MAXNUMSUBOBJECTS = 20 ;Used for nested object calls; e.g. "Cells(1, 2)\Value = 'COMate'" #COMate_MAXNUMSYMBOLSINALINE = 200 #COMate_MAXNUMVARIANTARGS = 20 ;The max number of arguments which can be passed to a single COM method. Enumeration #CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER = 1 #CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER = 2 #CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER = 4 #CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER = 16 #CLSCTX_FROM_DEFAULT_CONTEXT = $20000 #CLSCTX_SERVER = (#CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER | #CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER | #CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER) EndEnumeration Enumeration ;Used when parsing command strings and setting up the variant array. #COMate_Operator #COMate_Operand #COMate_OpenParanthesis #COMate_CloseParanthesis #COMate_Method EndEnumeration #DISPID_PROPERTYPUT = -3 ;The iDisp value for property put calls to iDispatch\Invoke() which require a single named parameter. #DISPID_NEWENUM = -4 ;The iDisp value for propertyget calls in which a new enumeration is being requested. #CONNECT_E_ADVISELIMIT = -2147220991 ;-STRUCTURES. ;The following structure contains the class template and private properties for the main COMateObject. Structure _membersCOMateClass *vTable iDisp.iDispatch containerID.i hWnd.i *eventSink._COMateEventSink EndStructure ;The following structure contains the class template and private properties for the COMateEnumObject. Structure _membersCOMateEnumClass *vTable *parent._membersCOMateClass ;Points to the COMate Object which is hosting this enumeration. Used for error reporting. iEV.IEnumVARIANT EndStructure ;The following structure is used in thread local storage to store info on the latest error recorded by an object within the current thread. Structure _COMateThreadErrors lastErrorCode.i lastError$ EndStructure ;The following structure holds a COMatePLUS 'statement' object representing a compiled command string. ;A statement handle is simply a pointer to one of these structures. Structure _COMatePLUSStatement numSubObjects.i methodName.i[#COMate_MAXNUMSUBOBJECTS+1] ;1-based indexing. BSTRs. numArgs.i[#COMate_MAXNUMSUBOBJECTS+1] ;1-based indexing. ptrVarArgs.i[#COMate_MAXNUMSUBOBJECTS+1] ;1-based indexing. EndStructure ;The following structure is used in an array when parsing method parameters etc. Structure _COMateParse numberOfTokens.i numOpenBrackets.i numCloseBrackets.i tokens$[#COMate_MAXNUMSYMBOLSINALINE] EndStructure ;The following structure is used in the iDispatch\Invoke() method call to receive detailed errors. CompilerIf Defined(EXCEPINFO2, #PB_Structure) = 0 CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x64 Structure EXCEPINFO2 wCode.w wReserved.w pad.b[4] ; Only on x64 bstrSource.i ;BSTR bstrDescription.i bstrHelpFile.i dwHelpContext.l pvReserved.i pfnDeferredFillIn.COMate_ProtoDeferredFillIn scode.l pad2.b[4] ; Only on x64 EndStructure CompilerElse Structure EXCEPINFO2 wCode.w wReserved.w bstrSource.i ;BSTR bstrDescription.i bstrHelpFile.i dwHelpContext.l pvReserved.i pfnDeferredFillIn.COMate_ProtoDeferredFillIn scode.l EndStructure CompilerEndIf CompilerEndIf ;The following structure is used when connecting an outgoing interface (sink) to a COM object's connection point. Structure _COMateEventSink *Vtbl refCount.i cookie.i connIID.IID typeInfo.ITypeInfo Callback.COMate_EventCallback_NORETURN returnType.i *dispParams.DISPPARAMS *parent._membersCOMateClass ;A pointer back to the parent COMate object so that we can pass this to the event procedure. EndStructure ;-MACROS ;The following two macros are used to test for success or failure when calling com methods. ;They are pretty superfluous really but do aid readability. Macro SUCCEEDED(HRESULT) HRESULT & $80000000 = 0 EndMacro Macro FAILED(HRESULT) HRESULT & $80000000 EndMacro ;-DECLARES. Declare.i COMate_INTERNAL_CheckNumeric(arg$, *var.VARIANT) Declare COMate_INTERNAL_EscapeString(ptrText) Declare.i COMateClass_INTERNAL_InvokePlus(*this._membersCOMateClass, invokeType, returnType, *ret.VARIANT, command$, *hStatement._COMatePLUSStatement) Declare COMate_INTERNAL_FreeStatementHandle(*hStatement._COMatePLUSStatement) Declare.i COMate_INTERNAL_PrepareStatement(command$, *ptrStatement.INTEGER) Declare.i COMatePLUS_TokeniseCommand(command$, separator$, Array parse._COMateParse(1)) Declare.i COMatePLUS_CompileSubobjectInvokation(*hStatement._COMatePLUSStatement, subObjectIndex, Array parse._COMateParse(1)) Declare COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this._membersCOMateClass, result, blnAllowDispError = 0, dispError$="") Declare.i COMateClass_UTILITY_MakeBSTR(value) Declare.i COMateClass_GetObjectProperty(*this._membersCOMateClass, command$, *hStatement=0, objectType = #VT_DISPATCH) CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOINCLUDEATL, #PB_Constant)=0 Declare.i COMate_DelSinkPropsCallback(hWnd, lpszString, hData,dwData) CompilerEndIf ;-GLOBALS. Global COMate_MakeBSTR.COMate_ProtoMakeBSTR = @COMateClass_UTILITY_MakeBSTR() ;Prototype. Global COMate_gErrorTLS.i ;A TLS index used to store per-thread error info. Global COMate_gNumObjects.i ;Used to manage the error-TLS index. Global COMate_gPtrThreadArray.i ;A pointer to an array of pointers to _COMateThreadErrors structures. Global COMate_gNumThreadElements.i Global COMate_gAtlAXIsInit.i ;-======================= ;-COMate OBJECT CODE. ;-======================= ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;The following function creates a new instance of a COMate object which itself contains a COM object (iDispatch). ;Change the optional parameter blnInitCOM to #False if COM has already been initialised. ;Returns the new COMate object or zero if an error. Procedure.i COMate_CreateObject(progID$, hWnd = 0, blnInitCOM = #True) Protected *this._membersCOMateClass, clsid.CLSID, hResult, cf.IClassFactory, progID, container.iUnknown, iDisp If blnInitCOM CoInitialize_(0) EndIf If progID$ progID = COMate_MakeBSTR(progID$) If progID *this = AllocateMemory(SizeOf(_membersCOMateClass)) If *this *this\vTable = ?VTable_COMateClass If hWnd = 0 ;No ActiveX control to house. ;Get classID from the registry. If Left(progID$, 1) = "{" hResult = CLSIDFromString_(progID, @clsid) If SUCCEEDED(hResult) hResult = ProgIDFromCLSID_(clsid, @iDisp) If SUCCEEDED(hResult) And iDIsp SysFreeString_(iDisp) EndIf EndIf Else hResult = CLSIDFromProgID_(progID, @clsid); EndIf If SUCCEEDED(hResult) hResult = CoGetClassObject_(clsid, #CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER|#CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, 0, ?IID_IClassFactory, @cf) If SUCCEEDED(hResult) hResult = cf\CreateInstance(0, ?IID_IDispatch, @*this\iDisp) If FAILED(hResult) hResult = cf\CreateInstance(0, ?IID_IUnknown, @container) If SUCCEEDED(hResult) hResult = container\QueryInterface(?IID_IDispatch, @*this\iDisp) container\Release() EndIf EndIf If FAILED(hResult) FreeMemory(*this) *this = 0 Else; Success. COMate_gNumObjects+1 EndIf Else FreeMemory(*this) *this = 0 EndIf If cf cf\Release() EndIf Else FreeMemory(*this) *this = 0 EndIf CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOINCLUDEATL, #PB_Constant)=0 Else ;An ActiveX control requires housing. ;Get classID from the registry. This is a simple check to ensure the control is registered. Otherwise ATL will embed a browser in our container. If Left(progID$, 1) = "{" hResult = CLSIDFromString_(progID, @clsid) If SUCCEEDED(hResult) hResult = ProgIDFromCLSID_(clsid, @iDisp) If SUCCEEDED(hResult) And iDIsp SysFreeString_(iDisp) EndIf EndIf Else hResult = CLSIDFromProgID_(progID, @clsid); EndIf If SUCCEEDED(hResult) If COMate_gAtlAXIsInit = #False If AtlAxWinInit() COMate_gAtlAXIsInit = #True Else hresult = #E_FAIL FreeMemory(*this) *this = 0 EndIf EndIf If COMate_gAtlAXIsInit hResult = AtlAxCreateControl(ProgId, hWnd, 0, 0) If SUCCEEDED(hResult) hResult = AtlAxGetControl(hWnd, @*this\iDisp) If SUCCEEDED(hResult) hresult = *this\iDisp\QueryInterface(?IID_IDispatch, @iDisp) *this\iDisp\Release() If SUCCEEDED(hresult) *this\hWnd = hWnd *this\iDisp = iDisp COMate_gNumObjects+1 Else FreeMemory(*this) *this = 0 EndIf Else FreeMemory(*this) *this = 0 EndIf Else FreeMemory(*this) *this = 0 EndIf EndIf Else FreeMemory(*this) *this = 0 EndIf CompilerEndIf EndIf Else hresult = #E_OUTOFMEMORY EndIf SysFreeString_(progID) Else hresult = #E_OUTOFMEMORY EndIf Else hresult = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, hResult) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn *this EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;The following function is used either to load an instance of a com object from a file (or based upon the filename given), or to ;create a new instance of a currently active object. ;If file$ is empty, the function attempts to create a new COMate object containing a new instance of a currently active object ;(the existing COM object's reference count is increased). ;If file$ is not empty, progID$ is used to specify the class of the object in cases where the file contains multiple objects. ;(This mimicks VB's GetObject() function.) ;Returns the new COMate object or zero if an error. Procedure.i COMate_GetObject(file$, progID$="", blnInitCOM = #True) Protected *this._membersCOMateClass, hResult = #E_OUTOFMEMORY, iPersist.IPERSISTFILE, clsid.CLSID, cf.IClassFactory, iUnknown.IUNKNOWN Protected bstr1, t1 If blnInitCOM CoInitialize_(0) EndIf If file$ Or progID$ *this = AllocateMemory(SizeOf(_membersCOMateClass)) If *this *this\vTable = ?VTable_COMateClass If file$ If progID$ = "" ;Here we attempt to create an object based upon the filename only. bstr1 = COMate_MakeBSTR(file$) If bstr1 ;If an error then hResult already equals #E_OUTOFMEMORY! hResult = CoGetObject_(bstr1, 0, ?IID_IDispatch, @*this\iDisp) SysFreeString_(bstr1) EndIf Else ;Here we attempt to create an object based upon the filename and the progID. bstr1 = COMate_MakeBSTR(progID$) If bstr1 hResult = CLSIDFromProgID_(bstr1, @clsid) If SUCCEEDED(hResult) hResult = CoGetClassObject_(clsid, #CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER|#CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, 0, ?IID_IClassFactory, @cf) If SUCCEEDED(hResult) hResult = cf\CreateInstance(0, ?IID_IPersistFile, @iPersist) If SUCCEEDED(hResult) hResult = iPersist\Load(file$, 0) If SUCCEEDED(hResult) hResult = iPersist\QueryInterface(?IID_IDispatch, @*this\iDisp) EndIf EndIf If iPersist iPersist\Release() EndIf EndIf If cf cf\Release() EndIf EndIf EndIf If bstr1 SysFreeString_(bstr1) EndIf EndIf Else ;Here we attempt to create a new COMate object containing a new instance of a currently active object. bstr1 = COMate_MakeBSTR(progID$) If bstr1 If Left(progID$, 1) = "{" hResult = CLSIDFromString_(bstr1, @clsid) If SUCCEEDED(hResult) hResult = ProgIDFromCLSID_(clsid, @t1) If SUCCEEDED(hResult) And t1 SysFreeString_(t1) EndIf EndIf Else hResult = CLSIDFromProgID_(bstr1, @clsid); EndIf If SUCCEEDED(hResult) hResult = GetActiveObject_(clsid, 0, @iUnknown) If SUCCEEDED(hResult) hResult = iUnknown\QueryInterface(?IID_IDispatch, @*this\iDisp) EndIf If iUnknown iUnknown\Release() EndIf EndIf SysFreeString_(bstr1) EndIf EndIf EndIf Else hResult = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf If SUCCEEDED(hResult) COMate_gNumObjects+1 ElseIf *this FreeMemory(*this) *this = 0 EndIf CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, hResult) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn *this EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;The following function creates a new instance of a COMate object from an object supplied directly from the user. ;This object is in the form of a iUnknown pointer to which we use QueryInterface() in an attempt to locate an iDispatch pointer. ;Useful for event procedures attached to ActiveX controls in which some parameters may be a 'raw' COM object. This function can be used to package that ;object up into the form of a COMate object. ;Returns the new COMate object or zero if an error. Procedure.i COMate_WrapCOMObject(object.iUnknown) Protected *this._membersCOMateClass, hResult, iDisp.iUnknown If object hresult = object\QueryInterface(?IID_IDispatch, @iDisp) If SUCCEEDED(hresult) *this = AllocateMemory(SizeOf(_membersCOMateClass)) If *this *this\vTable = ?VTable_COMateClass *this\iDisp = iDisp COMate_gNumObjects+1 Else hresult = #E_OUTOFMEMORY iDisp\Release() EndIf EndIf Else hresult = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, hResult) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn *this EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;The following function creates a new instance of a COMate object which itself contains a COM object (iDispatch) representing an ;ActiveX server. The underlying ActiveX control is placed within a container gadget. ;Change the optional parameter blnInitCOM to #False if COM has already been initialised. ;Returns the new COMate object or zero if an error. Procedure.i COMate_CreateActiveXControl(x, y, width, height, progID$, blnInitCOM = #True) Protected *this._membersCOMateClass, hResult, id, hWnd, iDisp CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOINCLUDEATL, #PB_Constant)=0 If progID$ id = ContainerGadget(#PB_Any, x, y, width, height) CloseGadgetList() If id hWnd = GadgetID(id) *this = COMate_CreateObject(progID$, hWnd, blnInitCOM) ;This procedure will set any HRESULT codes. If *this SetWindowLong_(hWnd, #GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong_(hWnd, #GWL_STYLE)|#WS_CLIPCHILDREN) *this\containerID = ID *this\hWnd = hWnd Else ;Cannot locate an iDispatch interface. FreeGadget(id) EndIf ProcedureReturn *this Else hResult = #E_OUTOFMEMORY EndIf Else hresult = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, hResult) CompilerEndIf CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn 0 EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;-COMate CLASS METHODS. ;---------------------------------------------- ;================================================================================= ;The following method calls a dispinterface method where no return value is required. ;Returns a HRESULT value. #S_OK for no errors. Procedure.i COMateClass_Invoke(*this._membersCOMateClass, command$, *hStatement=0) Protected result.i = #S_OK If command$ Or *hStatement result = COMateClass_INTERNAL_InvokePlus(*this, #DISPATCH_METHOD, #VT_EMPTY, 0, command$, *hStatement) Else result = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf ;Set any error code. iDispatch errors will already have been set. If result = -1 result = #S_FALSE Else CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result) CompilerEndIf EndIf ProcedureReturn result EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following method releases a com object created by any of the functions which return object pointers. ;Any sink interface connected to the underlying COM object will automatically be disconnected, resulting in the ;Release() method being called and able to tidy up. Procedure COMateClass_Release(*this._membersCOMateClass) Protected *error._COMateThreadErrors, i.i, sink.IDispatch If *this\iDisp ;Just in case. ;Release underlying iDispatch object. *this\iDisp\Release() EndIf If *this\containerID ;OCX controls. FreeGadget(*this\containerID) ;We have to assume that the container will call the release() method on the connection point. ; ElseIf *this\eventSink ; sink = *this\eventSink ; sink\Release() EndIf COMate_gNumObjects-1 If COMate_gNumObjects = 0 ;Here, in the anticipation that no more objects will be created, we release all memory associated with the TLS index. ;We recreate all this later on if required. If COMate_gErrorTLS <> -1 For i = 0 To COMate_gNumThreadElements-1 *error = PeekI(COMate_gPtrThreadArray + i*SizeOf(i)) If *error ;Just in case! ClearStructure(*error, _COMateThreadErrors) FreeMemory(*error) EndIf Next FreeMemory(COMate_gPtrThreadArray) COMate_gPtrThreadArray = 0 COMate_gNumThreadElements = 0 TlsFree_(COMate_gErrorTLS) COMate_gErrorTLS = -1 EndIf EndIf ;Free object. FreeMemory(*this) EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following method creates a new instance of a COMateEnum object based upon an enumeration applied to the underlying COMate object. ;Returns the new COMateEnum object or zero if an error. Procedure.i COMateClass_CreateEnumeration(*this._membersCOMateClass, command$, *hStatement=0) Protected result.i = #S_OK, *object._membersCOMateEnumClass, *tempCOMateObject._membersCOMateClass, iDisp.IDISPATCH Protected dp.DISPPARAMS, excep.EXCEPINFO2, var.VARIANT *object = AllocateMemory(SizeOf(_membersCOMateEnumClass)) If *object *object\vTable = ?VTable_COMateEnumClass *object\parent = *this If command$ *tempCOMateObject = COMateClass_GetObjectProperty(*this, command$, *hStatement, #VT_DISPATCH) ;This will set any error codes etc. If *tempCOMateObject iDisp = *tempCOMateObject\iDisp Else FreeMemory(*object) ProcedureReturn 0 ;Error codes already set. EndIf Else iDisp = *this\iDisp EndIf result = iDisp\Invoke(#DISPID_NEWENUM, ?IID_NULL, #LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, #DISPATCH_METHOD | #DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, dp, var, excep, 0) If command$ COMateClass_Release(*tempCOMateObject) EndIf If SUCCEEDED(result) Select var\vt Case #VT_DISPATCH result = var\pdispVal\QueryInterface(?IID_IEnumVARIANT, @*object\iEV) Case#VT_UNKNOWN result = var\punkVal\QueryInterface(?IID_IEnumVARIANT, @*object\iEV) Default result = #E_NOINTERFACE; EndSelect If FAILED(result) FreeMemory(*object) *object = 0 EndIf Else If result = #DISP_E_EXCEPTION ;Has the automation server deferred from filling in the EXCEPINFO2 structure? If excep\pfnDeferredFillIn excep\pfnDeferredFillIn(excep) EndIf If excep\bstrSource SysFreeString_(excep\bstrSource) EndIf If excep\bstrDescription CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result, #True, PeekS(excep\bstrDescription, -1, #PB_Unicode)) CompilerEndIf SysFreeString_(excep\bstrDescription) Else CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result, #True) CompilerEndIf EndIf If excep\bstrHelpFile SysFreeString_(excep\bstrHelpFile) EndIf EndIf FreeMemory(*object) *object = 0 EndIf VariantClear_(var) Else result = #E_OUTOFMEMORY EndIf ;Set any error code. CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn *object EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;Returns the COMate object's underlying iDispatch object pointer. ;AddRef() is called on this object and so the developer must call Release() at some point. Procedure.i COMateClass_GetCOMObject(*this._membersCOMateClass) Protected result.i = #S_OK, id.i *this\iDisp\AddRef() CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, #S_OK) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn *this\iDisp EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following method returns, in the case of an ActiveX control, either the handle of the container used to house the control ;or the Purebasic gadget#. Returning the gadget# is only viable if using COMate as a source code include (or a Tailbitten library!) Procedure.i COMateClass_GetContainerhWnd(*this._membersCOMateClass, returnCtrlID=0) Protected result.i = #S_OK, id.i CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOINCLUDEATL, #PB_Constant)=0 If *this\hWnd id = *this\containerID If returnCtrlID = 0 id = *this\hWnd EndIf Else result = #E_FAIL EndIf CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn id CompilerEndIf EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following method attempts to set (or clear) the design time mode of the container. Procedure.i COMateClass_SetDesignTimeMode(*this._membersCOMateClass, state=#True) Protected result.i = #S_OK, id, iUnk.IUnknown, iDisp.IDispatch, comate.COMateObject CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOINCLUDEATL, #PB_Constant)=0 If *this\containerID id = *this\containerID result = AtlAxGetHost(GadgetID(*this\containerID), @iUnk) If iUnk result = iUnk\QueryInterface(?IID_IAxWinAmbientDispatch, @iDisp) If iDisp comate = COMate_WrapCOMObject(iDisp) If comate If state result = comate\SetProperty("UserMode = #False") Else result = comate\SetProperty("UserMode = #True") EndIf comate\Release() Else result = COMate_GetLastErrorCode() EndIf iDisp\Release() iUnk\Release() ProcedureReturn result EndIf iUnk\Release() EndIf Else result = #E_FAIL EndIf CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result) CompilerEndIf CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn result EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following method calls a dispinterface function and returns a PB (system) date value. ;Any HRESULT return value is accessible through the GetLastErrorCode() method. Procedure.i COMateClass_GetDateProperty(*this._membersCOMateClass, command$, *hStatement=0) Protected result.i = #S_OK, retVar.VARIANT, retValue If command$ Or *hStatement result = COMateClass_INTERNAL_InvokePlus(*this, #DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET|#DISPATCH_METHOD, #VT_DATE, retVar, command$, *hStatement) If SUCCEEDED(result) retValue = (retVar\date - 25569) * 86400 EndIf VariantClear_(retVar) Else result = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf ;Set any error code. iDispatch errors will alreay have been set. CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn retValue EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following method calls a dispinterface function and returns an integer value. ;Any HRESULT return value is accessible through the GetLastErrorCode() method. Procedure.q COMateClass_GetIntegerProperty(*this._membersCOMateClass, command$, *hStatement=0) Protected result.i = #S_OK, retVar.VARIANT, retValue.q If command$ Or *hStatement If OSVersion() <= #PB_OS_Windows_2000 result = COMateClass_INTERNAL_InvokePlus(*this, #DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET|#DISPATCH_METHOD, #VT_I4, retVar, command$, *hStatement) Else result = COMateClass_INTERNAL_InvokePlus(*this, #DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET|#DISPATCH_METHOD, #VT_I8, retVar, command$, *hStatement) EndIf If SUCCEEDED(result) If OSVersion() <= #PB_OS_Windows_2000 retValue = retVar\lval Else retValue = retVar\llval EndIf EndIf VariantClear_(retVar) Else result = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf ;Set any error code. iDispatch errors will alreay have been set. CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn retValue EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;Returns a COMate object or an iUnknown interface pointer depending on the value of the 'objectType' parameter. ;For 'regular' objects based upon iDispatch, leave the optional parameter 'objectType' as it is. ;Otherwise, for unknown object types set objectType to equal #COMate_UnknownObjectType. In these cases, this method will return the ;interface pointer directly (as opposed to a COMate object). ;In either case the object should be released as soon as it is no longer required. ;Any HRESULT return value is accessible through the GetLastErrorCode() method. Procedure.i COMateClass_GetObjectProperty(*this._membersCOMateClass, command$, *hStatement=0, objectType = #VT_DISPATCH) Protected result.i = #S_OK, retVar.VARIANT, *newObject._membersCOMateClass If command$ Or *hStatement If objectType <> #VT_DISPATCH objectType = #VT_UNKNOWN EndIf result = COMateClass_INTERNAL_InvokePlus(*this, #DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET|#DISPATCH_METHOD, objectType, retVar, command$, *hStatement) If SUCCEEDED(result) If objectType = #VT_DISPATCH If retVar\pdispVal ;We now create a COMate object to house this instance variable. *newObject = AllocateMemory(SizeOf(_membersCOMateClass)) If *newObject *newObject\vTable = ?VTable_COMateClass *newObject\iDisp = retVar\pdispVal COMate_gNumObjects+1 Else VariantClear_(retVar) ;This will call the Release() method of the COM object. result = #E_OUTOFMEMORY EndIf Else VariantClear_(retVar) ;In this case we set an error with extra info. CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, #S_FALSE, 0, "The property returned a NULL object!") CompilerEndIf result = -1 EndIf Else *newObject = retVar\punkVal EndIf Else VariantClear_(retVar) EndIf Else result = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf ;Set any error code. iDispatch errors will alreay have been set. If result <> -1 CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result) CompilerEndIf EndIf ProcedureReturn *newObject EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following method calls a dispinterface function and returns a double value. ;Any HRESULT return value is accessible through the GetLastErrorCode() method. Procedure.d COMateClass_GetRealProperty(*this._membersCOMateClass, command$, *hStatement=0) Protected result.i = #S_OK, retVar.VARIANT, retValue.d If command$ Or *hStatement result = COMateClass_INTERNAL_InvokePlus(*this, #DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET|#DISPATCH_METHOD, #VT_R8, retVar, command$, *hStatement) If SUCCEEDED(result) retValue = retVar\dblval EndIf VariantClear_(retVar) Else result = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf ;Set any error code. iDispatch errors will alreay have been set. CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn retValue EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following method calls a dispinterface function and returns a string value. ;Any HRESULT return value is accessible through the GetLastErrorCode() method. Procedure.s COMateClass_GetStringProperty(*this._membersCOMateClass, command$, *hStatement=0) Protected result.i = #S_OK, retVar.VARIANT, result$ If command$ Or *hStatement result = COMateClass_INTERNAL_InvokePlus(*this, #DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET|#DISPATCH_METHOD, #VT_BSTR, retVar, command$, *hStatement) If SUCCEEDED(result) And retVar\bstrVal result$ = PeekS(retVar\bstrVal, -1, #PB_Unicode) EndIf VariantClear_(retVar) Else result = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf ;Set any error code. iDispatch errors will alreay have been set. CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn result$ EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following method calls a dispinterface function and, if there are no errors, returns a pointer to a new variant which must be ;'freed' by the user with VariantClear_() etc. ;Any HRESULT return value is accessible through the GetLastErrorCode() method. Procedure.i COMateClass_GetVariantProperty(*this._membersCOMateClass, command$, *hStatement=0) Protected result.i = #S_OK, *retVar.VARIANT If command$ Or *hStatement ;Allocate memory for a new variant. *retVar = AllocateMemory(SizeOf(VARIANT)) If *retVar result = COMateClass_INTERNAL_InvokePlus(*this, #DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET|#DISPATCH_METHOD, #VT_EMPTY, *retVar, command$, *hStatement) If FAILED(result) FreeMemory(*retVar) *retVar = 0 EndIf Else result = #E_OUTOFMEMORY EndIf Else result = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf ;Set any error code. iDispatch errors will alreay have been set. CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn *retVar EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following method calls a dispinterface method where no return value is required. ;Returns a HRESULT value. #S_OK for no errors. ;Errors reported by the methods called by the user will be reported elsewhere (eventually!) Procedure.i COMateClass_SetProperty(*this._membersCOMateClass, command$, *hStatement=0) Protected result.i = #S_OK If command$ Or *hStatement result = COMateClass_INTERNAL_InvokePlus(*this, #DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, #VT_EMPTY, 0, command$, *hStatement) Else result = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf ;Set any error code. iDispatch errors will alreay have been set. If result = -1 result = #S_FALSE Else CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result) CompilerEndIf EndIf ProcedureReturn result EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following function calls a dispinterface method where no return value is required. ;Returns a HRESULT value. #S_OK for no errors. ;Errors reported by the methods called by the user will be reported elsewhere (eventually!) Procedure.i COMateClass_SetPropertyRef(*this._membersCOMateClass, command$, *hStatement=0) Protected result.i = #S_OK If command$ Or *hStatement result = COMateClass_INTERNAL_InvokePlus(*this, #DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF, #VT_EMPTY, 0, command$, *hStatement) Else result = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf ;Set any error code. iDispatch errors will alreay have been set. If result = -1 result = #S_FALSE Else CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result) CompilerEndIf EndIf ProcedureReturn result EndProcedure ;================================================================================= CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOINCLUDEATL, #PB_Constant)=0 ;-COMate CLASS - EVENT RELATED METHODS. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;================================================================================= ;The following method attaches an event handler from the user's program to the underlying COM object. (Code based on that written by Freak.) ;Set callback to zero to remove any existing callback. ;Returns a HRESULT value. #S_OK for no errors. Procedure.i COMateClass_SetEventHandler(*this._membersCOMateClass, eventName$, callback, returnType = #COMate_NORETURN, *riid.IID=0) Protected result.i = #S_OK Protected container.IConnectionPointContainer, enum.IEnumConnectionPoints, connection.IConnectionPoint, connIID.IID Protected dispTypeInfo.ITypeInfo, typeLib.ITypeLib, typeInfo.ITypeInfo Protected infoCount, index Protected *sink._COMateEventSink, newSink.IDispatch If eventName$ = #COMate_CatchAllEvents Or *this\hWnd If returnType < #COMate_NoReturn Or returnType > #COMate_OtherReturn returnType = #COMate_NoReturn EndIf If eventName$ = #COMate_CatchAllEvents If returnType <> #COMate_NORETURN returnType = #COMate_OtherReturn ;No sense in an explicit return value when dealing with any event! EndIf ;If their already exists a sink for this object then we just switch the main callback. If *this\eventSink And callback *this\eventSink\callback = callback *this\eventSink\returnType = returnType CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn result ;No error. ElseIf *this\eventSink = 0 And callback = 0 ;No point proceeding with this. CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn result ;No error reported. EndIf ElseIf *this\eventSink If callback And *this\hWnd SetProp_(*this\hWnd, eventName$+"_COMate", callback) SetProp_(*this\hWnd, eventName$+"_RETURN_COMate", returnType) ElseIf *this\hWnd RemoveProp_(*this\hWnd, eventName$+"_COMate") RemoveProp_(*this\hWnd, eventName$+"_RETURN_COMate") EndIf CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn result ElseIf callback = 0 ;*this\eventSink will equal 0 as well. CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn result EndIf ;Only remaining options are for wishing to remove a previously installed sink (requires #COMate_CatchAllEvents) or a completely new sink is to be installed. result = *this\iDisp\GetTypeInfoCount(@infoCount) If SUCCEEDED(result) If InfoCount = 1 result = *this\iDisp\GetTypeInfo(0, 0, @dispTypeInfo) If SUCCEEDED(result) result = dispTypeInfo\GetContainingTypeLib(@typeLib, @index) If SUCCEEDED(result) result = *this\iDisp\QueryInterface(?IID_IConnectionPointContainer, @container) If SUCCEEDED(result) If *riid.IID = 0 result = container\EnumConnectionPoints(@enum.IEnumConnectionPoints) If SUCCEEDED(result) enum\Reset() result = enum\Next(1, @connection, #Null) While result = #S_OK result = Connection\GetConnectionInterface(@connIID) If SUCCEEDED(result) ;We have a valid IID for the outgoing interface managed by this connection point. result = typeLib\GetTypeInfoOfGuid(connIID, @typeInfo) If SUCCEEDED(result) enum\Release() Goto COMateClass_SetEventHandler_L1 EndIf EndIf connection\Release() result = enum\Next(1, @connection, #Null) Wend enum\Release() EndIf Else ;The user has specified a connection point interface. result = container\FindConnectionPoint(*riid, @connection) If SUCCEEDED(result) result = Connection\GetConnectionInterface(@connIID) ;May or may not equal the IID pointed to by *riid. If SUCCEEDED(result) ;We have a valid IID for the outgoing interface managed by this connection point. result = typeLib\GetTypeInfoOfGuid(*riid, @typeInfo) If SUCCEEDED(result) COMateClass_SetEventHandler_L1: If eventName$ = #COMate_CatchAllEvents And callback = 0 ;Remove existing sink. ;The Unadvise() method will call Release() on our sink and so we leave all tidying up to this method. connection\Unadvise(*this\eventSink\cookie) TypeInfo\Release() Else ;New sink needs creating. *sink = AllocateMemory(SizeOf(_COMateEventSink)) If *sink *this\eventSink = *sink With *this\eventSink \Vtbl = ?VTable_COMateEventSink \refCount = 1 \typeInfo = typeInfo If eventName$ = #COMate_CatchAllEvents \callback = Callback \returnType = returnType ElseIf *this\hWnd SetProp_(*this\hWnd, eventName$+"_COMate", callback) SetProp_(*this\hWnd, eventName$+"_RETURN_COMate", returnType) EndIf CopyMemory(connIID, @\connIID, SizeOf(IID)) \parent = *this EndWith newSink = *sink result = connection\Advise(newSink, @*this\eventSink\cookie) ;Calls QueryInterface() on NewSink hence the subsequent Release(). ;In the case of an error this release will decrement the ref counter to zero and then tidy up! NewSink\Release() Else TypeInfo\Release() result = #E_OUTOFMEMORY EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf connection\Release() EndIf EndIf container\Release() EndIf typeLib\Release() EndIf dispTypeInfo\Release() EndIf EndIf EndIf Else result = #E_FAIL EndIf CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn result EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following method, valid only when called from a user's event procedure, retrieves the specified parameter in the form ;of a quad. Procedure.q COMateClass_GetIntegerEventParam(*this._membersCOMateClass, index) Protected result.i = #S_OK, var.VARIANT, puArgErr If *this\eventSink And *this\eventSink\dispParams If index > 0 And index <= *this\eventSink\dispParams\cArgs+*this\eventSink\dispParams\cNamedArgs result = DispGetParam_(*this\eventSink\dispParams, index-1, #VT_I8, var, @puArgErr) Else result = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf Else result = #E_FAIL EndIf CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn var\llval EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following method, valid only when called from a user's event procedure, retrieves the specified parameter in the form ;of a COM interface. It does not wrap any returned object into a COMate object. Returns zero if an error. ;The user MUST call Release() on any object returned. ;Leave objectType = #VT_DISPATCH to have an iDispatch interface returned. Any other value will result in an iUnknown interface. Procedure.i COMateClass_GetObjectEventParam(*this._membersCOMateClass, index, objectType = #VT_DISPATCH) Protected result.i = #S_OK, var.VARIANT, puArgErr If *this\eventSink And *this\eventSink\dispParams If index > 0 And index <= *this\eventSink\dispParams\cArgs+*this\eventSink\dispParams\cNamedArgs If objectType <> #VT_DISPATCH objectType = #VT_UNKNOWN EndIf result = DispGetParam_(*this\eventSink\dispParams, index-1, objectType, @var, @puArgErr) Else result = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf Else result = #E_FAIL EndIf CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn var\pDispVal EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following method, valid only when called from a user's event procedure, retrieves the specified parameter in the form ;of a double. Procedure.d COMateClass_GetRealEventParam(*this._membersCOMateClass, index) Protected result.i = #S_OK, var.VARIANT, puArgErr If *this\eventSink And *this\eventSink\dispParams If index > 0 And index <= *this\eventSink\dispParams\cArgs+*this\eventSink\dispParams\cNamedArgs result = DispGetParam_(*this\eventSink\dispParams, index-1, #VT_R8, var, @puArgErr) Else result = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf Else result = #E_FAIL EndIf CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn var\dblVal EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following method, valid only when called from a user's event procedure, retrieves the specified parameter in the form ;of a string. Procedure.s COMateClass_GetStringEventParam(*this._membersCOMateClass, index) Protected result.i = #S_OK, var.VARIANT, puArgErr, text$ If *this\eventSink And *this\eventSink\dispParams If index > 0 And index <= *this\eventSink\dispParams\cArgs+*this\eventSink\dispParams\cNamedArgs result = DispGetParam_(*this\eventSink\dispParams, index-1, #VT_BSTR, var, @puArgErr) If var\bstrVal text$ = PeekS(var\bstrVal, -1, #PB_Unicode) SysFreeString_(var\bstrVal) EndIf Else result = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf Else result = #E_FAIL EndIf CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn text$ EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following method, valid only when called from a user's event procedure, returns 0 if the specified parameter was ;not passed by reference. ;Otherwise, it returns the variant #VT_... type of the underlying parameter and it places the address of the underlying ;parameter into the *ptrParameter parameter (if non-zero). This allows the client application to alter the value of the parameter ;as appropriate. ;For even more flexibility, you can obtain a pointer to the actual variant containing the parameter as supplied by the ActiveX control. Procedure.i COMateClass_IsEventParamPassedByRef(*this._membersCOMateClass, index, *ptrParameter.INTEGER=0, *ptrVariant.INTEGER=0) Protected result.i = #S_OK, *var.VARIANT, *ptr.INTEGER, numArgs If *this\eventSink And *this\eventSink\dispParams numArgs = *this\eventSink\dispParams\cArgs+*this\eventSink\dispParams\cNamedArgs If index > 0 And index <= numArgs *var = *this\eventSink\dispParams\rgvarg + (numArgs-index)*SizeOf(VARIANT) If *var\vt&#VT_BYREF result = *var\vt&~#VT_BYREF If *ptrParameter *ptrParameter\i = *var\pllval EndIf If *ptrVariant *ptrVariant\i = *var EndIf EndIf Else CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, #E_INVALIDARG) CompilerEndIf EndIf Else CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, #E_FAIL) CompilerEndIf EndIf ProcedureReturn result EndProcedure ;================================================================================= CompilerEndIf ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;The following function is called by the COMatePLUS_CompileSubobjectInvokation() function when extracting method arguments and only when the final ;option is a numeric argument. ;Returns #True if a valid variant numeric type is found and also places the relevant value within the given variant. Procedure.i COMate_INTERNAL_CheckNumeric(arg$, *var.VARIANT) Protected result.i = #True, i, blnPoint, length, *ptr.CHARACTER Protected val.q, byte.b, word.w, long.l length = Len(arg$) *ptr = @arg$ For i = 1 To length If *ptr\c = '-' Or *ptr\c = '+' If i > 1 result = 0 Break EndIf ElseIf *ptr\c = '.' And blnPoint = #False blnPoint = #True ElseIf *ptr\c < '0' Or *ptr\c > '9' result = 0 Break EndIf *ptr+SizeOf(CHARACTER) Next If result If blnPoint ;Decimal. *var\vt = #VT_R8 *var\dblVal = ValD(arg$) Else ;Some kind of integer. val = Val(arg$) If val = 0 ;Shove this into a signed 'long'. *var\vt = #VT_I4 *var\lVal = 0 Else ;Check if the value will fit into a signed-byte or a signed-word or a signed-long or a signed-quad. byte = val If byte = val ;Signed byte. *var\vt = #VT_I1 *var\cVal = val Else word = val If word = val ;Signed word. *var\vt = #VT_I2 *var\iVal = val Else long = val If long = val ;Signed long. *var\vt = #VT_I4 *var\lVal = val Else ;Quad. *var\vt = #VT_I8 *var\llVal = val EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf ProcedureReturn result EndProcedure ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;The following function is called by the COMatePLUS_CompileSubobjectInvokation() function when extracting method arguments and only for non-empty strings. ;Quoted strings (beginning with ') can contain escaped sequences of the form $xxxx where xxxx represent a hex number. ;Together $xxxx represents a single character code; e.g. an Ascii code. E.g. $0024 would be replaced by a $ character and ;$0027 would be replaced by a ' character. ;Adjusts the string in-place. Procedure COMate_INTERNAL_EscapeString(ptrText) Protected *source.CHARACTER, *destination.CHARACTER, blnEscape, value, t1, pow, i *source.CHARACTER = ptrText *destination = *source While *source\c If *source\c = 36 ;Is this the beginning of an escape sequence? blnEscape = #True t1 = *source value = 0 pow = 4096 ;16^3. For i = 1 To 4 *source + SizeOf(CHARACTER) If *source\c = 0 ;Null terminator. Break 2 ElseIf *source\c >= '0' And *source\c <= '9' value + (*source\c-'0')*pow ElseIf *source\c >= 'A' And *source\c <= 'F' value + (*source\c-'A'+10)*pow ElseIf *source\c >= 'a' And *source\c <= 'f' value + (*source\c-'a'+10)*pow Else blnEscape = #False Break EndIf pow>>4 Next If blnEscape ;We have an escape sequence. *destination\c = value&$ff : *destination + SizeOf(CHARACTER) *source + SizeOf(CHARACTER) Else *source = t1 Goto COMate_labelEscape1 EndIf Else COMate_labelEscape1: *destination\c = *source\c *destination + SizeOf(CHARACTER) *source + SizeOf(CHARACTER) EndIf Wend *destination\c = 0 ;Null termminator. EndProcedure ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;The following function is called (possibly more than once) by the COMateClass_INTERNAL_InvokePlus as we drill down through ;subobject method calls etc. This performs the task of calling the dispinterface methods. ;Returns a HRESULT value; #S_OK for no errors. Procedure.i COMateClass_INTERNAL_InvokeiDispatch(*this._membersCOMateClass, invokeType, returnType, *ret.VARIANT, iDisp.iDispatch, subObjectIndex, *statement._COMatePLUSStatement) Protected result.i = #S_OK Protected dispID, dp.DISPPARAMS, dispIDNamed, excep.EXCEPINFO2, uiArgErr ;First task is to retrieve the dispID corresponding to the method/property. result = iDisp\GetIDsOfNames(?IID_NULL, @*statement\methodName[subObjectIndex], 1, #LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, @dispID) If SUCCEEDED(result) ;Now prepare to call the method/property. dispidNamed = #DISPID_PROPERTYPUT If *statement\numArgs[subObjectIndex] dp\rgvarg = *statement\ptrVarArgs[subObjectIndex] + (#COMate_MAXNUMVARIANTARGS - *statement\numArgs[subObjectIndex])*SizeOf(VARIANT) EndIf dp\cargs = *statement\numArgs[subObjectIndex] If invokeType & (#DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT | #DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF) dp\cNamedArgs = 1 dp\rgdispidNamedArgs = @dispidNamed EndIf ;Call the method/property. result = iDisp\Invoke(dispID, ?IID_NULL, #LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, invokeType, dp, *ret, excep, @uiArgErr) If result = #DISP_E_EXCEPTION ;Has the automation server deferred from filling in the EXCEPINFO2 structure? If excep\pfnDeferredFillIn excep\pfnDeferredFillIn(excep) EndIf If excep\bstrSource SysFreeString_(excep\bstrSource) EndIf If excep\bstrDescription CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result, #True, PeekS(excep\bstrDescription, -1, #PB_Unicode)) CompilerEndIf SysFreeString_(excep\bstrDescription) Else CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, result, #True) CompilerEndIf EndIf If excep\bstrHelpFile SysFreeString_(excep\bstrHelpFile) EndIf EndIf EndIf ProcedureReturn result EndProcedure ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;The following function is called by all methods which need to invoke a COM method through iDispatch etc. ;It drills down through all the sub-objects of a method call as appropriate. ;Returns a HRESULT value; #S_OK for no errors. Procedure.i COMateClass_INTERNAL_InvokePlus(*this._membersCOMateClass, invokeType, returnType, *ret.VARIANT, command$, *hStatement._COMatePLUSStatement) Protected result.i = #S_OK, *statement._COMatePLUSStatement, subObjectIndex Protected iDisp.iDispatch, var.VARIANT ;First job is to prepare a statement if one has not been provided by the developer. If *hStatement *statement = *hStatement Else result = COMate_INTERNAL_PrepareStatement(command$, @*statement) EndIf If *statement VariantInit_(var) iDisp = *this\iDisp iDisp\AddRef() ;This seemingly extraneous AddRef() will be balanced (released) in the following loop or the code following the loop. For subObjectIndex = 1 To *statement\numSubObjects-1 result = COMateClass_INTERNAL_InvokeiDispatch(*this, #DISPATCH_METHOD|#DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, #VT_DISPATCH, var, iDisp, subObjectIndex, *statement) iDisp\Release() iDisp = var\pdispVal If FAILED(result) Or iDisp = 0 Break EndIf VariantInit_(var) Next If SUCCEEDED(result) If iDisp result = COMateClass_INTERNAL_InvokeiDispatch(*this, invokeType, returnType, *ret, iDisp, *statement\numSubObjects, *statement) iDisp\Release() Else ;In this case we set an error with extra info. CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this, #S_FALSE, 0, "The '" + PeekS(*statement\methodName[subObjectIndex], -1, #PB_Unicode) + "' property returned a NULL object!") CompilerEndIf result = -1 ;This will ensure that the COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError() does not reset the error. EndIf If SUCCEEDED(result) ;Sort out any return. If *ret And *ret\vt <> returnType And returnType <> #VT_EMPTY result = VariantChangeType_(*ret, *ret, 16, returnType) EndIf EndIf EndIf ;Tidy up. If *hStatement = 0 COMate_INTERNAL_FreeStatementHandle(*statement) EndIf EndIf ProcedureReturn result EndProcedure ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;iDispatch errors will already have been processed. Procedure COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this._membersCOMateClass, result, blnAllowDispError = 0, dispError$="") Protected *error._COMateThreadErrors, Array.i, winError, len, *buffer If COMate_gErrorTLS = 0 Or COMate_gErrorTLS = -1 ;Create a new TLS index to hold error information. COMate_gErrorTLS = TlsAlloc_() EndIf If COMate_gErrorTLS = -1 Or result = -1 Or (result = #DISP_E_EXCEPTION And blnAllowDispError = 0) ProcedureReturn EndIf ;Is there a TLS entry for this thread. *error = TlsGetValue_(COMate_gErrorTLS) If *error = 0 ;No existing entry. ;Attempt to allocate memory for a TLS entry for this thread. *error = AllocateMemory(SizeOf(_COMateThreadErrors)) If *error If TlsSetValue_(COMate_gErrorTLS, *error) ;Need to extend the memory if already allocated for the *COMate_gPtrThreadArray array so that the error memory can be freed later on. Array = ReAllocateMemory(COMate_gPtrThreadArray, (COMate_gNumThreadElements+1)*SizeOf(Array)) If Array COMate_gPtrThreadArray = Array PokeI(COMate_gPtrThreadArray + COMate_gNumThreadElements*SizeOf(Array), *error) COMate_gNumThreadElements+1 Else TlsSetValue_(COMate_gErrorTLS, 0) FreeMemory(*error) *error = 0 EndIf Else FreeMemory(*error) *error = 0 EndIf EndIf EndIf If *error *error\lastErrorCode = result Select result Case #S_OK *error\lastError$ = "Okay." Case #S_FALSE If dispError$ *error\lastError$ = "The operation completed, but was only partially successful. (" + dispError$ + ")" Else *error\lastError$ = "The operation completed, but was only partially successful." EndIf Case #E_FAIL *error\lastError$ = "Unspecified error." Case #E_INVALIDARG *error\lastError$ = "One or more arguments are invalid. Possibly a numerical overflow or too many nested objects, -if so, try splitting your method call into two or more subcalls." Case #E_NOINTERFACE *error\lastError$ = "Method is not implemented." Case #E_OUTOFMEMORY *error\lastError$ = "Problem allocating memory." + #CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "(Possibly too many method arguments. Each method/property is limited by COMatePLUS to a maximum of " + Str(#COMate_MAXNUMVARIANTARGS) + " arguments.)" Case #E_UNEXPECTED *error\lastError$ = "An unexpected error." Case #E_POINTER *error\lastError$ = "An invalid pointer was supplied." Case #E_NOTIMPL *error\lastError$ = "Not implemented. In the case of attaching an event handler to a COM object, this could signify that the object does not provide any type information." Case #CO_E_CLASSSTRING, #REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG *error\lastError$ = "Invalid progID/CLSID. Check your spelling of the programmatic identifier. Also check that the component / ActiveX control has been registered." Case #CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE *error\lastError$ = "Server execution failed. Usually caused by an 'out of process server' timing out when asked to create an instance of a 'class factory'." Case #DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH *error\lastError$ = "Type mismatch in the method parameters." Case #TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND *error\lastError$ = "No type description was found in the library with the specified GUID whilst trying to create an event handler." Case #CONNECT_E_ADVISELIMIT *error\lastError$ = "Unable to set event handler because the connection point has already reached its limit of connections." Case #CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION *error\lastError$ = "Class does not support aggregation (or class object is remote)." Case #DISP_E_OVERFLOW *error\lastError$ = "Overflow error whilst converting between types." Case #DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME *error\lastError$ = "Method/property not supported by this object." Case #DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT *error\lastError$ = "Invalid number of method/property parameters." Case #DISP_E_BADVARTYPE *error\lastError$ = "A method/property parameter is not a valid (variant) type." Case #DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND *error\lastError$ = "Member not found. (Check that you have not omitted any optional parameters and are not trying to set a read-only property etc.)" Case #DISP_E_NOTACOLLECTION *error\lastError$ = "Does not support a collection." Case #E_ACCESSDENIED *error\lastError$ = "A 'general' access denied error." Case #RPC_E_WRONG_THREAD *error\lastError$ = "The application called upon an interface that was marshalled for a different thread." Case #DISP_E_EXCEPTION *error\lastError$ = dispError$ If *error\lastError$ = "" *error\lastError$ = "An exception occurred during the execution of this method/property." EndIf Default ;Check for a WIN32 facility code. If *error\lastErrorCode & $7FFF0000 = $70000 winError = *error\lastErrorCode&$FFFF len = FormatMessage_(#FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER|#FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, winError, 0, @*Buffer, 0, 0) If len *error\lastError$ = "(FACILITY_WIN32 error " + Str(winError) + ") " + PeekS(*Buffer, len) LocalFree_(*Buffer) Else *error\lastError$ = "(FACILITY_WIN32 error " + Str(winError) + ") Unable to retrieve error description from system!" EndIf Else *error\lastError$ = "Unknown error. (Code : Hex " + Hex(*error\lastErrorCode, #PB_Long) + "). Please report this error code to the author at ''" EndIf EndSelect EndIf EndProcedure ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOINCLUDEATL, #PB_Constant)=0 ;-OUTGOING 'SINK' INTERFACE METHODS. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;================================================================================= ;The QueryInterface() method of our COMate sink objects. Procedure.i COMateSinkClass_QueryInterface(*this._COMateEventSink, *IID.IID, *Object.INTEGER) If CompareMemory(*IID, ?IID_IUnknown, SizeOf(IID)) Or CompareMemory(*IID, ?IID_IDispatch, SizeOf(IID)) Or CompareMemory(*IID, @*this\connIID, SizeOf(IID)) *Object\i = *this *this\refCount + 1 ProcedureReturn #S_OK Else *Object\i = 0 ProcedureReturn #E_NOINTERFACE EndIf EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The AddRef() method of our COMate sink objects. Procedure.i COMateSinkClass_AddRef(*this._COMateEventSink) *this\refCount + 1 ProcedureReturn *this\refCount EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The Release() method of our COMate sink objects. Procedure.i COMateSinkClass_Release(*this._COMateEventSink) *this\refCount - 1 If *this\refCount = 0 If *this\parent ;Release all event related window properties added to the ActiveX container. If IsWindow_(*this\parent\hWnd) EnumPropsEx_(*this\parent\hWnd, @COMate_DelSinkPropsCallback(),#Null) EndIf *this\parent\eventSink = 0 EndIf *this\typeInfo\Release() FreeMemory(*this) ProcedureReturn 0 Else ProcedureReturn *this\refCount EndIf EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The next 3 methods of the COMate sink interface are possibly not required, but ... Procedure.i COMateSinkClass_GetTypeInfoCount(*this._COMateEventSink, *pctinfo.INTEGER) *pctinfo\i = 1 ProcedureReturn #S_OK EndProcedure Procedure.i COMateSinkClass_GetTypeInfo(*this._COMateEventSink, iTInfo, lcid, *ppTInfo.INTEGER) *ppTInfo\i = *this\typeInfo *this\typeInfo\AddRef() ProcedureReturn #S_OK EndProcedure Procedure.i COMateSinkClass_GetIDsOfNames(*this._COMateEventSink, *riid, *rgszNames, *cNames, lcid, *DispID) ProcedureReturn DispGetIDsOfNames_(*this\typeInfo, *rgszNames, *cNames, *DispID) EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The Invoke() method of our COMate sink objects. ;This is where we call the user's event procedure. Procedure.i COMateSinkClass_Invoke(*this._COMateEventSink, dispid, *riid, lcid, wflags.w, *Params.DISPPARAMS, *Result.VARIANT, *pExept, *ArgErr) Protected result.i = #S_OK, bstrName.i, nameCount, tempParams, eventName$, returnType, address Protected callbackNoReturn.COMate_EventCallback_NORETURN, callbackIntegerReturn.COMate_EventCallback_INTEGERRETURN, callbackRealReturn.COMate_EventCallback_REALRETURN, callbackStringReturn.COMate_EventCallback_STRINGRETURN, callbackUnknownReturn.COMate_EventCallback_UNKNOWNRETURN Protected intRet.q, realRet.d, stringRet$ result = *this\TypeInfo\GetNames(dispid, @bstrName, 1, @nameCount) If SUCCEEDED(result) If bstrName tempParams = *this\dispParams *this\dispParams = *Params eventName$ = PeekS(bstrName, -1, #PB_Unicode) SysFreeString_(bstrName) ;Call the 'global' #COMate_CatchAllEvents handler if defined. If *this\callback If *this\returnType = #COMate_OtherReturn callbackUnknownReturn = *this\callback callbackUnknownReturn(*this\parent, eventName$, *Params\cArgs + *Params\cNamedArgs, *Result) Else *this\callback(*this\parent, eventName$, *Params\cArgs + *Params\cNamedArgs) EndIf EndIf ;Call any individual handler attached to this event. We need to take into account the return type. If *this\parent\hWnd address = GetProp_(*this\parent\hWnd, eventName$ + "_COMate") If address returnType = GetProp_(*this\parent\hWnd, eventName$ + "_RETURN_COMate") Select returnType Case #COMate_NoReturn callbackNoReturn = address callbackNoReturn(*this\parent, eventName$, *Params\cArgs + *Params\cNamedArgs) Case #COMate_IntegerReturn callbackIntegerReturn = address intRet = callbackIntegerReturn(*this\parent, eventName$, *Params\cArgs + *Params\cNamedArgs) If *Result *Result\vt = #VT_I8 *Result\llVal = intRet EndIf Case #COMate_RealReturn callbackRealReturn = address realRet = callbackRealReturn(*this\parent, eventName$, *Params\cArgs + *Params\cNamedArgs) If *Result *Result\vt = #VT_R8 *Result\dblVal = realRet EndIf Case #COMate_StringReturn callbackStringReturn = address stringRet$ = callbackStringReturn(*this\parent, eventName$, *Params\cArgs + *Params\cNamedArgs) If *Result *Result\vt = #VT_BSTR *Result\bstrVal = COMate_MakeBSTR(stringRet$) EndIf Case #COMate_OtherReturn callbackUnknownReturn = address callbackUnknownReturn(*this\parent, eventName$, *Params\cArgs + *Params\cNamedArgs, *Result) EndSelect EndIf EndIf *this\dispParams = tempParams Else result = #E_OUTOFMEMORY EndIf EndIf ProcedureReturn result EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following callback function is called by windows as a result of the EnumPropsEx_() function ;issued when an outgoing sink object is destroyed. ;We use this to delete the properties we have created. Procedure.i COMate_DelSinkPropsCallback(hWnd, lpszString, hData,dwData) Protected text$ If lpszString>>16<>0 ;Confirms that this parameter points to a string and is not merely an atom. text$ = PeekS(lpszString) If Right(PeekS(lpszString),7)="_COMate" RemoveProp_(hWnd, lpszString) EndIf EndIf ProcedureReturn 1 EndProcedure ;================================================================================= CompilerEndIf ;-STATEMENT FUNCTIONS. ;---------------------------------------------- ;================================================================================= ;The following function compiles the given command string and if successful, returns a statement handle. ;Returns zero otherwise. Procedure.i COMate_PrepareStatement(command$) Protected errorCode = #S_OK, *hStatement._COMatePLUSStatement errorCode = COMate_INTERNAL_PrepareStatement(command$, @*hStatement) ;Set any error code. CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(0, errorCode) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn *hStatement EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;Returns, if successful, a direct pointer to the appropriate variant structure. This address will not change for the life of the statement ;and thus need only be retrieved once. ;Index is 1-based. Procedure.i COMate_GetStatementParameter(*hStatement._COMatePLUSStatement, index) Protected errorCode = #E_INVALIDARG, result, i, total If index > 0 ;Track down which sub-object For i = 1 To *hStatement\numSubObjects total + *hStatement\numArgs[i] If index <= total ;Adjust the index to reflect the underlying sub-object's number of parameters. index = *hStatement\numArgs[i] - total + index ;Locate the relevant variant argument. result= *hStatement\ptrVarArgs[i] + (#COMate_MAXNUMVARIANTARGS - index)*SizeOf(VARIANT) errorCode = #S_OK Break EndIf Next EndIf ;Set any error code. CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(0, errorCode) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn result EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following function frees the specified statement. Procedure COMate_FreeStatementHandle(*hStatement._COMatePLUSStatement) COMate_INTERNAL_FreeStatementHandle(*hStatement) ;Set any error code. CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(0, #S_OK) CompilerEndIf EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;-INTERNAL FUNCTIONS. ;------------------------------------------ ;================================================================================= ;The following function frees the specified statement but does not set any error. Procedure COMate_INTERNAL_FreeStatementHandle(*hStatement._COMatePLUSStatement) Protected i, j, *varArg.VARIANT For i = 1 To *hStatement\numSubObjects ;First free any method BSTR. If *hStatement\methodName[i] SysFreeString_(*hStatement\methodName[i]) EndIf ;Now the variant array. If *hStatement\ptrVarArgs[i] *varArg = *hStatement\ptrVarArgs[i] + (#COMate_MAXNUMVARIANTARGS - 1) * SizeOf(VARIANT) For j = 1 To *hStatement\numArgs[i] VariantClear_(*varArg) *varArg - SizeOf(VARIANT) Next FreeMemory(*hStatement\ptrVarArgs[i]) EndIf Next FreeMemory(*hStatement) EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following internal function compiles the given command string and if successful, places a statement handle into the buffer ;pointed to by *ptrStatement. ;Returns a HRESULT but does NOT set any error. Procedure.i COMate_INTERNAL_PrepareStatement(command$, *ptrStatement.INTEGER) Protected errorCode = #S_OK, *hStatement._COMatePLUSStatement Protected Dim parse._COMateParse(#COMate_MAXNUMSUBOBJECTS), i, subObject If command$ ;Allocate memory for a statement handle. *hStatement = AllocateMemory(SizeOf(_COMatePLUSStatement)) If *hStatement ;Tokenise the command string. *hStatement\numSubObjects = COMatePLUS_TokeniseCommand(command$, "(),\'= ", parse()) If *hStatement\numSubObjects For subObject = 1 To *hStatement\numSubObjects ;We need to parse/compile the tokenised command corresponding to each individual sub-object. errorCode = COMatePLUS_CompileSubobjectInvokation(*hStatement, subObject, parse()) If errorCode <> #S_OK COMate_FreeStatementHandle(*hStatement) Break EndIf Next If errorCode = #S_OK *ptrStatement\i = *hStatement EndIf Else FreeMemory(*hStatement) errorCode = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf Else errorCode = #E_OUTOFMEMORY EndIf Else errorCode = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf ProcedureReturn errorCode EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;The following function tokenises the given command string. ;Submethod calls (+ associated parameters) are placed into the parse array; 1 element per subobject. ;This is very optimised by avoiding string functions as far as is possible; instead using multiple pointers etc. ;Returns zero if the line cannot be parsed else a count of the number of method calls. ;Error checking is included but is supplemented later on. Procedure.i COMatePLUS_TokeniseCommand(command$, separator$, Array parse._COMateParse(1)) Protected length, methodCount=1, numEquals, t1, i, lenSeparator Protected *command.CHARACTER, *buffer.CHARACTER, buffer, *ptrString.STRING, *ptrSeparator.CHARACTER, charPos = 1 length=Len(command$) If length buffer = AllocateMemory((length+1)*SizeOf(CHARACTER)) If buffer lenSeparator = Len(separator$) *ptrString = @buffer ;Speedy (pointer) access to the contents in the form of a string. *buffer = buffer parse(methodCount)\numberoftokens=0 *command = @command$ Repeat ;Search the separator string looking for this character. *ptrSeparator = @separator$ t1 = #False For i = 0 To lenSeparator-1 If *ptrSeparator\c = *command\c t1 = #True Break EndIf *ptrSeparator + SizeOf(CHARACTER) Next If t1 If *buffer <> buffer parse(methodCount)\tokens$[parse(methodCount)\numberoftokens]=*ptrString\s parse(methodCount)\numberoftokens+1 *buffer = buffer : *buffer\c = 0 ElseIf *command\c = 39 ;Open quote, buffer empty. *buffer\c = *command\c : *buffer + SizeOf(CHARACTER) ;Find closing quote. t1 = #False ;Boolean flag to indicate a closing quote. While charPos < length charPos + 1 *command + SizeOf(character) *buffer\c = *command\c : *buffer + SizeOf(CHARACTER) If *command\c = 39 t1 = #True *buffer\c = 0 ;Null. Break EndIf Wend If t1 = #False ;No closing quote. methodCount = 0 Break EndIf parse(methodCount)\tokens$[parse(methodCount)\numberoftokens]=*ptrString\s parse(methodCount)\numberoftokens+1 charPos+1 : *command + SizeOf(CHARACTER) *buffer = buffer : *buffer\c = 0 ElseIf *command\c <> 32 ;Buffer empty. If *command\c = 40 ;"(". parse(methodCount)\numOpenBrackets + 1 ElseIf *command\c = 41 ;")". If parse(methodCount)\numOpenBrackets parse(methodCount)\numCloseBrackets + 1 Else methodCount = 0 Break EndIf ElseIf *command\c = 61 ;"=", buffer empty. numEquals+1 ;Only allow 1 equals and then only for setting properties. If numEquals > 1 methodCount = 0 Break EndIf EndIf If *command\c = 92 ;"\". If methodCount < #COMate_MAXNUMSUBOBJECTS And parse(methodCount)\numOpenBrackets = parse(methodCount)\numCloseBrackets And parse(methodCount)\numOpenBrackets <=1 And parse(methodCount)\numberoftokens And numEquals = 0 methodCount+1 parse(methodCount)\numberoftokens=0 parse(methodCount)\numOpenBrackets = 0 parse(methodCount)\numCloseBrackets = 0 charPos+1 *command + SizeOf(CHARACTER) *buffer = buffer : *buffer\c = 0 ;Null. Else methodCount = 0 Break EndIf Else *buffer\c = *command\c : *buffer + SizeOf(CHARACTER) : *buffer\c = 0 parse(methodCount)\tokens$[parse(methodCount)\numberoftokens]=*ptrString\s parse(methodCount)\numberoftokens+1 charPos+1 *command + SizeOf(CHARACTER) *buffer = buffer : *buffer\c = 0 ;Null. EndIf Else charPos+1 *command + SizeOf(CHARACTER) *buffer = buffer : *buffer\c = 0 ;Null. EndIf ElseIf charPos = length *buffer\c = *command\c : *buffer + SizeOf(CHARACTER) *buffer\c = 0 ;Null. parse(methodCount)\tokens$[parse(methodCount)\numberoftokens]=*ptrString\s parse(methodCount)\numberoftokens+1 charPos + 1 Else *buffer\c = *command\c : *buffer + SizeOf(CHARACTER) : *buffer\c = 0 ;Null. *command+SizeOf(character) charPos + 1 EndIf Until charPos > length Or parse(methodCount)\numberOfTokens = #COMate_MAXNUMSYMBOLSINALINE FreeMemory(buffer) EndIf EndIf If methodCount And (parse(methodCount)\numOpenBrackets <> parse(methodCount)\numCloseBrackets Or parse(methodCount)\numOpenBrackets > 1 Or parse(methodCount)\numberoftokens=0) methodCount = 0 ;Error. EndIf ProcedureReturn methodCount EndProcedure ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;The following function compiles the tokenised command corresponding to a sub-object invokation within a command string. ;Returns a HRESULT. Procedure.i COMatePLUS_CompileSubobjectInvokation(*hStatement._COMatePLUSStatement, subObjectIndex, Array parse._COMateParse(1)) Protected result = #S_OK, i, *varArg.VARIANT Protected parseIndex, currentArg$, blnInsideParanthesis, lastArgType, blnByRef, t1$, vt, *cObject._membersCOMateClass, iDispatch.IDISPATCH ;Allocate memory for a variant array to hold the arguments. *hStatement\ptrVarArgs[subObjectIndex] = AllocateMemory(#COMate_MAXNUMVARIANTARGS*SizeOf(VARIANT)) If *hStatement\ptrVarArgs[subObjectIndex] ;Set *varArg to point at the last variant in the variant array which is to hold the first parameter, *varArg = *hStatement\ptrVarArgs[subObjectIndex] + (#COMate_MAXNUMVARIANTARGS - 1) * SizeOf(VARIANT) While parseIndex < parse(subObjectIndex)\numberOfTokens currentArg$ = parse(subObjectIndex)\tokens$[parseIndex] Select currentArg$ Case "(" If parseIndex<>1 result = #E_INVALIDARG Break EndIf blnInsideParanthesis = #True lastArgType = #COMate_OpenParanthesis Case ")" If lastArgType = #COMate_OpenParanthesis Or lastArgType = #COMate_Operand lastArgType = #COMate_CloseParanthesis blnInsideParanthesis = #False Else result = #E_INVALIDARG Break EndIf Case "=" If (lastArgType = #COMate_CloseParanthesis Or lastArgType = #COMate_Method) lastArgType = #COMate_Operator Else result = #E_INVALIDARG Break EndIf Case "," If blnInsideParanthesis And lastArgType = #COMate_Operand lastArgType = #COMate_Operator Else result = #E_INVALIDARG Break EndIf Default ;Method or the beginning of an operand. If parseIndex = 0 lastArgType = #COMate_Method *hStatement\methodName[subObjectIndex] = COMate_MakeBSTR(currentArg$) If *hStatement\methodName[subObjectIndex] = 0 result = #E_OUTOFMEMORY Break EndIf ElseIf (lastArgType = #COMate_OpenParanthesis) Or (lastArgType = #COMate_Operator);Cannot have 2 operands together. If *varArg < *hStatement\ptrVarArgs[subObjectIndex] result = #E_OUTOFMEMORY Break EndIf blnByRef = #False lastArgType = #COMate_Operand ;We must add the operand to the variant array. ;First task is to determine the parameter type. We first examine the operand and decide on the most likely variant format, creating ;a variant argument as appropriate. We then see if the user has supplied a 'type modifier', in which case we use VariantChangeType_() etc. *varArg\vt = #VT_BSTR ;Default. t1$ = LCase(currentArg$) If t1$ = "#nullstring" currentArg$ = "" EndIf If Left(currentArg$,1) = "'" Or currentArg$ = "";BSTR currentArg$ = Mid(currentArg$, 2, Len(currentArg$)-2) ;We parse the string looking for 'escape' sequences. If currentArg$ COMate_INTERNAL_EscapeString(@currentArg$) EndIf Else Select t1$ Case "#false" *varArg\vt = #VT_BOOL *varArg\boolVal = #VARIANT_FALSE Case "#true" *varArg\vt = #VT_BOOL *varArg\boolVal = #VARIANT_TRUE Case "#empty", "#optional", "#opt" ;Used for optional parameters. *varArg\vt = #VT_ERROR *varArg\scode = #DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND Case "#void" If SizeOf(result) = 4 *varArg\vt = #VT_I4 *varArg\lval = 0 Else *varArg\vt = #VT_I8 *varArg\llval = 0 EndIf Default ;Here we check for numeric types. If COMate_INTERNAL_CheckNumeric(currentArg$, *varArg) = 0 result = #E_INVALIDARG ;No other type of valid operand. Break EndIf EndSelect EndIf If result = #S_OK And *varArg\vt = #VT_BSTR *varArg\bstrVal = COMate_MakeBSTR(currentArg$) If *varArg\bstrVal = 0 result = #E_OUTOFMEMORY Break EndIf EndIf If parseIndex < parse(subObjectIndex)\numberOfTokens-1 And LCase(parse(subObjectIndex)\tokens$[parseIndex+1]) = "byref" blnByRef = #True parseIndex+1 EndIf ;Now check for a 'type modifier' which is signified by the presence of a 'AS ' etc. vt = *varArg\vt If parseIndex < parse(subObjectIndex)\numberOfTokens-2 And LCase(parse(subObjectIndex)\tokens$[parseIndex+1]) = "as" t1$ = LCase(parse(subObjectIndex)\tokens$[parseIndex+2]) parseIndex + 2 Select t1$ Case "boolean" : vt = #VT_BOOL Case "string", "bstr" : vt = #VT_BSTR Case "byte" : vt = #VT_I1 Case "ubyte" : vt = #VT_UI1 Case "word" : vt = #VT_I2 Case "uword" : vt = #VT_UI2 Case "long", "dword" : vt = #VT_I4 Case "ulong", "udword" : vt = #VT_UI4 Case "quad", "qword" : vt = #VT_I8 Case "uquad", "uqword" : vt = #VT_UI8 Case "integer", "int" : vt = #VT_INT Case "uinteger", "uint" : vt = #VT_UINT Case "date" : vt = #VT_DATE Case "object", "idispatch", "comateobject" : vt = #VT_DISPATCH Case "iunknown" : vt = #VT_UNKNOWN Case "float", "single" : vt = #VT_R4 Case "double" : vt = #VT_R8 Case "variant" : vt = #VT_VARIANT Default result = #E_INVALIDARG Break EndSelect EndIf If parseIndex < parse(subObjectIndex)\numberOfTokens-1 And LCase(parse(subObjectIndex)\tokens$[parseIndex+1]) = "byref" blnByRef = #True parseIndex+1 EndIf ;Now modify the underlying parameter depending on it's type and whether it is being passed by reference etc. ;Note that objects being passed by reference will NOT have their reference counts increased. If blnByRef Select *varArg\vt Case #VT_I1, #VT_I2, #VT_I4, #VT_I8 ;Only these types (which have already been processed) can hold an address. *varArg\vt = vt | #VT_BYREF Default result = #E_INVALIDARG Break EndSelect ;BYVAL. ElseIf vt = #VT_DISPATCH Select *varArg\vt Case #VT_I1, #VT_I2, #VT_I4, #VT_I8 ;Only these types (which have already been processed) can hold an address. ;Call the AddRef method manually. A corresponding Release() will ensue when we use VariantClear_() when the underlying statement is freed. If t1$ = "comateobject" *cObject = *varArg\pdispVal *varArg\pdispVal = *cObject\iDisp *cObject\iDisp\AddRef() Else iDispatch = *varArg\pdispVal iDispatch\AddRef() EndIf *varArg\vt = #VT_DISPATCH Default result = #E_INVALIDARG Break EndSelect ElseIf vt = #VT_UNKNOWN Select *varArg\vt Case #VT_I1, #VT_I2, #VT_I4, #VT_I8 ;Only these types (which have already been processed) can hold an address. ;Call the AddRef method manually. A corresponding Release() will ensue when we use VariantClear_() when the underlying statement is freed. iDispatch = *varArg\punkVal iDispatch\AddRef() *varArg\vt = #VT_UNKNOWN Default result = #E_INVALIDARG Break EndSelect ElseIf vt = #VT_VARIANT ;We physically copy the variant into the VarArray(). Select *varArg\vt Case #VT_I1, #VT_I2, #VT_I4, #VT_I8 ;Only these types (which have already been processed) can hold an address. If *varArg\llVal result = VariantCopy_(*varArg, *varArg\llVal) If FAILED(result) Break EndIf EndIf Default result = #E_INVALIDARG Break EndSelect ElseIf *varArg\vt <> vt result = VariantChangeType_(*varArg, *varArg, 16, vt) If FAILED(result) Break EndIf EndIf *hStatement\numArgs[subObjectIndex] + 1 *varArg - SizeOf(VARIANT) Else result = #E_INVALIDARG Break EndIf EndSelect parseIndex+1 Wend Else result = #E_OUTOFMEMORY EndIf ProcedureReturn result EndProcedure ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;-======================= ;-COMateEnum OBJECT CODE. ;-======================= ;-COMateEnum CLASS METHODS. ;---------------------------------------------- ;================================================================================= ;Returns the next object in the underlying enumeration in the form of a COMate object (zero if an error). ;The object should be released as soon as it is no longer required. ;Any HRESULT return value is accessible through the GetLastErrorCode() method of the parent COMate object. Procedure.i COMateEnumClass_GetNextObject(*this._membersCOMateEnumClass) Protected result.i = #S_OK, retVar.VARIANT, *newObject._membersCOMateClass result = *this\iEV\Next(1, retVar, 0) If result = #S_OK ;Alternative is #S_FALSE. If retVar\vt <> #VT_DISPATCH result = VariantChangeType_(retVar, retVar, 0, #VT_DISPATCH) EndIf If SUCCEEDED(result) ;We create a new COMate object to house the new object. *newObject = AllocateMemory(SizeOf(_membersCOMateClass)) If *newObject *newObject\vTable = ?VTable_COMateClass *newObject\iDisp = retVar\pdispVal COMate_gNumObjects+1 Else VariantClear_(retVar) result = #E_OUTOFMEMORY EndIf Else VariantClear_(retVar) EndIf EndIf ;Set any error code. iDispatch errors will alreay have been set. CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this\parent, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn *newObject EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;Returns a pointer to a new variant which represents the next variant in the underlying enumeration (zero if an error). ;The variant should be 'freed' by the user with VariantClear_() etc. ;Any HRESULT return value is accessible through the GetLastErrorCode() method of the parent COMate object. Procedure.i COMateEnumClass_GetNextVariant(*this._membersCOMateEnumClass) Protected result.i = #S_OK, *retVar.VARIANT ;Allocate memory for a new variant. *retVar = AllocateMemory(SizeOf(VARIANT)) If *retVar result = *this\iEV\Next(1, *retVar, 0) If result <> #S_OK ;Alternative is #S_FALSE. FreeMemory(*retVar) *retVar = 0 EndIf Else result = #E_OUTOFMEMORY EndIf ;Set any error code. iDispatch errors will alreay have been set. CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this\parent, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn *retVar EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following method Resets the enumeration back to the beginning. ;Returns a HRESULT value. #S_OK for no errors. Procedure.i COMateEnumClass_Reset(*this._membersCOMateEnumClass) Protected result.i If *this\iEV ;Just in case. ;Reset underlying IEnumVARIANT object. result = *this\iEV\Reset() EndIf CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(*this\parent, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn result EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following method releases a com object created by any of the functions which return object pointers. Procedure COMateEnumClass_Release(*this._membersCOMateEnumClass) If *this\iEV ;Just in case. ;Release underlying IEnumVARIANT object. *this\iEV\Release() EndIf ;Free object. FreeMemory(*this) EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;-======================= ;-COM (ActiveX) REGISTRATION FUNCTIONS. ;-======================= ;================================================================================= ;The following function allows the user to register a COM server for the duration of an application's run etc. ;Returns a HRESULT value. #S_OK for no errors. Procedure.i COMate_RegisterCOMServer(dllName$, blnInitCOM = #True) Protected result.i = #S_OK, lib.i, fn.i If blnInitCOM CoInitialize_(0) EndIf If FileSize(dllName$) > 0 lib = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, dllName$) If lib fn = GetFunction(lib, "DllRegisterServer") If fn result = CallFunctionFast(fn) Else result = #E_FAIL EndIf CloseLibrary(lib) Else result = #E_FAIL EndIf Else result = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(0, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn result EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following function allows the user to unregister a COM server after registering it with COMate_RegisterActiveXServer(). ;Returns a HRESULT value. #S_OK for no errors. Procedure.i COMate_UnRegisterCOMServer(dllName$, blnInitCOM = #True) Protected result.i = #S_OK, lib.i, fn.i If blnInitCOM CoInitialize_(0) EndIf If FileSize(dllName$) > 0 lib = OpenLibrary(#PB_Any, dllName$) If lib fn = GetFunction(lib, "DllUnregisterServer") If fn result = CallFunctionFast(fn) Else result = #E_FAIL EndIf CloseLibrary(lib) Else result = #E_FAIL EndIf Else result = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(0, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn result EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;-======================= ;-MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS. ;-======================= ;================================================================================= ;The following function searches the registry for the given textual representation of an interface IID and, if successful, copies the ;actual IID to the specified buffer. ;Returns a HRESULT. Procedure.i COMate_GetIIDFromName(name$, *iid.IID) Protected result = #E_FAIL, error, hKey1, hKey2, enumIndex, subKey, lpcbName = 256, cbData = 256, buffer Protected bstr If name$ And *iid subKey = AllocateMemory(lpcbName) If subKey buffer = AllocateMemory(cbData) If buffer If RegOpenKeyEx_(#HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "Interface", 0, #KEY_READ, @hKey1) = #ERROR_SUCCESS And hKey1 enumIndex = 0 error = RegEnumKeyEx_(hKey1, enumIndex, subKey, @lpcbName, 0, 0, 0, 0) While error = #ERROR_SUCCESS If RegOpenKeyEx_(hKey1, subKey, 0, #KEY_READ, @hKey2) = #ERROR_SUCCESS And hKey2 cbData = 256 If RegQueryValueEx_(hKey2, "", 0, 0, buffer, @cbData) = #ERROR_SUCCESS If PeekS(buffer) = name$ ;We have the correct entry. ;Attempt to create an IID from the string representation of the IID. bstr = COMate_MakeBSTR(PeekS(subKey)) If bstr result = CLSIDFromString_(bstr, *iid) SysFreeString_(bstr) Else result = #E_OUTOFMEMORY EndIf Break EndIf EndIf RegCloseKey_(hKey2) EndIf lpcbName = 256 enumIndex + 1 error = RegEnumKeyEx_(hKey1, enumIndex, subKey, @lpcbName, 0, 0, 0, 0) Wend RegCloseKey_(hKey1) EndIf FreeMemory(buffer) EndIf FreeMemory(subKey) EndIf Else result = #E_INVALIDARG EndIf CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOERRORREPORTING, #PB_Constant)=0 COMateClass_INTERNAL_SetError(0, result) CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn result EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;-======================= ;-ERROR RETRIEVAL FUNCTIONS. ;-======================= ;================================================================================= ;The following function returns the last error HRESULT code recorded by COMate against the underlying thread. ;This is completely threadsafe in that 2 threads using the same COMate object will not overwrite each other's errors. Procedure.i COMate_GetLastErrorCode() Protected *error._COMateThreadErrors If COMate_gErrorTLS And COMate_gErrorTLS <> -1 *error = TlsGetValue_(COMate_gErrorTLS) If *error ProcedureReturn *error\lastErrorCode EndIf EndIf EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;================================================================================= ;The following function returns a description of the last error recorded by COMate against the underlying thread. ;This is completely threadsafe in that 2 threads using the same COMate object will not overwrite each other's errors. Procedure.s COMate_GetLastErrorDescription() Protected *error._COMateThreadErrors If COMate_gErrorTLS And COMate_gErrorTLS <> -1 *error = TlsGetValue_(COMate_gErrorTLS) If *error ProcedureReturn *error\lastError$ EndIf EndIf EndProcedure ;================================================================================= ;-======================= ;-UTILITY FUNCTIONS. ;-======================= ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;The following function converts a string (Ascii or Unicode) to an OLE string. ;We access this through a prototype. Procedure.i COMateClass_UTILITY_MakeBSTR(value) Protected result.i result = SysAllocString_(value) ProcedureReturn result EndProcedure ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DataSection VTable_COMateClass: Data.i @COMateClass_Invoke() Data.i @COMateClass_Release() Data.i @COMateClass_CreateEnumeration() Data.i @COMateClass_GetCOMObject() Data.i @COMateClass_GetContainerhWnd() Data.i @COMateClass_SetDesignTimeMode() Data.i @COMateClass_GetDateProperty() Data.i @COMateClass_GetIntegerProperty() Data.i @COMateClass_GetObjectProperty() Data.i @COMateClass_GetRealProperty() Data.i @COMateClass_GetStringProperty() Data.i @COMateClass_GetVariantProperty() Data.i @COMateClass_SetProperty() Data.i @COMateClass_SetPropertyRef() CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOINCLUDEATL, #PB_Constant)=0 Data.i @COMateClass_SetEventHandler() Data.i @COMateClass_GetIntegerEventParam() Data.i @COMateClass_GetObjectEventParam() Data.i @COMateClass_GetRealEventParam() Data.i @COMateClass_GetStringEventParam() Data.i @COMateClass_IsEventParamPassedByRef() CompilerEndIf VTable_COMateEnumClass: Data.i @COMateEnumClass_GetNextObject() Data.i @COMateEnumClass_GetNextVariant() Data.i @COMateEnumClass_Reset() Data.i @COMateEnumClass_Release() CompilerIf Defined(COMATE_NOINCLUDEATL, #PB_Constant)=0 VTable_COMateEventSink: Data.i @COMateSinkClass_QueryInterface() Data.i @COMateSinkClass_AddRef() Data.i @COMateSinkClass_Release() Data.i @COMateSinkClass_GetTypeInfoCount() Data.i @COMateSinkClass_GetTypeInfo() Data.i @COMateSinkClass_GetIDsOfNames() Data.i @COMateSinkClass_Invoke() CompilerEndIf IID_NULL: ; {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} Data.l $00000000 Data.w $0000, $0000 Data.b $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 IID_IUnknown: ; {00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Data.l $00000000 Data.w $0000, $0000 Data.b $C0, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $46 IID_IDispatch: ; {00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Data.l $00020400 Data.w $0000, $0000 Data.b $C0, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $46 IID_IClassFactory: ; {00000001-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Data.l $00000001 Data.w $0000, $0000 Data.b $C0, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $46 IID_IPersistFile: ; {0000010B-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Data.l $0000010B Data.w $0000, $0000 Data.b $C0, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $46 IID_IEnumVARIANT: ; {00020404-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Data.l $00020404 Data.w $0000, $0000 Data.b $C0, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $46 IID_IConnectionPointContainer: ; {B196B284-BAB4-101A-B69C-00AA00341D07} Data.l $B196B284 Data.w $BAB4, $101A Data.b $B6, $9C, $00, $AA, $00, $34, $1D, $07 IID_IAxWinAmbientDispatch: ; {B6EA2051-048A-11D1-82B9-00C04FB9942E} Data.l $B6EA2051 Data.w $048A, $11D1 Data.b $82, $B9, $00, $C0, $4F, $B9, $94, $2E EndDataSection CompilerEndIf ; IDE Options = PureBasic 5.70 LTS (Windows - x86) ; ExecutableFormat = Shared dll ; CursorPosition = 70 ; FirstLine = 25 ; Folding = --------------------- ; EnableThread ; Executable = nxReportU.dll ; CompileSourceDirectory ; EnableCompileCount = 0 ; EnableBuildCount = 0 ; EnableExeConstant ; EnableUnicode